The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1975, Page page 7, Image 7

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daily nebrasksn
t rnnr-"
Stereophonic Equipment
told at actual wholesale cost.
AR loudspeakers, turntabta.
Sony, Dynaco. Superscape,
emplifiers. Sriure microphone.
Kou headphones. Plonaar, Dok
orttor, Sony, Technic, decks.
Phona 466-9653. .
Rock speakers: very
vary powerful. $300 new. $500
now. Preston, 476-6882475-5412.
Two Reelistic Optimu One
speakers; $50. Call 475-1933.
Six-string Gibson guitar. Ex
cellent condition. Call 432-S327
after 7 p.m. for Info.
1966 Barracuda; needs work.
$1007beit sffw. 467-341 2
Susan. Men's 26" Sears 10-pd.
ExctHent condition. Call 487
2604 after 4 p.m.
1965 Sears Moped motor
cycle; cheap - transportation,
$100. 477-9651 after 4:30 pjn.
Globe soccer football tables.
Two choices of home models.
With student or faculty 13,
10 discount on ell portable
TV'i, stereos, 10-epd. bikes A
Goodyear tires except promo
tional models. Goodyear Service
Store. 1918 "O" Street. 432
5421. Artex supplies and instruc
tion. Contact your local in
structor at 475-1843.
Fencing equipment. Excel
lent condition, 477-1477 after
6 p.m,
Vacuum cleaner, ironing
board, chest of drawers, cassette
tape player, encylopedias. foot
locker trunk, roller sketes, 55 &
29 gallon aquariumcomplete
Smith-Corona electric type
wl'ter. Like new, $150. 475-
vui after 5 p.m.. .
Available Oct. 1 : one bdrm.
partment; dishwasher, carpet
ed, drapes, air conditioned, off
"rest parking, close to city
csmpui. 477-3413.
Available immediately:
mobile home close to city
csmpui. Call 477-5418 $125
mo. & utilities.
Wanted: person with artistic
da pestws. brochure
!f ranged. 4&4.ri ..t. .
'wfitui IV WW
464-74S1. tk for
Imtructors needed to work
VOu Program. Areas of
include gymnaitics, tumbi-
liUl'n:,m,li". , weit
S' ro,,,r kiri9. chat.
74B 9.' fiulUr Ju'Jo. 84
01 0 Srranna trip intemi.
Full time day help, part-'
time night help needed. 435-
hostess, cashier. Apply anytime
3900, ask for Steve or Terry.
$30rno. for approximately
20 m in. day. Downtown news
paper delivery. No car needed.
Scott. 473-7341.
!at seven BIG RED games Mis
season. Upwards of $5 per
hour in commissions possible
3 to enthusiastic, aggressive
hawkers. Spend your Sat
iurctey mornings profitably.
I Call 472-2588.
Part-time help for days and
evenings. Apply in person. Bur
ger King-27th & Dudley
and 52nd & "O".
Salesperson wanted who
wants to earn up to 80
commission on our bonus
plan.' 7 34 financing
available on our new
Immediate employment,
inquiries confidential.
Kasey Hartman 488-1116
201 9 Hwy .2 475776
good help. Good tips and will
train. Two part-time day cock,
one part-time day food-cocktail
waitress, part-time night barten
der. Will work three dayswk.
Apply in person, Misty Lounge,
63rd & Havelock. 464-9820.
Waiters, waitresses, oven
men, counter, kitchen help.
Evening hours, full or part time.
Flexible hours. Call 467-3611.
ask for Lillian or apply at 3457
Holdrege 1 -4 p.m.
Applications needed by
Sept. 20. Monthly stipened, rent
free studio, teaching opportunit
ies, two-man show. Haymarket
Art Gallery, Inc., 119 So. 9th
Child care worker, mature
Christian, full or part-time. 489
2600. Need part-time babysitter
for 9 year-old girl. Two week
day evenings. 475-8635.
Waitresses, - dishwashers,
hostess, cashier, Apply any
J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine.
Part-time cocktail wait
ress needed-evenings. House
of the Dragon, 6811 "O" St.
4890548. -
Full and part-time help
needed immediately. Day, even
ing and weekend positions.
Apply to Stephanie Steen, Mgr.,
King's Food Host, 1650 Corn
husker Hwy., 435-8396.
Hogen'a Cafe Full or part
time waitress needed. 6 a.m.-1
p.m. 8 a.m.-3:3G p.m. 125 So.
27th. 435-9601.
