f riciay, September 1 2, 1 975 daily ncbraskan page 2 Arts center plan offered : Join Don Gill and . il ifff iFSflffll Mark Ahmann for all IflvrV of the exciting Husker f-. if II . action at home h J k,-m Jj?.i.'- and away I ""foi 4yrf tLI Exclusive Extra . . jLy "The Tom Osborne p y Dressing Room Show" lSj f immediately following each game k ... : J r ' 1 1 I BEFORE THE GAME... ANDAFTERTHE VICTORY Beeaiis6 we're all irithistoge ther Ftlttaff Brtwing Corp., Omaha A new performing arts center, in the Old Federal Bldg., could fill the needs of the city and the University, according to David FowS. vice director of UNL S0h MUTh; old Federal Bldg. and City Hall at 10th and P Sts. could be converted into a 2 50oSat theater and office budding to providf the opportunity for higher quality performances, Fowler said. Larry Enerson, Uncoln architect draw tog plans for the proposed center, said he "hated to see the building wasted. "The Federal Bldg. is a good budding and is structurally sound. A lot of people want to see the old City Hall retained, he Enerson said the building is U-shaped and the quality of construction within the U is comparable to the outside. The theater could be constructed inside the U. with the old City Hall providing the back-drop for the stage, he said. t Plans for the center allow the outs;de walls of the building to become the inside walls of the theater. "Instead of concealing the beauty of the buildings," he said, "we're using it functionally." Two balconies with lobbies on both sides will be in the theater, Enerson said ; The lobbies will be similar to those iii European opera houses, providing enough space for people to move around, Enerson said.. . According to Fowler and Enerson, the center will pose little competition to others like it in Lincoln. It will not replace Howell Memorial Theatre, Fowler said, because of the theater department's continuous need for available space. If built, the center would be too large for any small studio production, Fowler said. . Enerson said he thinks there would be little competition with Pershing Auditor ium. The new center would be too small for many events, he said. Ivan Hoig, manager of Pershing Auditor ium, said he would welcome the new center as "something that is important to the city and "that shouldn't affect our business substantially." AND YOU THOUGHT YOU COULDN'T BUY ANYTHING FOR LESS THAN A DOLLAR. Football and the International House of Pancakes go together. Before or after the game, there's no place like the I HOP to meet the gang. Under our Blue Roof you'll find a menu with over 140 items to choose from -sandwiches, dinners, snacks, sundaes, and 20 different kinds of pancakes. Something to please just about everyone'! tasta.And now your I HOP is having a 99t sale. Three of your favorite meats reduced. to a special low price -your choice only 99. It's a great way to kick-off the football OMPI FTTPT. season. But hurry, sn offer like ODllTTrniiiit im can ia io "BIG RED SPECIALS" ""tt--; V'--i---- i---'rrfitiyj H mm i mum, to, js&r T PANCAKES Cheeaa Omalattt Mad with rhra eggs and arvad with thriw butttrmilk pancakat. U I Spaghetttni and fiv maatbatlt covarad with . ' & i VOfV Italian tyi Mafinara uc. Srvd Vf JwM hot jti brtd end youf choiet o Kup H Zj J or ild. I f HAMBURGER X JJ L H T P' Of pur ground btaf. atrvad k ...... ff ff opanfacad on a Mtam lead bun. Franch J M 1 and Miad with your choica o dr$$ir.a bv ' uf .-0 . ' i InUnuibgui Ihuf t Fsmik J 1435'Q'8iix:Qt J