The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1975, Page page 11, Image 11
1 1957 Chevrolet Classic, 4-door, completelyoverhauled, power glide. 1966 Plymouth Fury III, excellent condition, good mileage, v air - conditioned. 475-4894 after 6 p,rn. 1973 Gold Duster, blue & white, automatic, power steering, air, 6-cylinder. Real nice. 795-3225 after 6 p.m. 1973 MG Midget, excellent condition, great gas mileage. 475-9055 after 6 p.m. 1949 Chevrolet pickup, good paint and tires, radio, clean, 6-cylinder, $200. 435-6039. 1968 Cutlass Supreme; full power, tilt, cruise, rebuilt engine. Runs beautifully. Reasonable. 474-1917. Audi Fox, 1975," stereo, sunroof, four-speed, $5200. 2500 miles. 489-6517 days, 423-9815 evenings. 1969 Dodge Charger Special Edition; 383 4-barrel, power windows, steering and brakes. Radio, 8-track, cruise control, 64,000 miles, $1350.475-9243. 1969 Ford Torino Cobra; 428 engine, 4-speed, 40,000 , excellent' condition. Must sell. 489-4107. 1957 Chevy 2-door Sport Coupe, built-up engine, headers, bucket seats. Call after 4 p.m. 475-1429 1972 Porsche 914, excellent condtition, must sell, 423-0979. 1972 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus; air, steering and brakes, rally wheels, silver with black Ivinyl roof, $2450, 435-7559 before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. 1966 GAIaxie, two-door, hardtop, good second car, 488-1 503 after 6:30 p.m. 1972 Harley "350" dirt bike, 2800 miles, excellent condition; 15" Vox guitar amplifier; Marantz 105 AMFM tuner; revolving stereo and record cabinet. Call 435-8536. Six-week -old female Doberman Pinscrur. Call 477-31 10. You can depend on A SUZUKI We have some 1974 models to choose from that will save you money. DORMER'S SUZUKI CENTER 2301 No. 33rd 466-2760 1974 SX-350 H.D., 844 mile. Call 435-1361 after five. 10-speed burgundy Schwinn Continental, $95. Call 435-4642. Bargain pricedl Italian Campania 10-speed plus lock & chain, $100. Call 467-2612 after 3:30 p.m. 396, 427 Hi performance heads. Big Holley 4-barrel just rebuilt. Call 435-5774 after 5 p.m. Scott tuner amplifier, 80 watt, two Atlantis 5 speakers. Both almost new, warranty still valid. Phone 475-9496. SAILBOATS, parts, instruction. 2452 Canterbury Lane, 423-5450. tfVe m pt its "" mr Tsw,wiiwea. u. mtaxm tOHMiTTT iflooFFtwnrAE ana. BUTE 206. CAM XH NJ. 08104 By owner, excellent late model New Moon, includes appliances, dishwasher, air, tie-downs, fully skirted on nice lot near campus, clear title, under $4000. 477-4701 . 1974 Yamaha Enduro; low mileage, like new. Weekdays call 466-3303. After 9 pm & weekends, 435-8911. HOUSE OF FLOWERS 135 So. 12th 432-2775 29 and 30 gallon aquariums, P'ete. Also, Pioneer 488-78P4tUner' 8 c,arinet With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on all 1 0-speed bicycles, component stereos and Goodyear tires, except promotional items. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 1918 "O". Rogers Drums; eight piece set. Fof more information call 475-9904. C Sublease for summer: two bdrm. apartment, carpet, air conditioned, pool, 2020 G" A16 475-5477. 885 No. 25th: only 12 blocks from campus. Large two bedroom, furnished, recently constructed apartment for only $195 per month. Call 466-3283 or 432-8414. Rent great furniture. Comfortable and attractive. On or off campus, $20 minimum. INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED. 1230 South, 432-8851. EAST CAMPUS APARTMENTS: Brand new one and two bedrooms, carpet, drapes, central air, appliances, cable, laundry, one-two small children, small pet. $165-$195. 466-1933466-3228. Summer rooms; washing machines, air conditioned, $15 a week. Triangle Fraternity. Call 474- 1003432-0494, ask for Tim Nissen. 2222-44 Vine: Summer leasing now available. Close and convenient to campus, spacious; two bdrm, modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished, starting at $185. Mgr: 435-6988489-7469. 705 North 23rd Cornhusker Co-ed Co-op is taking contracts for summer and fall. 75-76 school year $860 including meals. Summer- as low as $10. 475- 6796. 1 626 Sumner: large two bdrm., VA bath, air, available May 15 or June 1st. Summer lease, furnished for four, pool privileges, $195. 466- 6000432-7100. 2947 "Q": three bdrm. plus one small bdrm., furnished, owner pays water, remodeled, large, $175, $100 deposit. 