daily nebraskan friday, September 19, 1975 page 10 '7:'. ; ss i' t .' . i St 1 i 1 1 . .'vV'.., 1 '::-'' , '" Photo by Td Kirk tDon Wesley, NUPIRG president 1 A V &,.?,-wMJwtK,r;. Jl 1 rTLE AND HE S t:rO' Juarez Tequila tastes terrific, gallops into the spirit of fun, smoothly mixes or stands on its own for a tempting thirst thrill. With a wedge of lime, a sprinkle of salt, Juarez wins every time. Don't horse around. Try Juarez Teiila Silver or Cold today. Nader group hopes to represent student voice in communi ty NUPIRG members plan to make their organization the campus voice in community issues. , NUPIRG (Nebraska University Public Interest Research Group) is a student information resource group that works on non-campus community issues, according to Don Wesley, UNL president of NUPIRG. - Wesley said NUPIRG stems from a Centennial College course of last semester. The recognized student group re ceived ASUN approval in Februa?y, 1975. Since that time, NUPIRG has participated in many com munity issues, Wesley said. NUP1KU now is working on a landlord-tenant handbook which will be available to anyone needing information concerning landlord-tenant relations. Consumer complaints In addition, NUPIRG is in the process of opening a con sumer complaint center. Wesley said students will.be able to tell NUPIRG members their problems and the group will direct them to the proper service. NUPIRG is preparing, for the - upcoming legislative session. Wesley said bills the group is most interested in concern consumer issues or bills directly related to stu dents. NUPIRG is working to establish an income tax basis for state aid to education instead of the present property The 24 active NUPIRG members at UNL are working with $675 in student fees for this yar. Wesley said NUPIRG has contacted many individuals in the last two weeks, seeking additional financial support. PifiAn Arivf NUPIRG' plans a petition drive in October to obtain GET YOUR ON THE WAY TO EA II0L1E GAL1E! 0S3 Available again this year for only of post ems eons ah iu Til MMMk UillOn BOlLDlflG bifid (hue Roster, with feature stories and pictures en the game, teams and players in a larger and mere convenient format. You can't toil the players without. SO LOOK FOR FIRST DOWN - STILL THE BEST BARGAIN ON CAMPUS or Call 472-2583 for volume prices. (a publication of The Daily Nebraskan) support for use of student funds. The petition then would ha nracfn tA tn th Nil Board of Resents. Wesley said the regents can vote to use a portion of student fees for NUPIRG. 1 . , 1 NUPIRG needs about $2.50 from each student for support, but currently that amount is questionable. "We have to wait and see what student support there is for NUPIRG," Wesley said. ' Wesley said if students don't want to pay into the NUPIRG fund, they wouldn't have to. It would be a volun tary contribution, similar to PACE, Program for Active Commitment to Education, which students can choose to support by paying an additional amount of money to their ) tution statements. . Parent organization PIRG, parent organization of NUPIRG, is a Ralph Nader creation. Wesley said the first PIRG was financed by money Nader won in a court case involving General Motors. Cur rently PIRG extension groups are located in 25 states and work for change within the political system, Wesley said. Most PIRG extension groups have a budget to work from and many are financed by student funds, Wesley said. He said NUPIRG can be successful if enough students are interested. An example, Wesley said, is that NUPIRG helped organize an energy project to inform Lincoln Electric System (LES) and the Lincoln City Council of alternative energy conservation proposals. Other states - ', . The NUPIRG group presented to LES and the council, research it had conducted concerning other states' energy conservation plans, Wesley said. Wesley said both LES and the council expressed what he called a positive attitude toward the information NUPIRG presented. ' "They weren't aware that students were that interested in community issues," Wesley said. Students interested in the NUPIRG program should visit . room 336 in the Nebraska Union, between 9 a,m. and 4 p.m. Munch, Crunch and Lunch Bifcra cr darbg the gir.9. For $5.75 you can feed yourself and three of your friends with 10 pieces of chicken-original or crispy-2 salads of your choice, 6 rolls, qt. ot repsi, psatas a servings, aii for $5.75 at VT.Wj Kraft's Campus - 17th and Vine 435-9253 48 Hr. Photo Finishing Service o Tires : Repairs o Service o Gas iff Month IS t a Mntri ei til n in m iy ri r i s i.j tx 11 : t t H - IK-1 LI I J All IpwIg RnrfelfG UU3 fcof FOOD DRINK LIVE MUSIC DANCING MICHELOB ON TAP 1C30 "0" ST. kIl U 5F-tfk'