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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1975)
---Tiiv-iTin'tiriiw-rtiiiiMTaiiMiTi-riiCTiwiifl Financial aids seminars will be held tonight at Selleck, 8-9 p.m., and in the Nebraska Union Small Auditorium, 7-8 p.m. Dr. Keith Porter, chairman of the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Colorado, will speak at 3:30 today in Bessey Hall Auditorium. Student Volunteer Services needs volunteers to work in the areas of mental health, the elderly, the handicapped, corrections, youth and recreation, education and tutoring, child care, neighborhood services, and group projects. Contact Nebraska Union 200 for more information. The Environmental Task Force is offering lessons in cross-country skiing Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. Interested persons should meet with skis at the University Recreation Department, 17th and Vine. There will be a .7:30 meeting tonight at Sheldon Art Gallery for persons interested in forming the Wounded Knee Legal DefenseOffense Committee Group. calendar Thursday 9 a.m. Summer Sessions-Activities Calendar Nebraska Union 516 ,. 9:30 a.m. Foods and Nutrition Department Union 343 2 p.m. Health Education Staff-Union 243 2:30 p.m.-Fiights and Study Tours Union 216 3 p.m. Vice Chancellor Acker-Union 242 3:30 p . m . Vol u n teer Bureau-Summer Orientation Union 337 5 p.m. Council on Student Life Housing Policy Committee Union 203 5:15 p.m. Fees Allocation Board-Union 216 5:30 p.m. Council of American Indian Students Union 232 5:30 p.m.-Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Union Harvest Room C 6 p.m. Builders Executive Union 337 6:30 p.m. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Smoker- Union 202 6:30 p.m.-Buf!ders-Union 337 7 p.m.Council on Student Life Union Pewter Room 7 p.m. f-i na ncial Aids Seminar Union Auditorium 7 p.m.-Volunteer Bureau-Income Tax Assistance Union 222 7:30 p.m. Rugby Club-Union North Conference Room I r - v. , if , ORIGINAL PRINTS CUSTOM FRAMING FRAME CLASSES Hours: 11:30 5:30 M F Sat. 10:30-4:00 Eve. by appoint Unttairl T 134 N. 14th St. Lincoln. Nbcfc thursday, january 23, 1975 1 printmaker L ! JZ (T ; .1 V T i vpioo var y Continued from p. 1 "The resource center won't be a bureaucratic operation," he said. "We (the committee of administrators) are committed to do what we can now, hopefully with added funding." Preparations have been made to assess local response to the new program. "A market survey", conducted by a consulting firm will be hired by UNL to poll women in the city and county, Bader said. Workshops to be offered and their instructors are: Career Exploration Workshop for Women; Marti Goddban Effective Listening; no instructors listed At the new Whatever jean you want, we have! Come in and pick from these! o IdWOB Corduroy (The largest selection in 0L(1WS Popular Big Belfe o LWD'S Boot-cut oLW0S Brush Denim Bells o 1WDS Jean Jackets o LdWO ' Straight-leg Jeans (button or zipper) o LdWOB' Chambray If you like QJSWO You'll love... I ' X L5 under Douglas 3 at 13th f AnfinmAn'o i Ul VV VI I Ivl I O -Group Process and Leadership Skills; Janet Krause and other UNL Counseling Center staff Marriage Enrichment Workshop: A Behavioral Approach; David Dixon and Anthony Sciara -Back to School Workshop; UNL staff Economics and Management for Secretaries; William Gillies -Workshop in Writing for Publication; Roger Welsch Dollars and Sense for Women; Judith Wesely and resource people from the community The Logical Development of the Child; Elizabeth T. Carpenter -Workshop in Oral History, Folklore Bells Nebraska!) Flares Workshirts CS :- f It'" y cr r O D y a U W XZJ VCLI U U IZJ :r r daily nebraskan viinr!ohnno VVUI tUI IWMU and Family History; Prof. Roger Welsch -A Workshop in Art-Crafts; Marian ' Ellis -Come Alive '75-Part 1; Marie Sanwick, Susie Clair -Come Alive '75-Part 2; Marilyn Fagerstrom, Norma Sue Griffin and Gail Whitaker Selection and Care of House Plants; Wayne Whitney The Art of Bonsai; John Davidson Exploring Awareness; James McCabe and Betty Bergquist Life Planning Workshop; Janet Krause and UNL Counseling Center staff Basic Issues of the Feminist Movement; Sarah Hoagland df -An " hi r-lr 'f s ' 'h I v" 1 'if - , ' fl it A 'r?7 r J i j I if w K "; J m 1 The Home of LdWD v. & 'F page 7