The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1975, Page page 11, Image 11
Faculty lunches paid Revised bus schedule ine uinl, Kesiaence nan Association (RHA) unanimously approved a plan Thursday night to let faculty members dine with students in food service areas, with RHA picking up one dollar of the meal price. The price of lunch for a faculty member would be $.75; dinner costs would be $1.25. To participate in the program, designed to increase studentfaculty interaction, the visiting faculty member would have to be sponsored by two students and have the prior approval of an RHA officer. Due to financial restrictions, only ten meals per week could be sponsored by RHA. Richard Armstrong, UNL director of Housing, appeared at the meeting to explain to a crowd of about 75 students the proposed $140 per year increase in room and board rates. If the increase is approved at the Regents meeting Saturday, the price of a 1975-76 residence hall contract will be $1,235, a 12.8 increase over the current academic year contract. The budget increases are based on a rate study authored by Barb Sanderson, assistant director of Business and Finance for the Housing Office. According to Armstrong, the rate study was designed to assess the operational budget for the current year and to make adjustments for the coming year, in order to remain financially solvent. The rate study was conducted during the November and December of 1974 and its conclusions are based on data from November 1974 to October 1974, Armstrong said. Budget preparation was based upon an average occupancy rate of 86.3 for the 1975-76 year. Armstrong said that the occupancy rate probably would not fluctuate greatly and that inflation will also affect the student who lives off-campus. Rising rent costs and higher food and transportatioa costs, he said, will offset any economic advantages of moving into an apartment. He predicted less revenue from student room and board payments, but a small increase in funds gained by special services the residence halls provide. Such services are guest rooms and summer conferences. Skyrocketing utility costs wiil be a large chunk of the increased costs, Armstrong said. A 5 increase has been budgeted for steam heating operations, 15 for electricity, 25 for airconditioning, and a 30 minimum increase for water. Food cost increases will amount to 15 for city campus and 18.5 over all, according to Armstrong. In other business, RHA voted unanimously to appoint Steve Houser of Harper Hall as Housing Committee chairman. Following is the revised UNL intercampus bus schedule. Three buses now operate on a 20-miniite schedule and a bus will leave each campus every 10 minutes. John Duve, UNL parking coordinator, said the revised schedule should reduce waits from 45 minutes to 20 minutes. CITY-EAST CAMPUS SCHUTTLE LEAVES EAST CAMPUS 7:00 a.m. 7:10 7:40 7:50 8:20 8:30 9:00 9:10 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:20 10:30 10:40 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:40 11:50 12:00 p.m. 12:20 12:30 12:40 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:20 2:30 2:40 3:00 3:10 LEAVES CITY CAMPUS 7:20 a.m. 7:30 8:00 8:10 8:40 8:50 9:20 9:30 9:40 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:20 11:30 11:40 12:00 p.m. 12:10 12:20 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:20 1:30 1:40 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:40 2:50 3:00 20 40 50 00 20 30 5:00 S:10 5:40 5:50 6:20 3:20 3:30 3:40 4: 4: 4: 4: 5: 5: 00 10 40 50 20 30 6:00 CAMPUS-DOWNTOWN EXPRESS LEAVES 10TH &"N"ST. 7:15 a.m. 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15 4:45 p.m. 5:15 wmt cos FOR SALE 1971 Chevrolet Vega: automatic transmission, air conditioning, good condition. Call 435-6411. 1968 Plymouth Satellite: power steering, air, automatic, $700. Call 435-8334 evenings. 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner, 583 cu. in., 4-speed. Good condition. Must sell: Steve Voigt, 4bb-441 1. Brand 'new small 13", 14", & 15" Goodyear discontinued tires in reg. or mud & snow tred, $14 each plus tax while they last. Terms available. Goodyear Store 1918 "O", Lincoln. 1974 Schwinn Continental 10-speed, $90. 1970 Sears console stereo like new, $200, 435-2842 evenings. Lang-Dynamic skis 195 cm, used one season, $90, 489-501 7. SKIS: brand new one pair Northland, $60. One pair Ksstle CMP-TI W. Nevada G.P. bindings, $125, 488-7772. Bolex 18 rnm Cine camera, phone 423-4760432-2056. $110 Penncrest Concord 12 portable electric typewriter, 12 in. carriage, pica type, removable typeface. Call 432 6858 after 4 p.m. Roberts Reel8-THAK RecorderPlayer and tapes. Just overhauled, $225. Also portable TV, 475-2977. 