ods 2 1968 Plymouth Satellite, sm. V-8, auto., runs good. First $250. 477-3859435-7831 before 11 a.m. 1967 Porsche912; 5-speed, Sernperits, Konis, AM-FM-SW, chrome wheels, Sunday only, 1039 Peach. 1970 Duster, economic 6, ' automatic, air, low miles, eves., 435-2740. 1969 Firebird convertible, 350, automatic, power steering, air, great shape, 488-7372. 1974 Mustang, 8,000 miles, excellent condition, $3500. 423-1597 after 5:30 p.m. Datsun 240-Z super condition. Must sell, best offer. Day, 472-2588 or nite, 435-5720. 1966 Lemans, 70 miles on new engine, $500. 477-5623. 1972 Porsche 914; red, 40,000 miles, excellent condition, 423-1597 after 5:30 p.m. Two cars for sale: 1968 Cutlass and 1968 VW. Best offer, 432-7759. Must sell 1970 VW Bug, excellent condition, 477-4005 after 7 p.m. 1967 -Chevy Panel; $575. 489-3107. 1970 Chevelle SS; 396375, 4-speed, air, 8-track. Must sell. 464-1358. 1970 Chevelle SS, 396, power steering and brakes, headers and more. After 3 p.m. and weekends, 477-5325. 1973 Suzuki; TS250, $650. Call 785-3825. "1973 Honda CB-3506; burnt orange; 4700 miles; exceptional condition; Must see to appreciate, 435-5760 after 5 p.m. SAILBOATS, parts, instruction. 2452 Canterbury Lane, 423-5450. Pioneer Professional Turntable, excellent condition, $50. Call 423-1151. Fischer Stereo, $250, 1725 "E", Apt. 5. Panasonic 8-track player recorder, BSR turntable and AM-FM radio. 488-0696. Four Turner microphones with cords and other musical accessories, 475-4303. MOTORCYCLES SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE We still have some 1974 model Suzukis. See us at our new location. DORMER'S SUZUKI CENTER 2301 North 33rd 466-2760 Eico AMFM stereo receiver; 1 00 watts, excellent condition, $80. 423-3377. Violence divides, God unites. The community of God. sake it your way. MUtKMllUliMMIIKU friday, march 14, 1975 Stereo- The name brands you trust at lower prices. This week's special-Ultrallnear speakers for $34.95. Centennial Stereo. 240 N 10th. Mini Moog; two months old, $1050. Calr 435-5000 after 6 p.m. 1957 Les Paul, speaker cabinet with 1 5" JBL, 488-6242. Sony Stereo System, $80. Call 435-2093. Acoustic guitar, Suzuki, excellent tone, $100. 826-2963, Wegener, Doane, Crete. Martin D-12-18 guitar, 6 mos. old, perfect shape, Coudet flute, same age. 477-6549. Moving; Selling beautiful Baby Grand piano. Perfect condition. $1300. 464-0945. Used color TV, 19" portable, reasonable. 477-1678. 1971 RCA color console, solid walnut cabinet and new pict. tube, $250, 489-1363. Must sell my PETRI FT II 35mm camera, 55mm, 135mm, & 400mm lenses, all in excellent condition at a reasonable price. Call after 5 p.m. 432-0957. Vivitar zoom 75-260 mm. Canon FTb, 1.8 black body. Call 474-1002 (Ben). Registered male collie puppy; three months, $50. 475-9380. One bound volume of Fall, 1974, DAILY NEBRASKAN, $20 plus tax. Contact "Jerri" at 472-2586. With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on all 10-speed bicycles, component stereos, & Goodyear tires, except promotional items. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 1918 "O". Lovely wedding invitations, napkins, accessories. Call for appointment. 488-4268. ',1 1 For summer rent: one and two bdrm. apartments, util. paid, beginning at $120, close to East Campus. 464-6891464-0901. Two bedroom trailer, tennis court, pool, clubhouse, & bus line, $150,477-1756. Pleasant apartment walking distance of downtown and campus. Second floor, one bedroom, carpeted, air, utilities paid, $125 plus $50 deposit. Available April 1st. 477-3480. DORMIES:Save at least 25 on housing for 1975-76 school yearl Cornhusker Coed Co-Op, 475-6796. House at 1934 "R". Five to six bedrooms, $175, 477-1756. r l lTV ST.JUDE m- ,9 t CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL Please help us Send contributions to: MEMPHIS, TENN. 38101 Clay Statmore ?I iU 5 ft' 1 Ul4. mm n ;. -HO j Est 1 1! 1 ill iri fill n''l l I Mm i li .a-MMti HHn 870 N. 25th New one bedroom, shag carpet, drapes, range. refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, laundry facilities, off-street parking, $135 "P Plus electricity. 435-0085432-1484. ROOMS FOR RENT. $70 per month. Male students, only THREE BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS! 432-2330. Rent great furniture. Comfortable and attractive. On or off campus. $20 minimum. INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 1230 South. 