n ods Scott tuneramplifier, 80 watt, two Atlantis 5 speakers. Both almost new, warranty still valid. Phone 475-9496. Beseler 23c enlarger with 35mm and 2Y negative carriers, lens boards, polycontrast filler set, and Simmon Omega Audible Repeating Timer. $125. 472-2588. 1963 Saab, Lt. blue gets good mileage, great commuter, 475-0606. Two round trip tickets to Minneapolis, 488-5841. STEREO Lloyd's AMFM stereo receiver with built-in R-track tape recorder with two speakers and BSR automatic turntable. Best offer. 475-3757. CanonFTB with Canon f1.8 lens and case. Also Vivatar auto 200mm f3.5 lens. All in excellent condition. $280 or best offer. Call 464-0288. 12-string Alvarez guitar. Call 483-249 after 6 p.m. Blue jeans overalls and farmer jeans, printed t-shirts, assorted pater.is. Blue cbambray shirts and embroidered chambray shirts. Jean jackets. You'll enjoy the Salvage Center at 4428 North 62nd. Havelock. Matching couch and chair. Good condition, $75. Must sell, phone 466-5248. By owner, excellent late model New Moon, includes appliances, dishwasher, air, tie-downs, fully skirted on nice lot near campus, clear title, under $4000. 477-4701. With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on all 10-speed bicycles, component stereos, and Goodyear tires, except promotional items. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 1918 "O". 1972 Suzuki GT-750K Le Mons water cooled, 2,700 mileage, full dress, like new, see to appreciate, 800 West "Q" at back of house after 5 p.m. weekdays, all day Sat. & Sun. c House for rent, two bdrm., appliances, $135, carpeted, 488-1492. Available May 10. 1626 Sumner: Large two bdrm., 1 bath, air, available May 15 or June 1st. Summer lease, furnished for four, pool privileges, $195. 466-6000432-7100. AVAILABLE NOW: 3038 Walnut Court (30th & Q). Spacious one bdrm. apartment off-street parking, $115 a month plus utilities. Call 475-3107489-0311. Summer campus housing; air, parking, men 8t women, single and double. For information call 432-5308. 705 North 23rd Cornhusker Co-ed Co-op is taking contracts for summer and fall. 75-76 school year - $860 including meals. Summer- as low as $10. 475-6796. Unfurnished one bdrm. apartment, Southeast, appliances furnirhed, crpt, draoes, almost new, 488-7056'. RESECH PfiPERS iff n tbt in, ant ', ncu.iwaiti.iKiau.uiiviiiiM StJTE 206.OMXN. NJ, 084 MM! Learn Now About the next CPA Exam. Backer CPA Raview Course OMAHA 492-348-6271 OUR RlirrFSRPUL STUDENTS REPRPSENT 2222-44 Vine: Summer leasing now available. Close and convenient to campus, spacious two bdrm. modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished, starting at $185. Mgr: 435-6988489-7469. Summer rooms; washing machines, air conditioned, $15 a week. Triangle Fraternity. Call 474- 1003432-0494, ask for Tim Nissen. Rent great furniture. Comfortable and attractive. On or off ' campus, $20 minimum. INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED, 1230 South, 432-8851. 885 No. 25th: only 12 blocks from campus. Large two bedroom, furnished, recently constructed apartment for only $195 per month. Call 466-3283 or 432-8414. Free room and board in exchange for little assistance to wheelchair vet, 475-5228. 31st & Holdrege: one bdrm., $125-two bdrm., $160. Available May. Furnished, air conditioned, deposit, no pets. 423-3689464-0686. INEXPENSIVE Rooms For Rent With Kitchen Facilities Free Washer & Dryer All The Comforts Of Home For Information Call THETA CHI: 432-7893 Ask For Mike One bedroom furnished; aid conditioned, util. paid, near 14th & "C", $135,475-9479. Spacious two bdrm. well furnished apartment to sublease for summer. Avail. May 10. Call 475- 6084. 1934 "R": five or' six bdrm. $165,477-1756. 2727 Torchlight: Two bdrm. trailer, swimming pool, tennis courts, club house, $150. 477-1756. 1930 "R": really nice five bdrm. house with living room, dining room, off-street parking, $220,477-1756. Nicely furnished apartment; ccble TV, fully, carpeted, all elec. kitchen, garbage disposal, central air, off-street parking, suitable for 2-4 people, near East campus, 1400 No. 33rd. Rent for summer and taking reservations for fall. 467-1490 after 5 p.m. Need to sublease by Thur. two bdrm. downstairs apartment. Furnished, air, 28th & "Q". $165. 432-8807(8) 477-2470. 870 No. 25th: New one bedroom shag carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, laundry facilities, off-street parking, $135 and up, plus electricity. 435-0085432-1484. Wanted: weekend desk clerk, 3 p.m. - 1 1 p.m. Fri, Sat, Sun. Apply in person, Clayton House Motel, 10th & "O". No experience necessary. Have a nice telephone voice?. You can make a bundle working only 14-20 hours per week on our hourly wage plus performance incentive ystaffi. C!! 123-0909. ask for Jo Ann, between 1 1 :30 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. on weekdays. THE I! 1 8 I I I I I I CO,,- I I I) II I ' m '"" "'MflWlM('ll'llia'" fLS. ', " "f"wmMm-jd,w!LJM 1 ri r - 10 0 All Turquoise and Silver Rings oAll Straw & Leather Purses Most Men's and Women's Shirts & I I WORK-AWHILE TEMPORARY SERVICES Has temporary clerical and general labor positions available. Never a. f 66 217 North 14th 477-4178 Needed at once, cocktail waitresses to work part-time evenings, experience preferred. Call Les Smith, 489-7111, Hillcrest Country Club, 8902 East "O". Part-time. Prefer someone with either photographic or sales experience. Apply in person Friday May 2, 1 :30 4:30 p.m. Max Miller Cameras, 1434 "O" Street. Part-time classroom assistant, fluent Spanish, Lincoln Montessori School, 489-81 10. Girls Part-time Reserve job. $3 to $5 per hour. No experience needed. 