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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1975)
FOR SALE Brand new small 13", 14", & 15" Goodyear discontinued tires in reg. or mud & snow tred, $14 each plus tax while they last. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 1918 "O". Lincoln. Craig AMFM receiver, 8-track playerrecorder, Craig turntable, 2 pr. speakers. $225 or best offer. Also, Yamaha Fg-180 6-string guitar, 432-8201. Scott Receiver with cassette, 2 Scott speakers, Garrard turntable, $300 or best offer, 477 1 166. 1971 Chevrolet Vega: automatic transmission, air conditioning, good condition. Call 435-6411. Roberts Reel8TRAK RecorderPlayer and tapes. Just overhauled, $225. Also portable TV. 475-2977. $110 Penncrest Concord 12 portable electric typewriter, 12 in. Carriage, pica type, removable typeface. Call 432 6858 after 4 p.m. BIRTH DCfCCTS RR FORVR.U0lSS VOU KCIR mmm mm dorh ouno. if,. I The Biggest Chow Hound in Town - Coming JUUUUULOJUUULU ALENTINE SPEeiftl from Pran w fs - 3X7 eomplete 26th & O UNION RRT LENDING LIBRARY Opens 10:30 Saturday, January 25th Numbered tickets wfl be distributed starting at 9:30 am. Check out your print earLj One print for the semester Only 1 i.D. per person please SYNTHESIZER EML-101, Polyphonic, semi-modular, must sell, before Feb. 1, 475-5862, Larry, 1974 Capri V-6. Have to sell, best offer, 475-9201. Acoustic 260 head & bottom. Old Gibson guitar. Call 488-5669. Self-winding calendar watch; keeps good time, $25. Panasonic stereo; good condition, 2 years old, $120 or best offer. Call 474-1872475-9929 ask for Ron. HP-45 like new, owned by math major, reasonable, 799-2557 afternoon or even. 2 pr. Lang-Dynamics skis, 194 & 200 cm, used one seasc $75 each, 489-5017. FOR RENT Cornhusker Co-op has vacancies for men and women for the 2nd semester. $400 per semester includes meals, 475-6796. 1973 Vega Hatchback, 4-speed, 27,000 miles, good condition, 464-5462. A , , I JLUJLOJUJLUJULMJLft USM 89 g H tt M Zabloudil Natural eolor portraits for only $26.95 475-4936 tm A4l. 1 J :A V I Modern we 1 1 -eq u i p ped condominium, sleeps 8, 3 resorts close, Dillon, Colorado, 303-751-9315. 550 N. 26th: (close to NU & downtown) One bdrm., fresh, quiet neighborhood, carpet, drapes, air, dishwasher, disposal, refrig., stove, cable TV, laundry, off-street parking, $145. 435-2475488-6980423-3320. Furnished apt. for rent. Clean, large 3 bdrm., near 27th & "O". All utilities paid. Call 432-3253. Near new one bdrm. apartment with all the luxuries imaginable. Close to city campus, avail, immediate from $135 with gas & water paid. Call 477-9934477-3413489-7000. HELP WANTED Clean up, general maintenance, handyman, 3-6 hrs. per week, art student preferred. Haymarket Gallery, 1 19 S. 9th, 432-7373. Immediate openings for waiters and cocktail girls. Part-time work, good incentive and flexible hours. Contact Joe or Dan at Der Loaf Und Stein, 1228 "P". Part-time station attendant wanted. Crest Oil Co. 1545 Cornhusker Hwy. Part-time work three evenings and Saturdays 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Call 464-8583 1 0 a.m. to 2 p.m. only. Hsyfsh'c help. part-timn. $2.25hr., own car. Call 432-7471 4-6 p.m. Full time and part time kitchen employees. Good hours and fringe benefits. Apply in person or call Rusty Smith or Steve Andrews, 435-3900. Earn extra money, demonstrating Fuller brush products. Men, women & students, full or part-time, $40 and up per week, 474-1026. BEEF SALE USDA CHOICE Fronts 65c lb Sides 75c lb Hinds 85clb LOCKERS AVAILABLE HAVELOCK BEEF 6042 Havelock Ave. Phone 464-8336 jMIBWg " Guild Gibson Martin .a iiibomsen Music Co. ? WTHIS AREA'S LARGEST SELECTION S iOF GUITARS AND BANJOS mft UPPER " 0 -'174-1600 P ' 1 BIG! I I THIS WEEK'S BIG DEAL: s' I ALL GUILD GUITARS J F i I Ventura Fernandez Ramirez j US Army Reserve. Part-time work. Male or female. Ages seventeen-thirty four. Earn $45-$65 to start for 16 hours per month. Attend school and earn $344 per month up to 6 mos. Call 464-6391. ' Cocktail waitress, excellent salary & tips potential, will train but prefer experience. New lounge open Feb. 17. Apply in person. The Revolution Lounge, Holiday Inn N.E., 5250 Cornhusker Hwy. LOST & FOUND Three electronic circuit cards have been removed from the Tektronix 4013 terminal in Ferguson Hall, Rm. 20. Users of the Tektronix 4013 terminal will be inconvenienced until replacement circuit cards arrive or the removed circuit cards are returned. A reward will be given for information leading to the return of the removed circuit cards. D.F. Costello, Director, Lincoln Computing Facility, 472-3701. WANTED WANTED: Model A and early V-8 auto parts. Best prices paid for cars and parts, can pick up, 489-6345. Back issues of National Lampoon especially mid 1971 or earlier, 489-6601. Will buy cameras, lenses, enlargers, and dark room equipment, 435-5268 . ROOMMATE ROOMMATE WANTED: 16th & "P", $65mo. plus phone,. 475-9835 comfortable. Considerate female roommate wanted to share 2 bdrm. apartment with another female. Close to 24-hour grocery store and laundromat. Rent 67.50 plus util. Call 475-4359 before 9 a.m. MAKE MONEY by giving parties Call: Worlds at Your Doorstep 477-8336 for complete details Wanted: one roommate: upper class or grad. student, to share 3 bdrm. house, 3145 Holdrege. Call Dennis or Bill Arfmann, 475-7822. One or two non-smoking roommates to share nice older house with female. $55mo. plus util. Call 435-5547. STUDENT WANTS ROOMMATE to share 2 bdrm. trailer. 220 Butler Ave. Must like animals, Call 432-8615. Female roommate needed, own room, close to campus, 475-0016 after 5 p.m. SERVICES EXPERT TYPING, .60page. Elaine Bullard, 3034 Walnut Ct., 435-5879. WATCH REPAIR: any make-bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE. Yellow door east side of Campus Book, 13th & "R", 432-3414. Leave your laundry at Sunshine Center, 1344 N. 27th. We will wash, dry & fold your clothes for a small service chg. Call usl 435-9714. MISCELLANEOUS OVERSEAS JOBS - Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses-paid, overtime, sightseeing. Free information. TRANSWORLD RESEARCH CO. Dept. G2, P.O. Box 603, Corte Madera, Calif. 94925. PERSONALS Don't face pregnancy alone, call Birthright for confidential , understanding help, 477-8021 . Car pool from Omaha area M-F. Call Bob, 291-7426. NOW SHOWING iImwTIII PLUS All The Loving Neighbors" no one under 18 EMBASSY 1730 "O" St. thursday, January 23, 1975 daily nebraskan page 15