The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1975, Page page 15, Image 15

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    MBIIIllimill IIIMIHMMlllTTMBmW Miami I 111 111!
'no help'
to law
Editor's note: This is the fourth in a
series of articles examining the services of
the placement offices at UNL.
By Jim Zalewski
Law students at UNL are not receiving
their money's worth of placement
services, according to Brian Waid, head of
the Student Bar Assoc.
Seven dollars of the student fees paid
each year goes toward the maintainence
of the placement office, he said. Law
college students, who pay the fees for
seven years, do not receive the services
that other colleges do, he said.
Few companies or law firms that
interview students go through the
university placement office, he said.
Instead, many come directly to the law
college through prior acquaintances there,
he said.
Job market tight
"The projected job market for lawyers
is very tight," Waid said. "This year, there
will be slightly over 30,000 law graduates
and only 16,000 legal jobs available."
The Creighton University Law College
has a full-time placement officer, Waid
said. The Creighton placement director,
Jackie Mass, maintains listings of jobs and
positions available, Waid said. Of
Creighton's law students that graduated
in December, only three have not found
jobs, Waid said,
"When you figure 450 law students at
seven dollars per year for seven years,
that is a pretty good sum of money,"
Waid said. "We should be able to get
some services for our money,"
No recruiters
"Most law firms do not hire
professional recruiters," he said. "They
prefer to come directly here and talk to
the professors.
Waid said that Don Shaneyfelt, law
college dean, has assisted many students .
in finding jobs upon graduation.
"I'm sure some of the students would .
like to have someone else do the work of
finding a job for them," Waid said. "The
student should have to take some of the
burden. But we've been paying for
services and not getting them.
The Law College has only a building
and a library, he said, and uses no
university money for its equipment. Yet
the college still lacks the individual
placement office it needs, Waid said.
Waid indicated the successful
operation of placement service's branch
office on East Campus and said he
thought a similar arrangement foul d be
worked out with the Law College.
ABA help
The American Bar Assoc. is also
attempting to assist law school graduates
in finding jobs, according to the January
issue of Student Lawyer magazine.
The ABA will begin its computerized
JURISCAN program in February. The
computer matching of employer's needs
and student's qualifications enables the
job selection process to be done on a
national basis at a relatively low cost.
JURISCAN will allow students to come
into contact with more potential
employers than they could afford to
contact on their own.
touS COS
Gibson "ES', case, Fender
reverb amp, cords, wa-wa, fuzz end
misc., everything nine months old,
STEREO: Akai, Ultrailirtear,
Fisher, Garrard, BIC. All price
ranges. Low overhead meant lower
prices for you. Special this week:
Garrard 42M, complete, $49.85.
Centennial Stereo, 240 N. 10th.
100 watt speakers retail $160
each, sacrifice $80, 432-9357,
Reasonable stereo system for the
conservative audiophile. $100 or
best offer, 464-8932 8fter 5 p.m.
Realistic 3-spd. 4-track stereo
tape player-recorder with
accessories. Five stereo reel-to-reel
tapes, various artists, $250,
New complete set Funk &
Wagnalls Encyclopedia, still In box,
$50. 475-0958 Brad or Neal.
With student or faculty ID, 10
discount on all Goodyear tires
except promotional Items. Te:rr
availably. Goodyear Store, 1918
10-gallon starter set
lO-gailon aquariums
Silver angels
Red swards
Show bettas
302 S. 10th
1972 Heavy Chevy: V-8 350
automatic, radialt, air suspension,
2-dr. hardtop, excellent condition,
30,000 miles, 618 Abel, Brian after
6 p.m.
Write for our Inflation fighting
photo equipment catalogue.
Compare our warehouse prices on
cameras, darkroom equipment, and
rjpp!!:;. 1327 Archar St., San Luis
Obispo, Calif. 93401.
AKC registered St. Bernard
puppies, 6 wks, Dam & Sire
x-rayed. 488-3260.
One year old Schwinn
Continental 10-speed bike, $110
firm. Like new. 464-7569.
$1,000,000 Collection
of turquoise Indian Jewelry, coral.
Mother of Pearl, diamonds (loose or
mounted) antiques, gold coins &
collectable. Offered to dealers,
buyers & collectors. By
appointment at Legionnaire
Club-Bombay Room-5730 "O".
Feb. 7, 8. & 9. 1-10 p.m. By
Midwest's largest distributor, Peter
P. Klein, Master Jeweler. For
reservations phone 466-1337 or
write Peter P. Klein, 6009 Vine,
Lincoln, Ne. C3S05. Will buy-sell or
trade. Member Nebraska & South
Dakota Jewelers Association and
Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club. 30
years experience diamond setting,
jewelry repair and special made
jewelry and rings.
Modern Turn, -unfurnished one
bedroom apartments, centrel air,
dishwasher, carpeted, off-street
parking, centrally located, from
$135. 477 9334477-3413.
870 N. 25th New 1 bdrm., shag
carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator,
dishwasher, disposal, laundry
facilities, off-street parking, $135
up plus electric.
