I I fSi it MMW KCrjiiyiri&i I . - ill- C I ll.-lli fill "Y 10th & VAN DORN 10 discount to all university students 3 W?MMb E1D 0. 1032 "P" SLU02H75-2556 g GREAH FAU0OITE8 OOOOILieiiTS ( CLOCKTOWER EAST 70TH & A St. Visit your local Dairy Queens fcCniii'i iniiMnnim,, M ,. wtm fi iwM.iinw.ilrii mrMii Member f.d..c. RHA exchanges strategies at national convention With a little help from Resident Hall Associations Residence Hall Association (RHA) is getting new ideas on old problems. Alcohol and visitation hours are still issues, said RHA Secretary Robin Buchman, but new ways of handling them were seen at the National Association of College and University Residence Halls convention in May. RHA is a lobbying and activity coordinating organization for dormitory students. For example, Buchman said schools across the nation handle alcohol in a variety of ways. Restrictions considered The decision for RHA is not whether it will work for alcohol on campus, she said, but with what restrictions it will present -the alcohol-on-campus suggestions before the University of Nebraska Regents. The various suggestions will have to be studied before deciding, she said. Buchman said she was pleased that the Regents passed the extended 10 ajn. to 2 ajn. visitation hours but added that RHA will push for more visitation. A request for extended hours in Centennial College, International House and the coed living floors in Abel Hall is being considered, she said. Programs are new However, RHA is hesitating to request extended visitation on the coed floors because the program is so new, she said. Evaluations submitted by the coed living floor residents and Complex Program Director agree that more hours would help the program, she said, but if any problems arose because of extended hours, the coed living arrangement would be endangered. Centennial and International House are more established than the coed floors, she said; so they could probably stand a failure in extended hours without damaging the programs. Not all additional hours to be pushed for in the future would be necessarily for room visitation, she said, but could be for longer visitation hours in halls and lounges. Not enough students Another visitation problem is the no-hour floors, said Buchman, because there aren't enough students to fil' even one floor, Also, some r udents (Continued on pg. 12) 1 Indian Jewelry - Kaftans Walnut ISandcarved Jewelry Boko I li mi . . s Indian Jewelry Squash Blossoms 1 97.00; Rings 8.00 i Kaftans Full Length'1 9.95 y 1 Medium Length fldcarved Jowefry Boxes 5.95&7.95 Jvery Inlaid 9.95' mtuv$ fbowt 2205 Holdrege Sunday 12 noon-6 p.m. Mnn thru Sat 10 a m -ft n m ' itiiti 4 Cash advances for a happy 4th! with urtur snarial ftanbAimar-narri ' CAMPUS Nebraska Union 14th and R Lincoln. ID) A KvT Open 8:30-6 Monday thru Friday. Saturday P.ir- w.vw-i IVUI I another plus from Gateway Bank summer nebraskan tunday, July 1,1975