daily nebraskan page 11 Ass i sf q n ce center to f eat u re to pes! bookspamphletson variety of topics new campus service to begin in January will help anyone desiring inform ation about the UNL campus, the city of Iincoln, or just about any other topic. The new Campus Assistance Center will begin answering questions second semester. According to Carol Lou, coordinator, anyone can phone or visit the center, which will be located in the Nebraska Union lobby in the present television lounge. The television will be moved to another part of the Union and its current space will be expanded to accommodate the center, she said. Lou said the center will be staffed by Help Line employes, volunteers and employes yet to be W HeTp Se wiU move mto the Assistance Center, but wffl foP its current 472-3311 number S 3 ,purpose f toe center is to have some place where people can get information without being sent maV different places to get it," Lou said. "We tiy helP veryone to cut through all the red tape they can,- she said. The center will be stocked with books, magazines and pamphlets on such topics as university culture, medicine, drug problems and abortion. In addition, she" said, persons with personal problems can get help by calling the center. :: ' The center will contain a tape library with recordings on different subjects which persons can play in the center or have played to them over the phone. Lou said the idea for the center originat ed with the Department of Student Affairs and will not result in an increase in student fees. "In effect," Lou said, "the center is an extension of Help Line. It will try to help you with anything you want to talk about or anything you want to know." Fraternities initiate pledge education As part of fraternities pledge programs, the Interfraternity council (IFG) has start ed a pledge education, according to Pat McTec, graduate assistant. McTee said the program grew out of a jeminar for fraternity pledge trainers to deal with what he called the problems of educating new pledges. The seminars covered four topics, including what the second semester pledge program should consist of, problems of upperclass pledges, involvement of outside activities, especially IFC, and finding the main goal of pledge educators for each house. The program features reliance of pledge trainers on each other with problems en countered during training, McTee said. He said the seminar and program was planned and organized by Al Eveland, IFC president. The Panhellenic Association is planning a luncheon for Sept. 25 which will feature Aileen Swofford, director of the Women's Athletic Department, as main speaker. Jayne Anderson, coordinator of Pan hellenic, said each sorority will be repre sented at the luncheon by 10 alumnae members and 5 collegiate members. Information on women's athletics at UNL, gathered by Swofford will be relayed to the Greek houses through members attending the luncheon, Anderson said. Thursday 8 ajturlO p.m. Lincoln Liberty Life Nebraska Center for Continuing Education (NCCE). - 8 ajn.-5 p.m.-Occlusal Equilibration NCCE. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. School of Basic Banking -NCCE. ; ' . . . 8:30 ajn. -Student Affairs Staff Nebraska Union 243. ; 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.-Builders Activities Mart-Union Main Lounge. 5:30 p.m.-Council on Student Life Housing Policy Committee-Union Pewter Room. . 5:30 p.m.-Phi Mu . Alpha Sinfonia Union Harvest Room. 5:30 p.m. Council of American Indian Students-Union 232. 6 pjn.-Builders-exec.-Union 343. 6:30 p.m.-Red Cross-Union 222 6:30 p.m.-Builders-Union 343. 7 p.m.Council on Student Life-Union Pewter Room. 7 p.m.-Bahai Association-Union 216. 7 p.m.-Karate Club-Union Ballroom. 7:30 p.m.-Math Counselors-Union 225. 8 p.m.-Young dom-Union 337 Americans i for Free- wont (Q 9it r Fencing equipment. Excellent condition, 477-1477 after 6 pjm. Smith-Corona electric type writer. Like new, $150. 475-0272 after 6 p.m. With student or faculty 10, 10 discount on all portable TV's, stereos, 10-spd. bikes & Goodyear tires except pro motional models. Goodyear Service Store, 1918 "0" Street, 432-6521. Konlca 432-7139. camera. $65. Sold at home games again this yw for ONLY A DIME I Look "Of R Otl tOlir uuau r ika atnrll- m or call 472-2588 for volume discounts. --w. uiiii, ,m tun JKiKUJ. sat overhauled. No rust. Six Wng folk guitar. 475-8609 wwp.m. For Sale: 19,74 Trlumnli ' spittlrt, great for campus park '9. low mileege, mint con ation. Call 432-2687 after 9 p.m. 1874 Capri; excellent Condi S20l4.'X,rM' 48M011 .1975 Vega GT; excellent, gjjgfo rranty, mart Decor group, good milt S ertV. clean and depend i5j8j)379 after 5:30. , BSA 441cc Victor; econom .powerful, well card for. IT m"k "r. 4764S018 Garage sale: 1620 "C" Thursday and Friday. Furniture, i plants, cheap. Rat nest couch; like new, $100. Call 464-0532. 6 ft. boa and large cage. 4358620 after 5:30. Vacuum cleaner, ironing board, chest of drawers, cassette tape player, encyclopedias, foot locker trunk, roller skates, 55 & 29 gallon aquariumcomplete sat -up. 432-8748. Sherwood 7100A, Garrard SL-728, Sansui Coral speakers. $800 ona year ago, has had , excellent care, $650 now. 435-4071. Classical music lovers: Make an appointment to hear the . .... l-.l C.jlMn RO't at Natural Sound, 475-3325. 