The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1975, Page page 11, Image 11

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fcaririH11 TtttftWh ttinfmirtt wimfl-maifrrftft-)i xMrm wmMmtUm
STEREO: Akai, Ultralinear,
Fisher, Garrard, BIC. All price
ranges. Low overhead means lower
prices for you. Special this week:
Garrard 42M, complete, '$49.95.
Centennial Stereo, 240 N. 10th.
Gibson "ES", case. Fender
reverb amp, cords, wa-wa, fuzz and
misc., everything nine months old,
$500, 475-5861.
$1,000,000 Collection
of turquoise Indian jewelry, coral.
Mother of Pearl, diamonds (loose or
mounted), antiques, gold coins &
collectables. Offered to dealers,
buyers & collectors. By
appointment at Legionnaire
Club-Bombay Room-5730 "O",
Feb. 7, 8 & 9, 1-10 p.m. By
Midwest's largest distributor, Peter
P. Klein, Master Jeweler. For
reservations phone 466-1337 or
write Peter P. Klein, 6009 Vine,
Lincoln, Ne. 68505. Will buy-sell or
trade. Member Nebraska & South
Dakota Jewelers Association and
Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club. 30
years experience diamond setting,
jewelry repair and special made
jewelry and rings.
Valentine Special. Turquoise
rings $10. NEB-CRAFT GIFTS.
1008 "B" Street.
1968 Plymouth Satellite, 2-dr.
hardtop. Needs minor work, $385.
Call 477-3859 after 5 p.m.
1964 Ford van, good tody &
mechanically sound, many new
parts, 477-4033.
With student or faculty ID, 10
discount on all Goodyear tires
except promotional items. Terms
available. Goodyear Store, 1918
New complete set Funk &
Wagnalls Encyclopedia, still in box,
$50. 475-0958 Brad or Neal.
One year old Schwinn
Continental 10-specd bike, $110
firm. Like new. 464-7569.
ST i is-Yamaha 195 with
Solomon 204 bindings. Call after 6
p.m. 466-0836.
SKIS Two pair. Northland
brand new 190-195 cm, $45 ea,
AKC registered St. Bernard
puppies, 6 wks. Dam & Shire
x-rayed. 488-3260.
TRUNK SALE!! Not the trunk,
buy everything in it! Summer
sportswear, winter skirts, sweaters,
ski jacket. Women's size 9-11.
Men's size M-L. 5224 South 39th.
By appointment only dial
423-5351 evenings or weekends to
arrange time to see. MANY, MANY
Write for our inflation fighting
photo equipment catalogue.
Compare our warehouse prices on
cameras, darkroom equipment, and
supplies. 1327 Archer St. San Luis
Obispo, Calif. 93401-.
llnii i iii
870 N. 25th
New 1 bdrm., shag carpet, drapes,
range, refrigerator, dishwasher,
disposal, laundry facilities,
off-street parking, $135 up plus
electric. 435-0085432-1484.
Clean newly remodeled eff.
apartment, kitchen appliances
furnished, 1112 "Q", $125. Call
Two bdrm. apartment, 2-3
people, lease, downtown area, avail,
immediately, 477-1878.
25th' & "(1": Large unfurnished .
2 bdrm. duplex, carpet, util. paid
except elec. Avail. Mar. 1, $175.
475 2213.
Modern furn,-unfurnished one
bedroom apartments, central air,
dishwasher, carpeted, off-street
parking, centrally located, from
Close-in to downtown &
University. Nite 2 bdrm. duplex,
carpeted, range & refrigerator.
$15Qmo. plus utilities. Deposit.
Call Mr. Ward, 489-9101.
Two bdrm. furnished house,
attached garage, basement, $175,
East Campus apart: Brand
new one & two bdrm. central
air, carpet, drapes, appliances,
cable TV, laundry, 1-2 sm.
children, $165-195.
Clean one bdrm. apartment,
2504 Vine, ideal central location,
unfurnished, walking distance to
campus, heat paid, $145. Call
489-7469 daily423-6087 evenings
and weekends.
Cornhusker Co-op has vacancies
for men and women for the 2nd
semester. $400 per semester
includes meals, 475-6796.
Modern well-equipped
condominium, sleeps 8, 3 resorts
close, Dillon, Colorado,
The Daily Nebraskan needs
reporters. Apply Room 34
Nebraska Union.
Help wanted: $3hr. and up!
Full or Part-time go-go dancing, no
experience necessary, 1035 "M",
Experienced small press
operator, part-time. Lincolnland
Printing, 333 N. Cotner, 467-3700.
