The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1975, Page page 11, Image 11
ads Datsun 240-Z super condition Must sell, best offer. Day, 472-2588 or nite, 435-5720. 1973 Corvette Coupe, Sunkist Orange, 11,000 miles, 4-speed, air, After 6 p.m., 488-1032. 1967 Ford Fairlane; well cared for, contact, Mary Metcalf , 41 5 N. 16th, 474-1044. 1971 Pinto; 4-spd., 25 mi.gallon, new tires, will consider any offer. 489-2032. 1971 Porsche 914, walnut dash, appearance group, Michelins. Must sell. 467-4321, ext 237432-9326 after 6 p.m. Parting out 1962 Nova. NO engine, 475-1 147. 1971 AMC Javelin SST, power steering and brakes, 4-speed, radial tires, tilt wheel, vinyl top, 51,000 miles, $1395, 477-1962. 1972 Volkswagen convertible, clean throughout, excellent gas mileage, $2000 or best offer. 464-0383. , 1970 Opel fiallye Cadet. Excellent shape, 27 mpg, 25,000 miles. $1600 or best offer at book. 489-3281. 1974 Mustang, 8,000 miles, excellent condition, $3500. 423-1597 after 5.30 p.m. 1972 Porsche 914; red, 40,000 miles, excellent condition, 423-1 597 after 5:30 p.m. 1966 Lemans, 70 miles on new engine, $500. 477-5623. Two VW snow tires with studs. Excellent condition, $50. One Schick console hair' dryer, $20. 475-0027. With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on all 10-speed bicycles, component stereos, & Goodyear tires, except promotional items. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 1918 "O". MOTORCYCLES SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE We still have some 1974 model Suzukis. See us at our new location. DORMER'S SUZUKI CENTER 2301 North 33rd 466-2760 1972 Kawasaki 100 in excellent condition. Call Karl at 475-2728. 1971 RCA color console, solid walnut cabinet and new pict. tube, $250,489-1363. Used color TV, 19" portable. reasonable. 477-1678. One pair ESS-VII speakers, 475-2746. One pair Wharfedale speakers, (40 w.) $75. One Eico receiver, $75. 423-3377. Stereo-Lower prices on brand name merchandise. No big ad on radio or in newspapers means lower overhead and lower prices. Special this week: Motorola receiver and two speakers for $129.95. Centennial Stereo, 240 N. 10th. Marshall lead amp. & speakers, Scott, 435-7726477-6783. ,, Stereo, Onkyo (Pioneer) TX440 Receiver, 3012 PE Turntable, two EPI 100 speakers, $425, Dennis, 306 Abel Hall. Stereo System: Dual 1229 turntable, Pioneer Quadrasonic receiver. Pioneer speakers. $1,000 retail, sell for 475-1296. Marshall 100 watt amp. with one 4 X 12" cabinet. Reasonable. 467-1011. Mini Moog, two mos. old, $1050. Call 435 5090 after 6 p.m. Altec Lansing P.A. system, Vega plectrum banjo about 40 years old, 435-C989. 1544 N. 22nd. Have 1943 P-38, will swap for 18 ft. aluminum canoe. 432-6866. c, J-q?96 Pro Ski boots' used- men's size 9, very good condition; great tor Spring Break. 474-1688. Ski boots; Hanson Riva Soft wax injected, fits mens sizes 82-1 o' Worn once. Call Scott, 477-8131. Moving! Must sell. Console stereo; 35 lb. bow, portable typewriter, bowling balls, cassette tape deck and speakers, auto 8-track. dresser & mirror, weights. All cheap. 435-2801. $95 takes 1S74 Winchester Model 94 30-30. $45 takes 1973 Hemington Nylon 66 .22LR with 4X Universal scope. Call 435-8596. Lovely wedding invitations, napkins, accessories. Call for appointment. 488-4268. Singer portable sewing machine, $55, excellent condition. 432-9961. Complete scuba diving outfit for medium build person. Used three times. Sell as set, $450. 763-3515, a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Alvarez classical guitar and Univox toik guitar and case, condition, 475-0216. good ROOMS FOR RFmt 7n ' ' pu month. Male students, only THREE BLOCKS FROM CAMPUSI 432-2330. Students! Two bdrm. & efficiency apartments, available March 1st. 464-3279435-0363. DORM CONTRACTS Don't sign until you've seen our offer. Brown Palace Inc. 1900 "B", 432-2583 870 N. 25th New one bedroom, shag carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, laundry facilities, off-street parking, $135 up plus electricity. 435-0085432-1484. AVAILABLE NOW: Furnished house 3145 S. 11th, two bdrm. attached garage, $170, 464-0239464-3628. " DORMIES: Save at least 25 on housing for 1975-76 school year! Cornhusker Coed Co-Op, 475-6796. Attractive efficiency, 1630 "G" St. Three rooms, air, laundry, bookshelves. Male student preferred. Calf 472-2586 2-5 p.m. or 432-3610 anytime. Spotless and quiet, one bdrm. apartment, available either furnished or unfurnished, dishwasher, disposal, carpeted, & draped, from $135 with off-street parking and laundry facilities. 477-9934477-3413. $65 efficiency; $120 two bdrm. Utilities paid for. 477-2047. EAST CAMPUS APARTMENTS: brand new one and two bedroom, central air, carpet, drapes, appliances, cable TV, laundry, 1-2 sm. children, $165-195. 466-1933466-3228. 2700 Garfield: attractive large furn. apartment, 3 bdrm., carpeted, clean, no pets, $190 util. paid. Call 483-8633432-7840. Pleasant apartment walking distance of downtown and campus. Second floor, one bdrm., carpeted, air, util. paid, $125 plus $50 deposit. Available April 1st. 477-3480. RAINTREE APTS. Central locations, close to everything, all electric. 