The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1975, Page page 2, Image 2

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Two proposals by the Council on
Student Life (CSL) Housing Policy
Committee (HPC) were approved by CSL
Thursday night and will be forwarded to
Chancellor James Zumberge, according to
CSL chairman Lyle Young.
A proposal to maintain the present
maximum of 14 hours of visitation on a
floor, with specific floors designated for
.variable limits of from zero to 14 hours,
was approved. The proposal suggested
that a residence floor be permitted to
choose its hours up to the maximum,
between the hours of 10 a.m. and the
following 2 a.m., rather than the present
1 1 a.m. to 1 a.m. period.
The second proposal, recommended
that individual floors, upon a unanimous
vote of the residents, be permitted to
change their maximum number of
visitation hours from one category to
another, provided all students whose
parents co-signed their housing contract
receive written approval from their
A third proposal, which was defeated,
recommended that "corridors and lounge
areas shared by members of a living
community composed of men and
women living on the same floor (i.e.
Associative Living) or alternating floors
be open to the members of that
community 24 hours a day."
One reason for the third proposal,
according to Wendy Reitmier, chairman
of the HPC, was a problem of elevator use
for some residents of Associative Living
floors in Abel hall. CSL member Judith
Ann Sadler also noted problems with
maintaining "a community on floors
when everything is shut off at 1 a.m."
Council member Mary Williams said
that a proposal "suggesting there are
some, even if relatively insignificant
functional problems with the Associative
Living, " might prompt the Regents to
discontinue the programs.
On a 6-4 vote, CSL also defeated a
recommendation that the Regents change
a statement in their by-laws which
designates Publications Board as a
subcommittee of CSL.
Council members said that "with a
subcommittee status, CSL would be
functional for more student input in Pub
Board since the Daily Nebraskan is
financed partially by student fees."
Council member Bob O'Neal suggested
that the council might be establishing an
"authoritarian" position over Pub Board"
by supporting subcommittee status , but
CSL member Dan Steller said he did not
believe the council was a "direct threat or
control" on the board, historically or
presently. In other action, a final version of the
council's Fees and Fines Report to the
chancellor was reviewed by CSL and
approved unanimously. Council member
Ron Gierhan was commended for his
work in finalizing the report.
The CSL yearly report of activities as
written by chairman Lyle Young, was
also reviewed by the council and up-dated
before being sent to the chancellor.
daily nebrosEcon
Editor-in-chief: Wes Albers. News Editor: Dave Madsen.
Managing Editor: Rebecca Brite. Associate News Editor: Randy
Gordon. Layout: Dennis Onnen. Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel.
Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow. Night News Editor: Bill
Garthright. Special Editor: Greg Wees. Chief Photographer: Ted
Kirk. News Assistant: Janet Lliteras.
Reporters: Betsie Ammons, Chuck Beck, Lisa Brown, Paula
Damke, Lori Demo, Deb Gray, Ivy Harper, Gina Hills, Tom
Hinrichs, John Kalkowski, Marian Lucas, Don McCabe, Sam
McCormick, Steve Osborne, Katie Pruckler, Susie Reitz, Lynn
Roberts, Mary Kay Roth, Rex Seline, Amy Struthers, Randy
Wright, Jim Zalewski.
Entertainment Writers; Vince Boucher, Susan Edwards, Sharon
Johnson, Dave Ware.
Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager: Ken
Kirk. Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
Sports Staff: Scott Jones, Becky Morgan, Steve Taylor, Pete
Columnists: Joe Dreesen, Rick Johnson, Bruce Nelson, Amy
Editorial Cartoonist: Scott Stewart.
Artist: Ron Wheeler.
Photographers: Steve Boerner, Kevin Higley.
Copy Desk: Christie Cater, Ivy Harper, Stan Linhorst, Ron
Advertising Staff: Sharon Clyne, Ron Hejny, Marian Faimon,
Tom Henning, Carol Hult, Greg Hutson, Greg .Lindberg, Steve
Mayhan, Ken Mohr, Steve Ragiin, Jayne Sohl, Jerry Watson.
Production Staff: Bob Radek, advertising production; Cindy
Axelsen, Suzy Carlson, Kelly Coffey, Melody Hoadley.
Circulation Staff: Mark Lyon, Bob Lueke, Chuck Eliason, Willis
Wiebel, Robert Kalangi, Bill Daniel.
Assistant Business Coordinator: Kaileen Mortensen.
Receptionist: Cheryl Lorentzen.
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska 68501.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
Sts., Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee
on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn
and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation.
Copyright 1975 the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted
without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except
material covered by another copyright.
FAB approves budget requests
from AS UN, Daily Nebraskan
Tentative approval wi's given Thursday to
budget requests from the Daily Nebraskan and
ASUN, two of the Fees Allocation Board's
(FAB) largest fees users.
The FAB approved $35,000 in student fees
for the Daily- Nebraskan, with the request to the
Publications Board that the Daily Nebraskan
report on its cash reserves.
According to FAB member Jim Lewis, it is
important that the reserves be justified because
student fees are supposed to be allocated to
zero-based budgets each year.
Kelly Baker, chairman of the Publications
Board, said the reserves are necessary because the
Daily Nebraskan "is in the difficult position of
not knowing exactly how much money will be
coming in next year."
The FAB eliminated $2,200 from the ASUN
budget request to be used for salaries to
committee chairmen, press secretary and
administrative assistants in the ASUN office.
However, the FAB kept allocations for salaries
paid to the executive officers of ASUN. The
ASUN officers need time and independence to be
good representatives of the students, Lewis said.
He added that the other positions should
filled voluntarily by interested students.
The FAB is equivalent to the Alaskan oil
pipeline, according to Lewis. Like the pipeline,
"everyone knows there's money here and
everyone wants a share," he said at Thursday's
FAB meeting.
Another member, Annette Hudson, said the
FAB has become a catch-all for several
discontinued funding commitments from within
the university. Student organizations which had
received funding from within the university now
expect allocations from the FAB, she said.
Lewis added that many sports organizations
which received funding from the Recreation
Dept. now are required to come to the FAB for
allocations. He said the FAB does not have
enough money to give many of the organizations.
In other action, the FAB tentatively approved
funding to the Gay Action Group and the India
Association. They tabled budget proposals for
the Council of American Indian Students and the
Mexican-American Student Association.
Vacation library hours posted
Library Hours During Spring Break
March 22-10 a.m.-5 p.m. -Love,
Undergraduate, C.Y. Thompson
March 23-All closed
March 24-26-7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.-Love,
Undergraduate, C.Y. Thompson; 8 a.m.-5
p.m -other branches
March 27 & 28-7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.-Love,
Undergraduate, C.Y. Thompson
March 29 All closed
March 30-1:30 p.m.-11
Undergraduate, C.Y. Thompson
March 3 1 - Regular h ours
The Law Dbrary
Spring Break.
will not be open during
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page 2 daily nebraskan
friday, march 21, 1975