8-Track Car Stereos $10415 with or without trade. Stereo repairs. Dick's Electronic Malt Shop. Call 799-3674 evenings. Fender guitar; 1963 wcose, $120. Gibson "ES" wcase, $275. Fender reverb amp, $150. 475-6018 eves. SCUBA equipment; Dacor, xcellent equipment, 488991 after 6 pm. Dunebuggy-60hp Volks wagen engine, top rollbar, tow bar. etc. 475-860S after 4 p.m. Girl', io-lpdj schn bicy.., 4Jncoitlon.475-07S7, WlSl4 hwi,nn 1-4Pd- -ew tioo ' ellent condition, Z3 Etlff "i AMFM red. ---Cfigjondltio?), 4C3-1314. Largs apartment for rent. 23 bdrm. 8 blocks from City CmsM, $150 gas & t. Call 432 2315. , Available Oct. 1 : one bdrm. apartment; dishwasher, carpet ed, drapes, air conditioned, off street parking, close to city campus. 477-3413. Available immediately: -mobile home close to city campus. Call 477-5418 and leave name and number. $125 mo. utilities. One & two bdrm. nicely furnished apartment, washroom facilities, off-sxreet parking, re cently painted, located 31st & Holdrege. $135 and $170 plus deposit. Call 432-3689. . Wanted: person with art istic talent to do posters, brochure covers, bulletin boards, etc. Needed immed iately. Fee to be arranged. 464-7481 ask for Steve. Instructors needed to work with youth programs. Areas of need Include gymnastics, tumbl ing, trampoline, riflery, weight lifting, roller skating, cheer leading, guitar and Judo. 464-7481 to arrange for inter view. Part-time help for days and evenings. Apply in person, Burger King 27th & Dudley and 52nd & "0". Part-time District Manager's. Supervision of SUN carrier's in sales and service. Afternoons & Saturdays. Car. needed, mile age paid. By eppolntment only. Call 466-1926 Sun Newspapers Circuletion DepV Part-time housekeeper & . babysitter, 4327979. DAILY NCSRASKAN nsJ one person with van or pickup truck for work MWTHF. Work Involves heavy lifting and delivery of 19,000 Dally Nebraskan's from Sun Printing to Nebraska Union. Must have 8a.m.-9 :30a.m. free. To apply call Jerri at 472-2586. Busboys wanted for serving torority house lunch and dinner . Call 475-0304 or 477-4282. Attractive young lady for receptionist work In men s Llth club. MWF ':30 p m, 5 p.m. Lincoln Health Club, 4fifif)050. Help wanted: For opening of cocktail lounge. Full & pert-time waitresses n. Lincoln's inert. Goal Port. 1023 "0 . Phone 432-1771, Lloyd Garber. """"rUSSELL STOVER CANDIES, INC. Openings for full & part time senltation. Hours: 4:30 p.m.-1a.m., 6:2ffr 11 '30p.m., 6p.m.-midnlght 0-30p.m.-6a.m. Apply In person, M-F 8a.m. to 4p.m. Personnel Dept. 201 No. 8th Street Equal opportunity employer mf; Babysitter wanted in iry home weekday afternoons fro.n 2-6 p.m. Call 475-7112. MISTY LOUNGE needs good help. Good tips and will train. Two part-time day cooks, one part-time day food-cocktail waitress, part-time night bar tender. Will work three dayswk. Apply in person. Misty Lounge, 63rd & Havelock, 464 9820. . , VALENTINO'S Waiters, waitresses, oven men, :ounter, kitchen help. Evening hours, full or part time. Flexible hours. Call 467-3611. ask for Lillian or apply at 3457 Holdrege 1-4 p.m. Child care worker, mature Christian, full or part-time. 89-2600. ...... Waitresses, ' dishwashers, hostess, cashier. Apply any time, J.B.'s Big Boy, .27th ft Vine; OFFICE CLEANING Openings for . steady part time evening janitorial work are now available in down town Lincoln area. Work 4 hours per evening, Mon. thru Fri. Major local cleaning con tractor. Excellent starting rate plus incentive after 2 weeks. Call for appointment. Mr. Hohman 474-2481 An equal opportunity employer Need 6 tickets for game. Kitty, 475-9301 or 472-2586. Would like to have them together but will accept in two's of male & female. WANTED: Four tickets NU LSU game. At least two to gether, will pay $12.50 each. 432-7271, ask for Mary. Want to buy $100-150 car. Must run good. Call 475-6398. I - "1 Roommate wanted to share four bdrm. house, own room, $60mo. utilities. 475-9837. Will share house with one female graduate student or one female with one or two child ren. $150. per month; Includes' utilities. 466-2238. Male roommate for two bdrm, Chateau Le Fleur town house, 466-4467. ' '; ONE ROOMMATE WANTED age 19-22. Private, bdrm., 1 house ' completely ref inished, 4 blocks to campus, ,s 475-3866. Call late evenings after 10:30 p.m. WATCH REPAIR NEW ADDRESS-335 N. 12th Around corner south from Nebr. Bookstore. All makes repaired -Seiko to Timex. Rcasonable-fast-aceurate. Coma see mel-Dick. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE 432-3414 ... LOST: Black Si white spot ted English springer spaniel; male 9 mos. Answers to Buddy. Generous reward. 475-2448. . Let Mom and Dad keep on top of ' .what's happening on campus. Send thema subscrip tion to the DAILY NEBRASKAN!! Just send a check and the name and address where you want the subscrip tion sent to. Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 "R" St:, Lincoln, Ne. 68508 1 year-$12.50 1 semester-$7.50 Join students working to promote cooperation among students, faculty and alumni, the Student. Alumni Board, Applications " available from receptionist at' Alumni House (Faculty Club), 1520 "R". DUE SEPTEMBER )2 l r : Opening Sept 23rd is lodkiitg fop full and part.tima he!?- heme 0pei:as fod: eooiio :rsr mmm AITRESS! interested, appflsatbns can : be. psded isp, at: , 1-11 Airport lnterchango-v.V" .. (mtt te motel six) . mm