32nd & "OT Range, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal & pool, two bedrooms, $180. One bedroom, $150 plus utilities. 483-9653 or ve., 489-0517482416 u u VIIIES UNDER THE TOWER 70th & A 'Tp 1 b 0) Three bdrm. 2203 S. 8th, $140. Owner pays water. 464-5648. Domestic help, live-in girl. Part-time or full-time. 477-2854. Full-time and part-time sales representatives wanted. Must be upperclassmen. No sales or previous insurance experience required. Call 477-4134. King's is hiring. Various positions available. Part-time and full-time. Flexible schedule and good pay. Equal opportunity employer. 48th 8r"'0" 489-6108 19th &"0" 432-4783 1240W."O" 432-9624 1316 "N" . , 435-2929 PART-TIME TYPIST. Piece rates, equipment and supplies provided, flexible hours, you're office or ours. Call Dick Riggins, 435-5879. t- Waiters or waitresses and oven men wanted, flexible hours. Apply between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to Lillian at Valentino's North, 3457 Holdrege, 467-3611. WANTED: Ambitious man or woman from out of town living in dorm or frat. who wants to make $3000 before the end of school year. Call 435-4755 early or very late 477-4902 and leave message. Models-Bette Bonn (CUR 26th YEAR IN LINCOLN) All ages-sizes. See our models, "TV AUCTION", "TRIUMPH OF AGRICULTURE", "HOME SHOW", beginning soon. Call now. No training fee for professionals. TERMINAL BLDG. 432-1229 Roommate wanted, own room, $30month. Share utilities. 475-8265,2722 Dudley. WANTED: FEMALE STUDENT ROOMMATE. Challenging, creative co-op living (4 males, 2 females). Low rent plus shared responsibilities. Call or stop, Commonplace-UMHE, 333 N. 14th,432-6561. Available now. Need female to share furnished two bdrm. apartment. Area of 19th & "D". $160mo. plus utilities. Contact Sue: 477-7837 after 5:30p.m. ' Female roommate wanted, own room, newly redecorated, walk to campus, on bus route, references, $56, util. paid, 475-8596. Wanted one female to share nice home, $67, own room. Call 432-4628. Will buy cameras, lenses, enlargers, and dark room eqipment. 435-5268. WANTED TO BUY: Small child's wooden chair with wicker seat. in good condition. 423-5351 after 6 p.m. or weekends. Wanted: UNL students to attend "No No Nanette" at the "Talk of the Town Dinner Theatre", Omaha. Runs through Friday March 28th. Phone 397-6770 for reservation. Dinner at 6:30, show at 8 p.m. Cast includes UNL theatre personalities Dee Mario and Doug Holsclow. Inquire about special group discounts. r Sunshine Center Laundry, 1345 N. 27th, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8:30 p.m. On Mon.-Fri., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. We will wash, dry & fold, for you a small service charge. Also dry cleaning. 435-9714. LARGE FREE PARKING - NO TRAFFIC Mon. - Thru Sat. - 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M DISCOUNT PRICES CASE DISCOUNTS -ICE SUPERB TYPING, .60page. Elaine and Dick, 3034 Walnut Ct., 435-5879. Anything and everything professionally typed. Cheap rates, 477-5771. WATCH REPAIR: any make-bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE' Yellow door east side or Campus Book, 13th & "R", 432-3414. Scuba classes starting March 9 & 11. Classes held Sundays & Tuesdays. You may join anytime within the next two weeks. Call .464-8787. IT TAKES TIME AND MONEY AND IT'S WORTH IT! An active approach to meditation by which one can achieve an experience integrating one's life from a spiritual point of view through use of journal writing. DIALOGUE HOUSE WORKSHOP, at Nebraska Center for Continuing Education March 14-16. Call for information, 432-6561475-691 2. Like to meet a Kangaroo? We can arrange an introduction. Overseas Opportunities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. Clancy is Coming 1975 RED BOOKS are now in stock G0111 DOAROS sti" on ust O y each s tamps' 1 MHnMHMnHHHMMMHW -irnnm iiiiTi.ii n i M J1SSKSJ8 K hk mmikmi iiilB Humdinger. Hie new way to drink. Made with rum and natural flavors, by SELECTION J S if i LOST: HANDMADE BRASS RING at Games and Fun or Art Building. Sentimental value. Sniff, sniff. Phone 475-1317. Would the finder of a turquoise bracelet ost last week in CBA or on campus PLEASE call Teri at 432-0765 for a large reward. ProLife students Lyon, 4401 Neihardt, Dennis Hunt, 2300 Devonshire Drive. Regretfully, John Pythagoras Barleycorn expired last evening. Family and friends are cordially invited to attend the services to be conducted in his honor this evening at Acacia Fraternity. Such notable Alumni as C. Regal and James Beam will be in attendance. Don't face pregnancy alone, call Birthright for confidential understanding help, 477-8021. STARTS TODAY! DOUBLE FEATURE everybody ogs... RATED X PLUS 2D FEATSIEE "BIG BEAVER" ALSO RATED X Pius x-Rated Short "Tha Oirl and The Donkey" tk One Under IS mm flEltflinQ0S a cambist him -caw 1 RATED X ii When you have 10 natural, tropical flavors and the lightest, brightest Puerto Rican rum all in one, you just have to have another one. Rumdinger. In 8 ounce bottles or the party size fifth. Calvert Dist. Co., Phila., Pa. 25 Proof. ' : ' - U LJ j mm r i rxi r 489-6868 friday, march 1, 1975 daily nebraskan page 1 1