432-8851. Students! Two bdrm. and efficiency apartments, available March 1st. 464-3979435-0363. To sublease for summer; new, quiet, one bdrm. apartment; completely furnished, disposal, air, laundry, off-street parking, walking distance to city campus. Call .474-1688. Two bedroom . trailer, tennis court, pool, clubhouse, & bus line, $150,477-1756. DORMIES: Cheap room and board, apartment-like living. Brown Palace Inc., 1900 "B", 432-2583. Nice two bedroom second floor furn. apartment, 25th & "P", $150. all utilities paid. 488-5000488-7812. Night waitress, 19 or older. Top Hat, 5 or 6 nights, own transportation, 477-1719435-9849. Waiters or waitresses and oven men wanted, flexible hours. Apply between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to Lillian at Valentino's North, 3457 Hoidrege, 467-3611. Models Bene Bonn (OUR 26th YEAR IN LINCOLN) All ages-sizes. See ur models. "TV AUCTION', "TRIUMPH OF AGRICULTURE", "HOME SHOW", beginning scon. Call now. No training fee for professions!, TERMINAL BLDG. 432-1229 House parents, married couple, college degree or equivalent work experience. Youth Potentiality Development Centers of the Youth Service System, 2201 S. 11th, Lincoln. Equal Opportunity Employer. King's is hiring. Various positions available. Part-time and full-time. Flexible schedule and good pay. Equal opportunity employer. 48th &"0" 489-6108 19th & "O" 432-4783 1240W. "O" 432-9624 1316 "N" 435-2929 Waitresses needed for lunch and dinner. Dee Mrs. Price, Mr. Steak, 5505 "O". Single, adult male to do foster care for two teenagers. Must have car. Rent, food and utilities paid. Contact Catholic Social Service, P.O. Box 2723, Ph: 432-6581. 1975 B BOOKS are now in stock 00!;! CQAiiD, daily nebraskan 1 39 each f ATTENTION: If you have been hassled within the last year or two by State Farm Insurance Co. about premiums, pay ment of small claims or have been threatened with policy cancellation, please caii Jim at 432 3856- I would like to find people interested in going to the Irish Fortnight which is being held again this year in Oniaha at the College of Saint Mary now "through March 20th. Perhaps we can arrange rides to save on gas. If interested, call Gina Hills at 472-3191, ext. 2S8 or sign your name and the date you prefer in the notebook outside of Andrews 342. I have a list of performances and will be glad to let you know what's happening. Wanted: UNL students to attend "No No Nannette" at the "Talk of the Town Dinner Theatre", Omaha. Runs through Friday March 28th. Phone 397-6770 for reservation. Dinner at 6:30, show at 8 p.m. Cast includes UNL theatre personalities Dee Mario and Doug Holsclow. Inquire about special group discounts. Need to rent or buy ski rack to fit Capri, Bob 423-2536. I need a ride to NEW YORK spring break. Anyone going that way? Can help buy gas and drive. Call Carol mornings, 472-2590 or evenings,474-1002. Resume, I.D., passport photos. Quality, fast service, low prices. Stan Strange, 489-0944. SUPERB TYPING. .60page. Elaine and Dick, 3034 Walnut Ct.. 435-5879. Anything and everything professionally typed. Cheap rates. 477-5771. . WATCH REPAIR: any make-bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE. Yellow door east side of Campus Book, 13th S "R", 432-3414. c Roommate still wanted, own room, $30month. Share utilities. 475-8265.2722 Dudley, come back againl n n n i JL9LQ)llfo x 0 lntroduck3 rha $29938mpg,93mph VW rabbit. 'Suggested retail price Rabbit 2 door Hatchback, P.O.E. Transportation ' local taxes and any other dealer delivery charges additional. "The cruising speed of a Rabbit. The EPA's highway test average. C Volkswagen of America, Inc. Audi W1 Female roommate; own bedroom, lots of space. $S0month. Call 475-7331 before 5: 30 p.m.. 255 S. 29th. Want student or young working girl to share furnished apartment and utilities at $65 per month. 1 9 4 8 F ' . 477-2447475- 5303435-9536. Upperclassman roommate wanted. own room, new. unfurnished. on bus route, Carribean Apartments. 475-6965475217. Live in a Kibbutz in Israel. If ycu work, accommodations are free. Overseas Opportunities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. Scuba classes held Sundays, Aqua Shops. Sion up before it's too late. Call 464-8707. Sailing Club Racing. Meeting Sunday, March 16, 7 p.m. Hilltop Professional Building. 423-5450. ilr-ir -imitinimriii-iiiUfflir-ni. .iiinrimBiaKteaamJ I OCT- niMit ihu-L kAL lAmiirt like it returned . if found. Call 435-4869 or mail it to Abel 51 5, Birthright offers free pregnancy tests, prenatal care, financial planning, confidential. 477-8021. Friday 12 p.m.-Program Office Luncheon Nebraska Union Pewter Room 1:30 p.m.-American Pharmaceutical Association Union Auditorium 2 p.m.-Daily Nebraskan -Advertising Staff-Union 216 3 p.m. -Exxon Foundation -Piaget Prcfram-Union 203-202A 7:30 rxm.-lnter Varsity Christian Fellowsliip-Union 202 8 p.m. -Union Program Council - Rob Inglis and "ERF"-Union Ballroom McDonald Volkswagen 1 241 North 48th page 15