The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 17, 1975, Page page 9, Image 9

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Paddleball players
charge discrimination
Claims of discrimination by several women paddleball players
have been made against the UNL Athletic and Recreation
According to Dyan Dodendorf, "women are receiving no equal
opportunity to play paddleball."
Dodendorf alleges that the Recreation Dept. broke an
agreement with the women students. The agreement allowed
women students to use four paddleball courts in the fieldhouse for
a total of four hours a week, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mondays and
The agreement was broken, Dodendorf said, when two of the
four courts the women were supposed to have available were taken
away. One paddleball court is being repaired and the other is full of
football equipment, according to Dodendorf.
Recreation Director Daniel Steller said the use of paddleball
courts by women was a Recreation Dept. experiment. Steller said
an additional court was made available to the women.
The fieldhouse is the property of the Athletic Dept., Steller
said, and they have the final word about court use.
Athletic Dept. needs and intramural sports have priority over
recreational use of the courts, he said. Three paddleball courts are
available to women and four to men during recreational time,
Steller said.
Dodendorf expressed dissatisfaction with the way her
complaints were received. She reported encountering an "I don't
give a damn attitude" by Athletic officials when she campaigned
for more court time.
Dodendorf said she was given a run-around by the people who
are in charge of allocating recreational time and space on the
paddleball courts.
Letters have been written by Dodendorf to the Recreation and
Athletic Departments, in an attempt to get what Dodendorf thinks
is fairer treatment. She also has contacted the Equal Opportunities m
Office and talked with Ombudsman Babcock.
According to Steller, no one has contacted the Recreation
Office claiming that the agreement has been broken. Steller said he
was aware that two of the courts the women were to use are
unavailable, but thought the matter was settled when a third court
was provided for them.
A total of seven available courts are in the Fieldhouse. The
Recreation Department has no paddleball courts of their own,
Steller said.
ISTO J uflljQ
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1915-WAR SUMMARY-Latest reports
from Berlin assert that Field Marshal von Ilindcnburg has been
completely victorious in bis third battle with the Russians abound
the Mazurian Lakes in East Prussia, capturing 40,000 Russians and
large quantities of stores.
Two days remain before Germany will carry into effect her
order for a submarine attack against enemy merchant vessels.
Governor Frank Willis of Ohio, at one time taught in a law
school. One day he asked a youthful pupil what a demurrer is, and
what is meant by filing a demurrer in a lega! petition.
The young man hesitated.
"Don't you know," demanded Willis.
"Ye-es, I think so," said the, student, but still showing great
"Then tell it," said Willis.
"Well," ventured the young man, "as I understand it, one side
comes into court and admits the truth of a charge, but practically
asks the othef side what in thunder they're going to do about it."
Willis gave h;rn a mark of 100.
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monday, february 17, 1975
daily nebraskan
page 9