avelin throwerwins; baseball team loses lead By Scott Jones Scott Sorchik, Husker javilin thrower, won his event for the second consecutive week Friday duplicating his Kansas Relays victory at the Drake Relays. Although the Sussex, N J., sophomore beat his nearest rival by 18 feet, his 226 ft. 6 in. toss wasn't equal to his winning heave of 239 ft. at Kansas a week earlier. Sorchik won the javelin at the Big 8 meet last year with an effort of 243 ft. 7 in., and will defend his title at this year's meet in Norman, Okla., May 16 and 17. Offensive weak spots worry Husker coach By Pete Wegman Following Saturday afternoon's football scrimmage, the, last full-scale session before the annual Red-White game next Saturday, head football coach Tom Osborne expressed concern about the depth on his Cornhusker squad. "Sometimes you're no better than your second string. I think we've got to develop a little depth," Osbome said. "We appear to have 22 to 25 good football players out there." Osborne said he especially was concerned about the Huskers' offensive line, where the team lost four of last season's five starters through graduation. "On defense you can hide some weak spots, but particularly on that offensive line, the weak spots show up so quickly," he said. Two touchdowns However, the line did manage to open some holes for the Husker backfield Saturday, although only two touchdowns were scored in the two and one-half hour scrimmage. On Saturday's first series the number one offensive, with Bob Lingenfelter, Dan Schmidt, Rik Bonness, Nick Zanetich and Greg Hoins anchoring the line, moved 60 yards for a touchdown against the number two defense. The thirteen-play drive was engineered by quarterback Terry Luck and included six carries in a row by freshman Mor.te Anthony, a 13-yard run by Tony Davis and a one-yard sneak for the touchdown by I .tick. Luck, Vince Ferragamo and Tony Sorley shared most of the quarterbacking duties with the top offensive units. Luck was three of four for 20 yards in the passing department while Ferragamo was five of ten for 99 yards and Sorley connected on two of four for 19. Picture clearer Osborne said the quarterback picture looks clearer now since Luck, Ferragamo and Sorley have moved ahead of Randy Garcia and Ed Burns. "Wc have to arrive at two or three quarterbacks for next fall," Osborne said. Garcia, who was red-shifted last fail, was responsible for the other touchdown of the afternoon. Near the end of the scrimmege, Garda threw to wingeack Bill Kraft for a page 12 Chuck Malito continued to improve in the 440-yard intermediate hurdles at the relay meet. In his third outing in the event, Malito ran 51.4, good for third place and a qualifying spot in the NCAA meet June 5-7 in Provo, Utah. Malito ran in an invitational supplement to the university 440 hurdles race. A third Husker, Steve Jepsen, also scored well in the javelin event. After missing the Kansas Relays with a hamstring pull, Jepsen was second at Drake with a 183 ft. 6 in. toss, third-best in Nebraska history. Lost lead In other sports action this nine-yard touchdown. Tight end Brad Jenkins, who sustained a slight knee strain, was the only Husker injured in the scrimmage, Linebackers Percy Eichelberger and Jim Belka, wingback Tom Heiser, middle guard Scott Hertenstein, tackle Bob Hayes, defensive back Rod Stovall and guard Dan Miller missed the scrimmage because of injuries. Osborne said the team has made progress this spring, but added, "We're still a long way from playing a football game." o e&j ass ss sa s cs )i lH Jf' V Jp We're doing it again! This Wednesday for only $2.75 you 1 ?&&, ' fcjfi' all of our delicious pizza you can eat (and pop too). f )M fjjlf J Get the gang together and head for Val's. This W t'K 'Mk SV 'k''t4 i Wednesday from 5 to 7 in the party room downstairs at W & IkX ' m Val's Student Special Night, here's another chance to get f Vy-- all te Val's pizza you can handle! 4J't-Ta 35th & Holdrese esss esss a o ss -sisa sais mmm e ,os e22 o weekend, Nebraska's baseball team dropped three games to Iowa State to lose its lead in the Big 8 race. Randy Benish pitched a three-hitter in the third game Saturday, but the Huskers managed only five hits themselves as the Cyclones won, 1-0. Nebraska was limited to three hits in the first game of the doubleheader Friday and lost, 4-0. Nebraska hammered 1 6 base hits in the second game, including Paul Haas's triple and Ron Miltenberger's fM '-.-- sr.. w ' ' J " J i " V f " - . ' 'Swa8 Husker catcher Doak Fowler attempts to tag Iowa State's Larry UNL's three-game series against the Cyclones last weekend. home run, but were careless in the field and lost 13-8. One game behind Nebraska is now one game behind league-leading Oklahoma in the loss column with a 54 conference record. Oklahoma is 9-3. The Huskers will host Washburn University of Topeka, Kan., in a doubleheader Tuesday at 1 :30 p.m. and Kansas State for three games beginning Friday. Nebraska's golf team was fourth out of 15 teams at the Drake Relays Golf Tournament Thursday and Friday. The Huskers finished one stroke behind the Universities of Iowa and Southern Illinois who tied for second and third at 912, and 14 strokes behind winner Tulsa University. Senior Steve King led Nebraska with a 225 score followed by Freshman Doug Smith's 228 and Bob Meyer's 231. Iowa's Lon Nielsen of Iowa had the low score of 212. Big 8 schools Missouri (fifth, 918), Kansas (seventh, 928), Iowa State (eighth, 929) and Kansas State (10th, 947) all trailed Nebraska. Photo by Td Kirk Lucchesi (6) at home daring daily ncbraskan monday, apr il 28, 1975 i