The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 20, 1975, Page page 17, Image 17
Wednesday, august 20, 1975 daily nebraskan page 17 Greek houses get interior facelifts Activities planned to greet students return to UNL Many of the Greek houses at UNL have been refurbished and redecorated over the summer. Jayne Anderson, coordinator of Panhellenie and' the Interfraternity Council, said the houses were redecorated not only for fall occupancy, but to comply with stricter fire codes. . The redecorating and refurbishing will be done in most houses in time for rush week which begins today and runs through Saturday, she said. An estimated 600 women, about 200 more than last year, have signed up for rush, according to rush chairman Carir LeRossignoI. LeRossignol said an estimated 60 males have signed up for a mini-rush in the fraternities. Most fraternity rush parties were held during the summer, she said. Anderson said the 60 men represent Nebraskans who were away for the summer and unable to attend summer rush parties. LeRossignol and Anderson said the .increase in women rushees should mean an increase in pledging at the conclusion of the rush week parties. While most Greek houses were working to meet fire codes, the Delta Upsilon fraternity was refurbushing and repainting because of a July 20th fire. The fire caused an estimated 520,000-530,000 in damages to the fraternity, according to Roger Hirsch, a member of the Delta Upsilon Corporation, owners of the building. Hirsch said the 5 a.m. blaze was discovered by a Campus Police officer who noticed smoke pouring out of the chimney. There were no occupants in the house at the time of the blaze. The fire destroyed a couch, drapes, end tables and a portion of the piano, Hirsch said. The blaze also caused extensive smoke damage throughout the main level of the structure and four room door locks were broken by firemen checking for occupants,, he said. Hirsch said when firemen tried to extinguish the fire, heat, combined with water pressure, caused windows on the north side to shatter. The windows on the south side of the structure were cracked, he said. - Repainting and refurbishing is being completed, Hirsch said, and the house will be ready for fall occupancy. : Whether you are a new student or whether you have reached the point where your class schedule announces you as being former, this next week will be a variety of activities designed to welcome you back to UNL. ' New students and transfer students will be able to get a look at UNL by using information booths near the Easf Campus Union and north of Nebraska Union. They also will meet with their advisers. Both new and former students can take advantage of activities at each residence hall. Marie Hansen, coordinator of residence ' program housing, said ail residence halls have planned their own activities. Most of them will have co-re c football games, watermelon feeds and. game days with different games and races. - She said many of the residence halls also have plans to escort students to Sunday church services. An all-university dance featuring Blackberry Winter will be at the Nebraska Engineering Complex parking lot at 17th and Vine street Friday, she said. There will be another dance on East Campus at the Burr-Fedde residence halls Saturday night. The schedule of activities is: Friday, Aug. 22 9 ajn.-4 p.m. Information booths located north of Nebraska Union and near East Campus Union. ' 8:30 pjm.-l 1 :30 p.mAAll university dance featuring Blackberry Winter at the Nebraska Engineering Complex Parking Lot at 17th and Vine streets. Saturday, Aug. 23 9 a.rn.4 p.m. Information booths 6 p.m.-6 a.m.-Residence halls all night movies, free showings in each City Campus residence hall. Sunday, Aug. 24 1:30 p.m. Campus tours beginning at the information booths 1 5 p.m.-7 p.m.-Most campus religious centers will have a new student night. Light snacks will be served. Monday, Aug. 25 Classes begin 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Information booths Thursday, Aug. 28 4 p.m. Meetings with advisers (except agriculture transfer students). Freshmen classes have been cancelled after 3 p.m. to enable students to attend the meeting. Questions about advisers or college can be answered in Administration 108. Friday AfternoonsC 1- 2 5 DRAWS 2- 3 10 DRAWS 3- 4 ;15 DRAWS 45 20s DRAWS V jMSilirfii OiiPli i ii Til i mm fats Oslskatas I. iichman Gordm LQififcs I&ghvb Qua Lion RG'S LION DEN : . . Your Headauartara For Fammis 1 LEVI'S JEANS and JEAN SETSI We Carry The Midwest Largest Selection Of LEVI'S - Jeans, Stop In And Seel PRESHRUNK JEAN Th Orlglnl Wottorn Join From LEVI'S WAIST IN SEAM 20' Draus S1.C3 Pitcher Nebraska Union . food Service'" Fvesi 9:00 - 1 1:00 for Coffee Lunch 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Dinner 5:00 - 6:30 pxnl Complete Cafeteria Service The Crib 7:00 - 6:30 a.m. Monday - Friday Saturday 8:00 - 3:00 South' Crib ; : 7:00 - 11:00 p.m, Friday - Saturday 8:00 - 12 midnight Sunday 1:00 - 11:00 p.m. IB f ,M IV- 1 I I i I ? FAMOUS FITTIN' LEVI'S BLUE HENIM JEANS km" mm" u&ai SADDL6MAN BOOT JEAN from World famous LEVI'S 100 COTTON afH2J WAIST S2":o2" MSEAM2"fo3" BELL BOTTOM JEAN A Grt flack To School Tm From LEVIS' , f50 WAIST 30" lo 38" if ff INSEAM2"lo3" CfOy Famout LEVI'S ' Conttruetion ", x Boll Bottom ' ! .... . I V Wll tw IC H IN8EAM30"lo3' LEVI'S WESTERN JEAN JACKETS u A Great Match Faf All Your Jaans. 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