mcndsy, epismber 8, 1975 daily nebraskan 1 S 7 Home Ec. ch ief sees misconceptions By Bctae Ammons . Home Economics is "a dynamic field in tune with what is taking place in society," according to Gwendolyn New kirk, newly elected president of the American Home Economics Association (AHEA). Newkirk, chairwoman and professor of UNL's Education and Family Resources Dept., said she thinks it is "somewhat of a public misconception" that home eco nomics is "just cooking and sewing." She cited a study made for AHEA by a national research firm which showed what she called "polarization" of public opinion on home economics. An equal NU Foundation beneficiary of estate number of those surveyed either viewed hnm economics in what she termed the "traditional stereotyped role" (cooking and sewing) and had no understanding of the profession, or understood the purpose of home economics. The AHEA, an organization for profes sional home economists, tries to improve the identity of the home economics field, Newkirk said. The original focus of the profession was on "man and his environment and his nature as a social being," she said. Newkirk said the AHEA programs in clude family planning education, publish ing a newsletter for home economists and Largest bequest ever work on passage of legislative acts bene ficial to the profession. As president of AHEA, Newkirk said her duties will be represent the associa tion in any capacity." She said that presidents serve as president-elect for a year before assuming duties. She said she previously was treasur er and vice president of program develop ment for the association. . Newkirk said her election could benefit "any time any member of a university stall gets national recognition it improves its academic climate and shows that the uni versity does have persons in Us body who are recognized by their peers." Gwendolyn Newkirk Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brite, News Editors: Randy Gordon and Lori Demo, Managing Editor: Stan Linhorst. Associate News Editor: Gina Hills. Layout Editor: Michele Schrral, Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel, Third Dimension Editor: Vine Boucher, Business Manager: Jerri Hausslar, Advertising Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Second Class Postage paid at .Lincoln, Neb., 68501. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34. 14lh and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: 402) 472-2588. , The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters. Copyright 1975, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. The NU Foundation will receive approximately $339,000 'this year for scholarships and research as the beneficiary of a $3 J million residual estate, Chancel lor James Zumberge announced Saturday at the NU Board of Regents meeting. . Adrian David, a 1908 UNL law college graduate, died in 1973, leaving the John C. and Nettie V. David Memorial Trust, named in honor of David's parents, past Lincoln residents. A $200,000 annual income is expected from the trust, Zumberge said. One-half of the yearly income will be used to establish David scholarships, Zum berge said, which will go to academically top-ranked high-school seniors from Nebraska who attend UNL These David scholarships will be selected each spring, beginning in 1976, by UNL's Scholarships and Financial Aids Committee. The money also will provide scholar ships for high-ranking upperclassmen, sup port scholastic programs of the faculty, and provide funds for an annual David Memorial Lecture, Zumberge said. He said the annual lecture probably will be given each spring in conjunction with. Ivy Day, when UNL traditionally honors top-ranking students. Calling the trust "one of the great est things that has happened in my four years here," Zumberge said the bequest was the largest ever received by the university. " Correction The wires shown in Temple Hall in a front page photo of the Sept. 4 Daily Nebraskan were actually telephone wires that do not violate the Fire Marshall's life safety requirements. f7 NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE IS CLOSER, BUT YOU HEED THE EXERCISE. ALL ART 8. DRAFTING SUPPLIES, PERIOD mm r IF M'CKAELAKGELO WOULO'VE HAD ARTWC3LD, THE SISTIXE CHAPEL WOULO'VE BEEN RMISKED m time. ALL ART & CRAFTING SUPPLIES, PERIOD THE HAIR STATION- HAIR DESIGNERS at 48th & Holdrege formerly at 35th & Holdrege Open 8:00 to 5:30 Tues. - Sat. 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