The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 11, 1975, Page page 3, Image 3

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qnri aged-' build in g receives priority daily
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Nebraska Gov. J. James Exon said Wed
nesday that the reconstruction of the fire
damaged Plant Industry BIdg. on East Cam
pus is a top priority and said he will con
. sider favorably a supplemental appropria
tion by the Legislature to cover toe costs.
"The day after the fire, I told uravenity
officials that we had to have the building
back as soon as possible and that they
should make whatever repairs necessary "
Exon said.
Damage from the Ai'g. 22 fire has been
estimated between SI million and $13 mil
lion. Additional damage to electrical equip
ment will total between $250,000 and
$400,000, according to Harley Schrader
UNL physical plant director.
TJE. Kartung, dean of the College of
Agriculture, said earlier that reconstruction
of the building, which contained mainly re
search and the Horticulture, Entomology
and Plant Pathology Departments will in
volve replacing the roof and ventilation
system. "-"'
Officials have said the most serious
damage was to the research activity and the
flow of agricultural information from re
searchers to Nebraska's farmers.
"It's such an important building to Ne
braska," Exon said. Td give its reconstruc
tion first priority."
Exon said the recent budget requests by
the university, which call for 30.7 per cent
more tax dollars for the university, should
not affect the possible supplemental ap
propriation. tie said he had not seen the line-by-line
university budget request, but said the
state soon will begin examining all requests
from state agencies and seeing how much
money is available.
The university had a $500,000 deduct
ible insurance policy on the building,
which will cover much of reconstruction
Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brito, News Editors:
Randy Gordon and Lori Demo, Managing Editor;
Stan Linhcrst. Associate News Editor: Gina Nills,
Layout Editor; Michele Scrims!, Sports Editor;
Larry Stunkol, Third Dimension Editor: Vines
Boucher, Business Manager: Jerri Mausster,
Advertising Manager: Mwy Ann Myers.
Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska
Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb.
63503. Telephone: (402) 472-2583.
Copyright 1S7S, the Daily Nabrrsfean.
Material may be reprinted without permission if
attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except
material covered by another copyright
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