Wanted: one used 5 or 10-speed
bicycle (preferably girls). Would
like to pay about $50. Please call
Kalleen 472-2586 during day.
Two bdrm. furnished house,
attached garage, basement, $175,
Modern wall-equipped
condominum, sleeps 8, 3 resorts
close, Dillon, Colorado,
Cornhusker Co-op has vacancies
for man and women for the 2nd
semester. $400 per semester
include! meals, 475-6796.
Clean one bdrm. apartment,
2504 Vina, ideal central location,
unfurnished, walking distance to
campus, heat paid, $145. Call
489-7469 dally423-6087 evenings
and weekends.
East Campus apart: Brand
central air, carpet, drapes,
appliances, cable TV, laundry,
1-2 sm. children, $165-195,
" Daily Nebraskan needs people to
distribute the paper M, W, TH, F.
Must have 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
free. Average pay $65mo. To
apply call "Jerri" at 472-2586.
Wanted: Go-Go dancers, no
experience necessary. 435-6657,
Tues, Wed, & Fri, 8 a.m.-1 2 noon.
Also all day Saturday.
Female cashier; 7-10 a.m. Call
Babysitter wanted: high school
or college girl, weekdays in my
home, afternoons, to care for two
small children. Can neyutiais hours
and pay. Call evenings 475-71 12.
Part-time help wanted, flexible'
house. Apply Fiesta Cantina, 2785
S. 17th.
Daily Nebraskan needs input
from responsible profs., students,
janitors, etc. regarding
CIRCULATION. If you notice too
many or too few Daily Nebraskan
at campus buildings, call "Jerri" at
472-2586. We hope to get the
papers to where you are, when you
are there. . . Let us know how we
can better serve you.
Thousands of Topics
$2.75 per page
Send for your up-to-date, 160-page,
mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00
to cover postage (delivery time is
1 to 2 days).
(213) 477-8474 or 477-5493
Our research materia! It sold for
retesich attistanc only.
Energetic young couple is
seeking position as houseparents
beginning next fall. Phone
475-6947 evenings.
Will buy cameras, lenses,
enlargers and dark room
equipment, 435-5268.
Female roommate needed: . 3
bdrm. house, 10 minute walk from
city campus, $67 per month. Call
475-8024 after 5 p.m.
Male roommate to live with
cowboy, own bedroom,
$77.50mo. plus utilities, 475-6115
Girl to share furnished
apartment, util. paid, downtown
area, avail, immediately, 477-1878.
Guitar Lessons: lead, rhythm,
bass, or acoustic style guitar.
Emphasis on rock and roll, blues, &
modern folk, Call Jim 464-5642.
Private piano lesson, elementary
to intermediate-all ages. Bachelor
of Music, piano major, 4029 "F",
Attention winemakers and
brewmasters! The Winemaker Shop
at 433 South 13th is now open to
provide you with a complete
selection of winemaking and
brewing supplies. Also glassware,
cheese making kits and wine
bottles. Open M-F 12-5:30 p.m.,
Thursdays until 8:30 p.m., Sat.
10-2 p.m. Come in or call
m mm
Sheldon Art Gallery
12th & R St.
Documentary Fibs
Produced and Directed
by Lionel RogosLi
1972 73 minutes USA
Produced by CIS
20 rcin-jtes 1370 USA
creenlnjjs today at
3, 7, and 3 p.m.
Admission $1.25
Private tutoring available. Man '
with 2 years college 81 Math-Science
background. Willing to tutor
freshmen 81 sophomores, 477-7046.
make-bands. DICK'S WATCH
SERVICE. Yellow door east side of
Campus Book, 13th & "R",
Elaine Bullard, 3034 Walnut Ct.,
OOC: your link to a whole
world. For information on travel,
study, homestays, voluntary service
and jobs abroad, visit your Overseas
Opportunities Center, 205
Nebraska Union.
College P.E.O. Group Meeting,
Sunday, Feb. 9, 5 p.m. Briarhurst
Clubhouse (48 & Hwy. 2). Call
reservations by Thur. night,
Send a singing valentine to your
sweetheart I See the Alpha Phi
Booth Feb. 11, 12, 13 in the
LOST: locket, great personal
value. Reward. Please call
475-4281, ask for room 628.
A diamond is forever
King. Irom 1UU Id 10 0OO
Because of its lasting
beauty and value, a diamond
ring is the perfect symbol of
love. And . . . there Is no finer
diamond ring than a Keepsake.
Kaufman's Jewelers
1332 "O" St.
Christopher Battiscombe,
first secretary of the United
Kingdom mission to the United
Nations, will be attending the
Nebraska Model United
Nations . conference today
through Saturday. Steven Day
will not attend as reported in
Monday's Daily Nebraskan.
V u
. . drfa
cr I J
co y A
E,MiMir NiiMM(iasisasw
O y
L It J LJ'J) )
Get Right
Down to
the Mtty Gritty
Main Bank-14th & M
Drive-up-20th & O
page 15
Wednesday, february 5, 1975
daily nebraskan