464-5648. INEXPENSIVE Rooms For Rent With Kitchen Facilities Free Washer & Dryer All The Comforts Of Home For Information Call THETA CHI: 432-7893 Ask For Mike Summer campus housing; air, parking, men & women, single and double. l-or information Coil 432-5308. 31st & Holdrege: one bdrm., $125- two bdrm., $160. Available May. Furnished, air conditioned, deposit. no pets. 432-3689464-0686. Nicely furnished apartment; cable TV, fully carpeted, all elec. kitchen, garbage disposal, central air. off-street parking, suitable for 2-4 people, near East Campus, 1400 No. 33rd. Rent for summer and taking reservations for fall. 467- 1 400 after 5 p.m. Apartment for rent: 2825 No." 49th, one bedroom, util." paid, $120. One bedroom, util. paid, $85. Call 477-1 756. 870 No. 25th: New one bedroom, shag carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, laundry facilities, off-street parking, $135 and up, plus electricity, 435-0085432-1484. AVAILABLE NOW: 3038 Walnut Court (30th & Q). Spacious one bdrm. apartment off-street parking, $115 a month plus utilities. Call 475-3107 489-0311. Nice one bdrm. apartment, 30th & "S", stove & refrigerator, remodeled, air, $1 25. 432-1 595. 1794 "L": large two bedroom modern apartment for 3-4 people 477-1878. Unfurnished otie bdrm. apartment, Southeast, appliances furnished, carpet, drapes, almost new, 488-7056. Sublease for summer, one bdrm. furnished apt: ac, close campus & downtown, $105 electricity. 474-1183 evenings. 2727 2727 Torchlight: two bdrm. trailer, swimming pool, tennis courts, club house, $150. 477-1756. 1934 "R": five or six bdrm. $165. 477-1756. 1930 "R": really nice five bdrm. house with living room, dining room, off-street parking, $220,477-1756. Large three bdrm. house; 3069 "S", convenient both campuses, two baths, stove, refrigerator, air, $200,432-1595. Furnished & unfurnished one bdrm. apartments with dishwasher, disposal, air conditioning, off-street parking, close to downtown campus, vacancies in May & June. 477-3413477-9934. Two bdrm. furnished house, $175. Three bdrm. unfurnished house between campuses, 435-4051. SURLIER WORK $2,250 guarantee Last chance Call Monday or Wednesday crJy 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 483-4424 Have a nice telephone voice? You can make a bundle working only 14-20 hours per week on our hourly wage plus performance incentive system. Call 423-0909, ask for Jo Ann, between 1 1 :30 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. on weekdays. Students: Need single males and females to work as supervisors for teenagers in foster care. We will privide housing and maintenance costs. You can continue your education as you work! Must be concerned with youth and want to help. Limited number of full-time positions. Begin June 1st. Contact: Catholic Social Service P.O.Box 2723 Lincoln, Ne. 68502 Ph: 432-6581. Wanted: weekend desk clerk, 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. Fri, Sat, Sun. Apply in person, Clayton House Motel, 10th & "O . No experience necessary. Live-in school girl with car for summer months. Private room in south Lincoln area. Stay with 1 5-year old girl. Call 467-3573 days or 423-2439 evenings for interview: NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST SERVICE $2.75 per page .Send now for latest cata!og. En close $2.00 to cover return post age. ESSAY SERVICES 3ox1218 Niagara Falls, NY i416) 366-6549 .14302 Our research service is told for research assistance only. Campus Representatives required. Please write. r.wirtiM-M-niii il miWifcriTf r-wnrrr n imua im , m i n n W fiivit j Girls Part-time Reserve job. $3 to $5 per" hour. No experience needed. 471-5017, 220 So. 17th. Ask for LoChiano. Part-time service station attendant. Student who can work now through summer into fall. Crest Oil Co., 1545 Cornhusker Hwy. Part-time classroom assistant, fluent Spanish, Lincoln Montessori School, 489-81 10. The DAILY NEBRASKAN is now accepting applications for reporters, copy editors, night news editor. Midweek entertainment writer, artists, and columnists (liberal or conservative) for the fall 1975 semester. Application forms are available in 34 Nebraska Union; deadline is noon. May 2. Interview times are posted. The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for the positions of news editor, managing editor, associate news editor and special editor. Application