Help wanted: For opening of
new cocktail lounge. Full &
pert-time waitresses needed.
Lincoln's finest. Goal Post 1023
"O". Phone 432-1771. Lloyd
Garber. '
Want to buy book: Econ
210 (Gill). Call Greg. 489-6670
after 5 p.m. Leave a message.
1965-67 MGB Roadster or
GT in good condition. Call
Larry, 472-3370 or leave note at
255 CBA.
Football ticket for LSU
game Call 475-7563 after 5 p.m.
Waiters or waitresses.
Ill a.m.-2 p.m. or evening
land weekends. Must be 19
! years old. Apply in person,
.4550 "O" Street.
Counter help wanted
Monday through Friday,
noon hours. Must be 19
years old. Apply in person,
4550 "0".
Thru hiiivlrfld dollar
. ($300) per month
20 hours per week
Eunninnt A SaturdaV
(except football Saturday)
Roommate wanted; own
bdrm. 4772292.
Roommate wanted to ihare
four bdrm. house, own room,
$60mo. & utilities. 475-9837.
Mala student roommate
wanted: separate rooms. In
terested, call DAVE 474-1413
48 p.m.
Male or female professional
or grad. student to share two
bdrm. house, 474-1453 eve.
Male upperclassman to share
two bdrm. ac townhouw at
6100 Vine with three guys. Call
4546014 in the evening.
One snaMJOommete at Rain
tree Apts. 102 No. 32nd need
ed. Beautiful location, your
own bdrm. Call 475-7901.
Female to share house with
two males near East Campu.
Own bdrm., $50, 466-7126.
shipment of
Rooks .
fias arrived
V . 3 '
A reference Professional 0hop
1127 R
-fmsmMtmi twiukmi. wamtMemr- ritisM
"'TTniKVaii laisawanenr"""" nun
LOS Black & white spot
ted EngUh springer spaniel;
male 9 mos. Answers to Buddy.
Generous reward. 475-2448.
Sept. 14th- 5 p.m. College
P.E.O. Group. 3264 So. 17th.
Call reservations to Mrs. Nelsine
Scofield, 4S9-2314 by Thur.
r . . i
Free kittens. 477-9651
4:30 p.m.
Custom-made clothes from
your designs or ours. Wedding
dresses too. Clifford Dress
making Shop. 423-0198.
NEW ADDRESS-335 N. 12th ,
Around corner south from
Nebr. Bookstore. All makes
re paired -Seiko to Timex.
Reasonable-fast-accurate. Come
see mel-Dick.
- Birthright ' . offers free
pregnancy tests, pre-natal care &
financial planning. Confidential.
Join students working to
promote - cooperation among
students, faculty and alumni,
the Student Alumni "Board.
Applications available from re
ceptionist at Alumni House
(Faculty Club). 1520 "R".
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Answer to Friday's cross
word puzzle
Out-state hearings
Sculptures to be issue
Whether Nebraskans want the Interstate
80 Bicentennial sculptures will be the main
issue at public hearings to be held across
the state, according to Grand Island Sen.
Ralph Kelly.
Kelly is chairman of a three-man sub
committee of the Legislature's executive
board examining the Bicentennial sculpture
project. Other members are Sen. John
Savage of Omaha and Lincoln Sen. Wally
The hearing's schedules have not been
determined, Kelly said, adding that he
would like to see at least five meetings.
There probably will be in Omaha, Lincoln,
Grand Island, North Platte and Scottsbluff,
he said.
He said other meetings might be
scheduled in towns not located on the
Interstate, such as Norfolk, Beatrice and
Ti Pit : x - T-ti ''jt
ine purpose oi uie meetings, iveuy sam,
is to gather the public's ideas concerning
the 1-80 sculptures.
"We want to hear the views of people
who like the sculptures and those who
d.a't and their reasons why," he said.
The results will be reported to the
executive board and then the Legislature,
Kelly said. . .
Kelly said Gov. J. James Exon has ruled
the sculptures are real property, so their
acceptance as gifts to the state must be
approved by both the governor and the
Legislature, he said.
Exon will give his approval, Kelly said.
However, he added, if the Unicameral does
not approve the gifts, the sculptures could
not be placed on 1-80 because it is public
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.looting For CH17 QARSl'M'Et):
Tuo.sday,' EsptiaJior Oth 0 po.
Booting Fop JMLDMS
adnssday, SspteKicrlOth 8 pa
Both Hastings at the Ooathouse