The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1975, Page page 5, Image 5

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Dear editor:
Rape is the most under reported violent crime in America
today. Conservative estimates are that only one fourth of all
forcible rapes in this country are reported to the police. Only a
fraction of those are eventually prosecuted and of those only a
fraction result in convictions. Perhaps the single most dominant
reason for this under reporting is the victim's unwillingness to go
through the ordeal that is presently part of the rape
prosecution-an ordeal inflicted upon her from within the criminal
justice system as well as from without.
This ordeal is a direct product of the following myths about
rape and rape victims:
(1) Rape is primarily a crime of sex. (In fact, rape is primarily a
crime of violence.)
(2) Rape is a crime of impulse. (Most rapes are planned.)
(3) The rapist and the victim ate strangers. (In fact, most rapes
occur between persons known to each other ranging from
acquaintances at church functions and places of business to
relatives as close as that of father or uncle.)
(4) No healthy woman capable of resisting can be raped. (In the
majority of rape cases, a woman is threatened with death if she
(5) ' The woman asked for it. (Does anyone truly think that
women go out of their way to be humiliated, to be beaten or
possibly killed?)
(6) Women have a propensity to contrive false complaints. (The
obviously falsity of this myth is shown by the low rate of reporting
that occurs.)
Rape is the one crime in which the victim has also been a
defendent. The Lincoln Coalition Against Rape urges that LB23 be
passed in its present form with two exceptions: the deletion of
Section Four, referring to second degree assault, and the
substitution of "second degree" for "third degree" in section five.
. - Sarah Hoagland
Lincoln Coalition Against Rape
sitting tie
re s a
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xt to yon
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Holy Land indeed a mixup
Scene: The Heavenlv Real Estate Office. The
Landlord is happily creating still another galaxy
as his business agent, Mr. Gabriel, enters, looking
grim. .
The Landlord (singing reedily as he mixes his
galactic ingredients): A couple of jiggers of
moonlight and add a star. . .
Gabriel: Sorry to interrupt, sir. But I have
another report from Earth. Really, sir, the
tenants of that tiny planet cause more trouble
than the rest of the cosmos. Now they're
planning to slaughter each other again over the
Holy Land.
The Landlord: Come, come, Gabriel. The
entire property is holy.
Gabriel: Yes, sir. But the Christians, the
Moslems and the Jews feel this little stretch of
arid soil is holier than the rest. Consequently, to
prove their devotion to holiness, they have been
variously skewering, chopping, slicing and
exploding each other for thousands of years.
The Landlord: But if they all agree it's
holy. . .
Gabriel: The problem, sir, is that each believes
it's holy for a different reason. Thus each wishes
to evict the others as trespassers who lack a
divine deed to the property.
The Landlord: I'll be the judge of that,
Gabriel. Who occupies it now?
Gabriel: The Jews, sir.
The Landlord: Ah, my Chosen People!
.Gabriel: Frankly, sir, I think they wish you'd
choose someone else for a while. You see, while
they have' the milk and honey, the Moslems have
the oil.
The Landlord: And which side are the
Christians on, Gabriel?
Gabriel: The oil, sir. Except for trie
Americans. The Americans are for the Jews being
totally free and independent. But, at the
moment, they're mad at them.
The Landlord: Whv is that, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Because the totally free and
independent Jews won't do what the Americans
tell them to. So the Moslems are getting ready to
try to evict the Jews again.
The Landlord: Gabriel, I will not tolerate all
this fighting in holy places.
Gabriel: But the only reason they want to
fight there, sir, is because it's holy. You see. . .
The Landlord: Enough, Gabriel! What we
have here is obviously a simple, matter of
orthur hoppe
property ownership. Just conduct a title search
in that Book of Records there and I will
personally adjudicate the matter, thereby
bringing permanent peace to the Holy Land.
Gabriel (dubiously): It's a bit complicated,
sir. Even Henry Kissinger. . .
The Landlord (sternly): You doubt my
omnipotence, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Oh, no sir! If you insist. (He opens
the book.) Well, briefly, the Jews evicted the
Canaanites, but were in turn evicted by the
Romans who were tossed out by the Saracens
who fought over the property for several
hundred years with the Christians until the Turks
took it over only to lose it to the British who
finally turned it over to the Jews who kicked out
the Moslems who are now about to. . .Sir? Are
you listening, sir?
The Landlord (humming to himself), Perhaps
if I mixed three jiggers of moonlight to a star and
added a sprinkle of morning mist, a dash of
blazing comets. ...
(Copyright Chronicle Publishing Co. 1975)
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daily nebraskan
page 5
thursday, april 3, 1975