o o o r During Spring Break take a ' River Raft Trip The $100 price includes leadership, transporta tion, food, equipment, rafting equipment, & trip insurance. "Ik . Leave March 21 Raft from March 23-29 and be back on the 30th. $25 deposit due March 10. Balance due March 15 through the Mountains of Arizona on the Vercfe River Sign up by March 10 - Limited Reservations at the UNL Recreation Dept. 1740 Vine St. or call 472-3467. Alternative trip (if not enough water or bad weather)-desert hiking along the Escalante River in Utah. Only $75. o j A r" r 'US U&00000002 s this group of g hand prose O o Foreign exchange opportunity increases By taking advantage of the National Student Exchange (NSE) and the Faculty Exchange Center (FEC), UNL students and faculty members can increase their opportunities to be exchange students and to teach at other universities. NSE operates at 33 colleges and universities in 26 states and Puerto Rico. FEC chapters has chapters in 45 states and in 16 foreign countries. Adam Breckenridge, UNL vice chancellor for academic affairs, said most exchange programs at UNL are for students. In addition to an exchange program with a college in Mexico City, the University conducts exchange programs with Nanzan University at Nagoya, Japan and a program in Guadalajara, Mex., for students and faculty members from the College of Architecture. UNL has exchange programs with Kansas University and several other Big 8 schools, Breckenridge said. Unlike student exchanges, faculty exchanges are between two faculty members, Breckenridge said. "We don't have formal staff exchanges, but the universities usually will consent if both benefit," he said. Richard Fleming, director of University Information, said faculty exchanges are either grants or fellowship study programs, not formal exchange programs. UNL maintains an exchange program with the University of Missouri for forestry and wildlife studies, and programs for veterinary science students at several Big 8 schools, he said. Two years ago graduate students were permitted to study at other schools if the courses they wanted were not offered at UNL, he said. UNL students participating in foreign exchanges are "in the hundreds," Fleming said. He said he couldn't estimate the number of exchange students in Big 8 schools because of registration procedures. Students interested in NSE can write to Indiana University, Fort Wayne, Ind., 46805, for more information. Interested faculty members can write to the FEC, P.O. Box 1866, Lancaster, Pa., 17603. selected conci- week only. Wednesday 12 p . m . - D r . Seagren-Lu ncheon-Nebraska Union Room 203 4 p.m. -Fees Allocation Board-Misc. Sub -Committees-Union 216 4 p.m. -Phi Chi Theta-Union 232 4:45 p.m.-All University Fund-Executive -Union 337 5 p.m. -All' University Fund-Union 337 5:30 p . m . -Gamma Lambda-Union Harvest Room C 6 p.m. Gamma Lambda Pledges-Union Harvest Room A 6 p.m.-ASUN Senate Meeting-Union 202 6:45 p.m. Student Veterans Assoc.-Union 232 7 p.m.-Inter Fraternity Council-Union North Conference Room 7 pjn.-Mexican American Student Assoc.-Union South Conference Room 7:30 p.m. -Math Counselors-Union 225 B-C CAN YOU ' BUILD BONDS? INFORMAL STUDENT-ALUMNI-FACULTY DINNERS STRUCTURED AROUND CAREER AREAS HOSTED BY ALUMNI f K fr h CAN YOU REALLY RELATE ? SUNDAY NIGHTS MARCH AND APRIL CAN YOU BRIDGE GAPS? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT - STUDENT ALUMNI BOARD 472-2841 DINNER FOR TWELVE STRANGERS Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE 2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213) 477 8474 or 477-5493 Our research material it told (or re uearch aiustanct only. Good Food Good Sfvic Good Prices RSI Just one block South of the Union Hours Sunday-Thursday 7 am 10 pm Saturday & Sunday 7 am 2 am 1435 Q page G daily nebraskan Wednesday, february 19, 1975