The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1975, Image 1

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    monday, march 10, 1975
lincoln, nebraska vol. 98 no. 95
By Rex Seline
An attempt at candidate
diversity marks the second year
of existence for the United
Student Effort Party (USE),
according to the presidential
candidate Jim Say and first
vice presidential candidate
Mary Jenkins.
The party is the first- in
recent years to survive for a
second ASUN election and will
attempt to draw from past
experience, Say and Jenkins
said Sunday.
USE second vice
presidential candidate Paul
Morrison was not available for
"The party stayed together
pretty much because of last
year's large sweep," Say said.
"They've had an opportunity
to work together all year."
Continuity better
"It's been proven in the past
that the more continuity from
year to year in the senate, the
better," Jenkins said.
Diversity among candidates'
residences was emphasized in
Jim Say and Mary Jenkins,
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Dean : Watergate conspirators may get pardon
By Randy Gordon
.A soft-spoken John Dean said Friday night that
there is a chance President Gerald Ford will pardon
those men recently convicted in the Watergate
cover-up trial.
"You have to remember that these are still very
powerful men," he told an audience of nearly 1,000
at the Omaha Civic Auditorium Music Hall.
As to whether Ford should pardon former Nixon
officials H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, John
Mitchell and Robert Mardian, Dean said he "does not
wish jail on any man, but I don't think this (the
pardon) would be a just solution.
"I would pjefer to see them come forward and
explain what went on" before any pardon or sentence
reduction is given, he said.
Dean also urged former President Richard Nixon
to escape the "prison of his own conscience" by
revealing what he knows about Watergate, an incident
experience mark
the selection of party
members, according to Say.
"It's fairly evenly split
between people who live in
dorms, Greek houses and off
campus," Jenkins said. The
attempt was made to broaden
USE this year is "trying a
new thing" in platforms,
according to Say.
"We're not going to come
down with a set platform. We
want to avoid having
preselected issues. We'd jather
have the students bring up the
issues important to them," Say
Jenkins reported that
candidates are looking at files
the party has compiled so they
become familiar with areas that
might be considered important.
"Instead of discussing issues
last year, candidates tended to
defend their own platform.
They were nitpicking over who
had a better Section three,
paragraph five," Say said.
USE will be held
USE candidates for ASUN Senate
accountable because the party
label will become identified
with certain issues, according
to the executive candidates.
Say added that some
platform promises can't always
be kept.
"I don't think we'd be
legitimate if we said we could
get everything done," he said.
Jenkins, who ran for the
senate on last year's USE
ticket, said, "We realize now
that some of last year's ideas
were pretty optimistic." But
both candidates said last year's
USE philosophy is being
followed this year.
Help from last year
Say said his candidacy .has
received some help from last
year's USE candidates,
including ASUN President Ron
Clingenpeel and first vice
president Sharon Johnson.
"It will be a boon to the
senate," commented Jenkins,
to be able to draw from the
party's past experience.
About five USE candidates
are senators and several have
-5 JK-
president and first vice
Photo by Ted Kirk
in U.S. history that he said will not "quickly pass
from the minds of the American people."
"He (Nixon) is not what you would call a 'free'
man," Dean said. "He has to be very concerned about
what people did in his behalf, but he has not done so
much as come forward and straighten the record out
one way or the other with regard to that activity."
Dean said he does not think Nixon would have
been impeached had he admitted wrongdoing in the
Watergate affair. "But for some reason Richard Nixon
could never trust the American people," he added.
Dean said it is impossible to judge the Nixon
presidency through what he called the lens of
Watergate, and that Nixon won't be judged fairly
until he "comes forward and tells the American
people what he did and why he did it."
"In a sense it's a shame that any good he has done
has been lost in Watergate. Hopefully, some day he
will dispel all that by laying it out for what it is," he
second - year US
served on ASUN committees,
said Say and Jenkins.
Jenkins is an Arts and
Sciences senator, Say is
chairman of the ASUN Student
Rights Committee and
Morrison serves on the
legislative liaison committee.
The candidates declined to
offer an opinion on the
proposed ASUN constitutional
amendment, saying some
problems have developed
because of the amendment's
wording. USE will take a
position after the present
senate acts on the problems at
Wednesday's meeting.
Student fees
A majority of the party
members support more student
control of student fees. They
are against "cutting them out
USE also supports the
philosophy behind the regent's
religion bylaws, but they're
calling for ambiguities in
guidelines to be cleared up.
"You should be able to go
to the guidelines to determine
the legality of a matter instead
of having to rely on
interpretations," Say said.
Say also said USE will seek
a different emphasis for the
student regent.
"There's a critical difference
between being a student regent
and being a regent," Say said.
"Ron Clingenpeel apparently
has fallen somewhat into the
trap of viewing student issues
as a regent rather than as a
student. You have got to invite
student input rather than be
a spokesman for the regents."
USE also supports
legislation to allow alcohol on
campus. Jenkins said the best
way may be support for
lowering the drinking age to 18
to eliminate the major reason
for the regent's opposition.
Increased turnout
The candidates look for
He said the pardon also "did not extract so much
as an ounce of truth in exchange, and I felt that was
wrong." Dean also said there was no distinction made
between official wrongdoing and private crimes, such
as tax fraud.
Dean said Nixon was a kind man to his staff. "He
always went out of his way to do those little tilings,"
he said.
Continued on p.3
increased voter turnout this
year because of the student
regent status of the president,
placement of voting booths in
residence halls and because
voters "will not be
disillusioned" by small,
disagreeable points that might
be found in a structured
Following is a list of USE
senatorial candidates:
Arts and Sciences: Jack
Acevedo, Scott Cook, Don
Erickson, Gina Hills, JoAnn
Papenfuss, Susie Reitz, Joe Ron,
Vee Sawyer, Earl Singh, Avery
Agriculture: Dennis Burson,
Brian Schelpeper, Daryl Wilton.
Architecture: Joel Wexelman.
Business: Nancy Fahlberg, Jerry
Harkrader, Karen Langland, Jim
Engineering: Randy Pfeiffer,
Dan Roh.
Home Economics: Julie
Bergmeier, Vickie Brugman.
Professional: Fritz Stehlik.
Teachers: Carol Claasen, Karen
Dress, Julie McRoberts, Jean
Sundstrom, Tony Williams.
Following is a list of USE
advisory board candidates by
Arts and Sciences: Marianne
Clifford, Jackie Learned, Linda
Agriculture: Kay Christensen,
Ron Ross.
Home Economics: Cheryl
DeCosta, Linda Meisinger, Julie
Moravec, Mary Wagner.
Teachers: Jeanene Hatcher,
Diane Korinek, David Rosas.
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