forms are available in Rm. 34, Nebraska Union. The deadline is 3 p.m.Wednesday. Wanced: people to circulate the DAILY NEBFASKAN next fall. If you can arrange your schedule to be free from approximately 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., if you have a car, if you have muscle, you can qualify. Apply to "Jerri in 34 Nebraska Union by Friday, May 2. NEEDED DESPERATELY Dormies to help with return of leased refrigerators, April 30 May 4. (before finals). $2.50hour, 10-20 hours. Call Rich Veys, U.S.A.I. 432-6926. U.S.A.I. leasing is accepting applicants for Campus Director position for '75-76. Earn $450 plus. Dorm residency preferred. Serious applicants call Rich, 432-6926 Female roommate wanted for summer. Beautiful new apartment, short walk to campus. 432-8488. Need female Christian roommate by May 1. $80 electricity. 16th & "E . Call 12 noon - 10p.m. 475-2504. One to two females needed to share large house, own room, $55. Call 45-8359. Need roommate to share house for summer, own room, $50. Mike, 474-1151. Want to buy: portable stereo cassette recorder, 432-1 595. PLATTE RIVER RAFT REGATTA Schuyler, Nebraska, May 25th. Entry fee $25. Four man rafts for sale $51.25 until May 1. CASH PRIZES. For details write Larry J. Karel, Box 437, Schuyler, Neb. 68661 . A JC event. Experience being foreignl Go abroad work, study or travel. Overseas Opportunities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. TYPING. Fast service, reasonable. Phone 483-2482. 562S "Ow Street J LOCAL - NATIONAL COMPANIES Not all companies can afford 'o hire individuals to go around the country interviewing on college campuses. In fact a very small percentage of companies want to interview hundreds of applicants. They would rather interview the 3 or 4 best qualified for their business. Local companies naturally can't take the time to talk to everyone. SO they call on us to screen for them. LOCAL APPLICANTS Not every company is good for you. They can't all offer good solid training proorams, promotional opportunities, financial backing and the kind of working conditions that YOU want. It's our business to know about these things! WE OFFER Confidential Counseling Service Obligation Free Inquiry Guaranteed Services Knowledge of Companies . Interviewing Technique Training National Exposure Let us do the leg work while you are spending your tiros hitting the books for finals. i Termpapersf North America's largest service. For catalog send $2 to: Essay Services, Box 1218, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302. Also Campus representatives required. Please write) (416) 366-6549. Going back to Omaha? Will move your furniture and belonninos, R,J, 435-2561. WATCH REPAIR: any make -bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE. Yellow door east side of Campus Book, 13th & "R", 432-3414. ALASKA PIPELINE BOOMI Information on construction and non-construction jobs in Alaska and on the pipeline wages addresses, qualifications the true story from Alaska. $5. Denli Information Service, Box 1763, Anchorage, AK., 99510. INTERESTED IN NO-FRILLS LOW COST JET TRAVEL to Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East at minimum cost, maximum flexibility and minimum hassle? For information call EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS toll-free (800) 223-5569. j Don't face pregnancy alone, call Birthright for confidential understanding help, 477-8021 . vote SLCGL':.! for equal opportunity grievance committee UtTlING MARRIED? LOOKING FOR A JOB One usually follows the other, and perhaps we can help. Boomer's Printing Company offers a wide variety of formal wedding invitations and wedding accessories, as well as the option to design your own to be printed. Kesumes play an important part in attracting the attention of a prospective employer to your specific talents and qualifications. Boomers will print your typed resumo in its present form or help you design one for special needs. Boomer's Instant Printing can be used anytime you need some quick copies of any material. Our location at, 1212 "O" Street is just a refreshing stroll off the downtown campus. ..... BE OUR GUESTS! Or phone 477-1251 for information. BOOMER'S I PRtMHHQ COHTWNY Lincoln, Nebraska Personnel of Lincoln V 433-2514 Frca Pfirfrfnr; )niiiiiitiiy -MtatofMW page 1 1 daily nebraskan monday, april 28, 1975