471-5017, 220 So. 17th. Ask for LoChiano. Live-in school girl with car for summer months. Private room in south Lincoln area. Stay with 1 5-year old girl. Call 467-3573 days or 423-2439 evenings for interview. Wanted: part-time elementary physical education instructor for elementary grades, Yankee Hill School. 477-51 75. College student needed for part-time custodial work, good pay. Apply to Century House, co Harrington Real Estate Office, 1201 "J" between 8 a.m. & 4 p.m. The DAILY NEBRASKAN is now accepting "applications for reporters, copy editors, night news editor, Midweek entertainment writer, artists, and columnists (liberal or conservative) for the fall 1975 semester. Application forms are available in 34 Nebraska Union; deadline is noon, May 2. Interview times are posted. The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for the positions of news editor, managing editor, associate news editor and special editor. Application forms are available in Rm. 34, Nebraska Union. The deadline is 3 p.m.Wednesday. Wanted: people to circulate the DAILY NEBFASKAN next fall. If you can arrange your schedule to be free from approximately 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., if you have a car, if you have muscle, you can qualify. Apply to "Jerri" in 34 Nebraska Union bv Friday, May 2. Students: Need single males and females to wlrk as supervisors for teenagers in foster care. We will provide housing and maintenance costs. You can continue your education as you work I Must be concerned with youth and want to help. Limited number of full-time positions. Begin June 1st. Contact: Catholic Social Service P.O. Box 2723 Lincoln, Ne. 68502 Ph: 432-6581. Male roommates to share house for the summer. Own room. Jim, 474-2229. Share house with one girl:; furnished, private bdrm., utilities paid. 475-001 3 evenings. Z3 TEHI)QLLARS NAKED GRAPE OP LINCOLN xl27 Girl to share nice apartment. Own room. Close to campus. Air, shower, parking, $100. Call 435-8215. Mature roommate wanted: own room, air, $60month utilities. 475-8207, 3335 "S". Need roommate to share house for summer, own room, $50. Mike, 474-1151. One or two males to share new two bdrm. apartment beginning June 1st. Near East Campus. Call Bob Johnson, 477-9291464-9041 47 5-6832. Roommate needed from May 10. Own room, air conditioned, $58 plus share of utilities. 3335 "S" Street. 475-8207. Need ride to Kalamazoo, Mich, after finals, share gas. Have no luggage. 489-8471 . Want to buy, good used tan medium-sized suitcase, 489-2058. Need two tickets together for full UN home football season. Male preferred. Call Terry, 475-2663. Want to buy set of wheels for Schwinn 10-speed. Call 475-4895. Need ride to Minneapolis, Minn, after May 8. Call 475-9938. Share gas & driving. Van leaving for Eugene, Oregon May 9. Car leaving for Washington, D.C., May 1 3. Share gas, driving. Must like dogs. 789-3965 after 6. Wanted- portable stereo cassette recorder. Connie call 432-1 595 again. Termpapers! North America's largest service. For catalog send $2 to: Essay Services, Box 1218, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302. Also Campus representatives required. Please write! (416) 366-6549. WATCH REPAIR: any make -bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE. Yellow door east side of Campus Book, 13th & "Ft", 432-3414. FUTURE CPA'S Learn How to prepare for the CPA Exam. BECKER CPA REVIEW COURSE. Call Collect 402-346-6271. Resume, passport photos. Quality, fast service (one day), low prices. Stan Strange, 489-0944. LOST: Commodore 1400 hand calculator. If found call 432-1998. Reward offered. INTERESTED IN NO-FRILLS LOW COST JET TRAVEL to Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East at minimum cost, maximum flexibility and minimum hassle? For Information call fcUUCATIONAL FLIGHTS toll-free (800) 223-5569. F St. can ff5 VALUES TO 23) ALASKA Pi Ft Li COCM! Information on construction and non-construction jobs in Alaska and on the pipeline wages addresses, qualifications - the true story from Alaska. $5. Denli Information Service, Box 1763, Anchorage, AK., 99510. Wanted: ride to Philadelphia, leaving around May 11 or 12. Rosemary 432-0555 evenings. Jim Heaiey would likeo thank his students (both past and present) who have made his stay in the Department of English at the University of Nebraska most rewarding and enjoyable. Pregnant? Birthright offers understanding and confidential help, 477-8021. NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST SERVICE $2.75 per page ,Send now for latest catalog. En close $2.00 to cover return post age. ESSAY SERVICES 3ox 1218 Niagara Falls, NY (416) 366-6549 14302 Our research service is sold for research assistance only. Campus Representatives required. Please write. COME TO COLLEGE IN COLORADO Three- and six-week classes and workshops offered for credit at Colorado Women's College in Denver. 75 courses in art, anthropology, education, sociology, psychology, music and your field. Classes begin 4 times from June 2 to August 4. Denver weather: Cool and sunny N c .0 J3 00 c v 3 O 3 CO c 0 1) ft ft c a; n I E E E j3 3 .S n n E O 5- 3 IQ GOOD ONLY DURING DEAD WEEK AND ONLY WITH THIS 10 COUPON COURSES BEGIN JUNE 1 t .. DEC. 1st ,wjiMWirM i" w " wm mm 1 daily nebraskan thursday, may 1, 1975