1 li 1 ! 4 i Free season ticket policy is same for 75 season No changes will be made in the policy of distributing complimentary tickets for UN-L football games this fall, the Board of Regents decided Saturday. But the Regents directed university attorneys to report in September on the legal question of complimentary tickets being a form of compensation. Members of the Board of Regents are unsalaried. Regent Kermit Hansen, who suggested the move to answer the compensation question, said that if need be, Regents should "put their checks down on the table" at the September meeting. Regent Robert Prokop of Wilbur, chairman of the ticket committee, said a vast amount of material had been received by the committee and final recommendations for the 1976-77 academic year are about four mqnths away. During the 1974 school year, the University issued 2,042 season tickets to home games in Memorial Stadium. The stadium seats about 76,000. Each regent was eligible to receive two season tickets in the press box and 10 season tickets in the stadium. Last fall 106 tickets were distributed to regents and former regents. Prokop recommended in his report that the three student regents be given the same number of ticekts as the other regents, but in the student section. . He also approved that the Medical Cerjter be given 2,800 tickets for its faculty and staff this fall, rather than the 3,7d0 requested. Those are not complimentary tickets. I Lru. , J -s - t V."M, .J.jr JUr"- "l, r"- -MT"- 1 i 9 r Complimentary tickets in the pressbox and stadium are given to the members of the Board of Regents. Student regents are to receive tickets in the student section. Photo courtesy of the Daily Nebraskan. Regents asked for increase No new programs are planned at the University of Nebraska in 1976-77, but NU will need 20 per cent more in state tax money anyway, President D.B. Varner told the regents Saturday. The increase will push NlPs IT TWO DOLLARS oft th regular pnet of any family size pun. Coupon redeemable at any Shakey's Pizza Parlor at: 360 N. 48th Street Lincoln Nebraska lmlunni EXPIRES AUGUST 15, 1975 4i ' fS mim- Qr f -huh -. 1 Limit one coupon per family sie pizia ordered. Jm OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It Olfi o The bestseiling 16 Month Calendai is back! o o o o o o o o o FLU Sr". r U D IL' aw mm mm n n ..... ., ., ,. 1 44 N. 14th 1 ItOitP flyT" ( ' -wj -M.iwpi '!4a mmM,wvum m w-ma.,94B chm m "r'" MBi,-wtJ..A s a K 11- Tl ' n share of the state budget from this year's $74 million to about $90 million. Varner's proposals were part of a six-page report on NU guidelines that was approved by the regents Saturday. He said that libraries and laboratories and faculty salaries need upgrading, and that a strong case could be made for an even greater raise from the state. Ceiling necessary But he said "the constraints of reality" make, a 20 per cent ceiling necessary. Regent Robert Simmons of Scottsbluff questioned the wisdom of not adding new programs. Some new programs might be better than old ones he said. Varner said Simmons' criticism was fair and that the Univsrsity always is reviewing and weeding out existing programs. A major part of the increase woiid go to faculty salary raises, Varner said. NU needs to be brought into line with other Big 8 schools, the regents were told. The board also decided at the meeting in Regents Hall that a court test should be made to determine its rights and responsibilities. The regents will ask for a judgment on their relationship with the Legislature and other state agencies. In an expected move, the board gave its approval to the appointment of Adam Breckenridge as the Lincoln campus' vice chancellor of academic affairs. Replaces Trotter Breckenridge, who has been acting vice chancellor for a year, replaces Virginia Trotter, who was appointed assistant U.S. education secretary. Other appointments approved include: Carl Leopold, dean of the Graduate College and assistant vice president for research. Leo Lucas, dean and director of the Cooperative Extension Service, John Woodward, associate Mean of the College of Home Economics and assistant director of the UN-L Agricultural Experiment Station. Robert Emile, professor of strings and theory at UN-L. Thomas Bowen, UN-L Health Center administrator. William Caldwell, assistant director of Cooperative Extension for 4-H and Youth Development at UN-L. Astronaut speaks today A Skylab 4 astronaut will deliver the annual Avery Lecture today at noon in the Centennial Room of the Nebraska Union. Col. William R. Pogue will also participate in a 10:30 a.m. seminar in the Nebraska Union for students and teachers doing graduate level teaching and research in space education. Pogue's talk is open to the public. Finance jtot your Credit Union A CU loan is low-cost, quick, and easy to get if you have a good credit rating and are a permanent university employe. pppp. turn Lom I University of hh. Federal Credit Mm 1520RStreet V . V Faculty Club Basement summer nebraskan Tuesday, juSy 29, 1975