Part-time help wanted, flexible
hours. Apply Fiesta Cantina, 2785
S. 17th.
Babysitter wanted: high school
or college girl, weekdays in my
home, afternoons, to care for two
small children. Can negotiate hours
and pay. Call evenings 475-7112.
One or two non-smoking
roommates to share nice older
house with female. $55mo. plus
util. Call 435-5547.
Female Roommate Needed: 3
bdrm. house, 10 minute walk from
city campus, $67 per month. Call
475-8024 after 5 p.m.
Girl to share furnished
apartment, util. paid, downtown
area, avail, immediately, 477-1878.
Female Roommate Needed: 3
bdrm. house, 10 minute walk from
city campus, $67 per month. Call
475-8024 after 5 p.m.
Private tutoring available. Man
with 2 years college & Math-science
background. Willing to tutor
freshmen & sophomores, 477-7046.
Elaine Bullard, 3034 Walnut Ct.,
make-bands. DICK'S WATCH
SERVICE. Yellow door east side of
Campus Book, 13th & "R",
The Daily Nebraskan is in
desperate need of reporters. Cover
interesting topics, meet interesting
people. Apply Room 34, Nebraska
Valentines Rally Let your
Valentine be navigator. Sun. Feb. 9,
1:30 p.m. Sears South Lot
Gateway. $2.50 per car, all cars
welcome. Trophies and prizes.
Sponsor Nebr. Corvette Assoc.
(snow date Feb. 16).
Send a singing valentine to your
sweetheart! See the Alpha Phi
booth Feb. 11, 12. 13 in the Union.
This summer in Guadalajara! ?l
Overseas Opportunities Center, 205
Nebraska Union.
FOUND: Pair of aloves in Union
Gameroom. Call 475-7329 after 7
p.m. and identify.
t' ( .lit . i i
LOST: Dark green data book on
rat studies, Jan. 2, third floor Food
& Nutrition Bldg. Reward.
466-1128 or call Food & Nutrition
LOST: locket, great persona!
value. Reward. Please call
475-4281, ask for room 628.
WANTED: Sheet music for
"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy". Call
Dennis at 474-1 229475-9929.
Wanted: one used 5 or 10-speed
bicycle (preferably girls). Would
like to pay about $50. Please call
Kalleen 472-2586 during day.
Will buy cameras, lenses,
enlargers and dark room
equipment, 435-5268.
the Rag
I CMa ne dozen red roses
II The Daily Nebraskan is sponsoring a romantic years. The usual classified price of
l( contest for the romantics of our time. Place 8 cents a word has been cut to only 6 cents.
) a message to your valentine in next Friday's And our standard $1 minimum has been f
1) Daily Nebraskan. eliminated. )
l The most romantic message, as judged by Fill out the form in Monday's Daily I
l) the Daily Nebraskan Cupid, will allow its Nebraskan and bring it to the Daily
i author to send a dozen of red roses to Nebraskan office. Room 34, Nebraska
( anyone in Lincoln. Union, before Thursday at 11:30 a.m. (f
J) To further promote the cause of No purchase necessary. )l
(( .romance, the Daily Nebraskan has rolled Daily Nebraskan staff members are not J
back prices to those of earlier, more eligible for the contest. f
Daily Nebraskan needs input:
from responsible profs., students,
janitors, etc. regarding
CIRCULATION. If "you notice too
many or too few Daily Nebraskan
at campus buildings, call "Jerri" at
472-2586. We hope to get the
papers to where you are, when you
are there. , . Let us know how we
can better serve you.
Want to tell your friends what's
going on on campus? Become
aDaily Nebraskan reporter. Apply
Room 34 Nebraska Union.
Journalism experience preferred,
but not necessary.
Don't face pregnancy alone, call
Birthright for confidential
understanidng help, 477-8021.
!1129 "0" St. Enclosed Mall Enclosed Mall
X Lincoln Lincoln Grand island
Norman H. Cromwell,
Regents Professor of Chemistry
at UNL, will speak at a
chemistry department seminar
today at 3:30 p.m. in Hamiltpn
Hall 110.
A march in support of the
Equal Rights Amendment will
take place today at 10 a.m. in
the State Capital. Supporters
are asked to meet on the north
steps of the Capital at 9:45
Student Council for
Exceptional Children will meet
Monday at 4:15 in Henzlik
Hall 35.
They go together - fit each other exactly! We
have many styles like them, as well as others.
Each style comes within your price range.
wium '"
Gateway Caneutoqa
daily nebraskan
page 1 1
friday, february 7, 1975