100 watt speakers retail $160 e a . , sacrifice $80. 475-8596 anytime. Modern we 1 1 -eq u i pped condominium, sleeps 8, 3 resorts close, Dillon, Colorado, 303-751-9315. HOUSE FOR RENT 321 No. 30th, $165, two bdrm., 475-4770, plus utilities. 2532 Vine: deluxe one bdrm. apartment, walking distance to campus, carpeted, complete kitchen featuring dishwasher & disposal, drapes furnished, air cond., off-street parking, gas & water paid. Phone 477-9934477-341 3489-7000. 550 N. 26th: (close to NU & downtown) One bdrm., fresh, quiet neighborhood, carpet, drapes, air, dishwasher, disposal, regrig., stove, cable TV, laundry, off-street parking, $145. 435-2475488-6980423-3320. Capital area two up & down apartments in duplexed house. Roomy, many closets, sm. yard, carpeted, paneled, just redecorated. Lease, references. 475-1118435-8841 day, night. Apartment to sublease: 17 & Washington, 2 bdrm., very ni':e, u..iy $133. Call 475-6853475-8654. HELP WANTED Cocktail waitress, excellent salary & tips potential, will train but prefer experience. New lounge open Feb. 17. Apply in person. The Revolution Lounge, Holiday Inn N.E., 5250 Cornhusker Hwy. WANTED STUDENT WANTS ROOMMATE to share 2 bdrm. trailer. 200 Butler Ave. Must like animals. Call 432-8615. WANTED: Model A and early , V-8 auto parts. Best prices paid for cars and parts, can pick up, 489-6345. ROOMMATE Straight male roommate to share expenses at Chateau. Call 464-4005 after 5 p.m. One or two female roommates to share two bdrm. apartment near city campus, $60mo. 474-2012. Males to share nice house. Close to campus. Call Mike, 474-1151 evenings489-9736 days. Female roommate needed. Own room, $60mo, plus, util., pets. Gaslight Village 477-1811. Male roommate to share house with three graduates, 3069 "S". Call 432-7221 after 6 p.m. PERSONALS COMMUTING .FROM OMAHA Mon-Wed-Fri, need riders or will pool. Call Jay, 341-5940. Don't face pregnancy alone, call Birthright for confidential understanding help, 477-8021. SERVICES WATCH REPAIR: any make-bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE. Yellow door east side of Campus Book, 13th & "Ft", 432-3414. EXPERT TYPING, .60page. Elaine Bullard, 3034 Walnut Ct., 435-5879. MISCELLANEOUS OVERSEAS JOBS - Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, sightseeing. Free information. TRANSWORLD RESEARCH CO. Dept. G2, P.O. Box 603, Corte Madera, Calif. 94925. M a Mttk BRILLIANT BOA and cage. Call 432 8615. Four St. Bernard puppie? for sale. Two females - two males, 8 wks. old. Have had shots. Call Beaver Crossing, 402-532-3567 evenings. FOR RENT Uncle Sam's is now interviewing Bartenders, Floormen, Waitresses, and Drummers. Please apply in person at 2440 "O" Street. Need extra money? Need i couple to live in for a few days at a time. Two children ages 7 & 5, 488 8995. Port-time work three evenings and Saturdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 464-8583 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. only. Students needed part-time assisting local manager in introducing new student service. Call Mr. Beasley, 474-1 509 before 2 p.m. mi yw im Five Bdrm. House: fully furnished, for 5 male college upperclassrnen, walk to city campus, shower, washer & dryer, 477 5049. Cooks & dishwashers: fcxperienced cooks start at $3 per hour. Flexible hours. Apply to Joe, Joey's Restaurant, 14th & "O". A Rumdinger is 10 natural, tropical flavors, the lightest, brightest Puerto Rican rum and the best way to make your day some-ding special. In 8 oz. bottles or the party size fifth. Rmnduicsf . Ths sew way to drink Made with rum and natural flavors, by Calvert Dist. Co., Pr-ila., Pa. 25 Proof. LEAVES MORRILL HALL 7:30 a.m. 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 4:30 p.m. 5:00 5:30 Leaves for East Campus Begins PM Downtown Route nrDGrwi i or "twmn MM IlklWWII mil VVHW Public Offered 1937 U.S. Gov't Art Prints A series of rare coincidences has led to the historic discovery of several thousand seis oi iuii color antique art prints that wore 'lost since 1937." They are now being offered to the American public. Eleanor Roosevelt Rack in 1937. immediately following the depression years, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and a tpprt prouo of a dozen nationally prominent people tormed a voluntary nauunai committee for art appreciation in rrcatp an art oroeram that would give the public a well- needed moral int. u was me committee's decision to select the world's most famous pain tings from the 16th. 17th. 18th. 19th and 2Utn centuries - me hpst naintincs of Matisse. Van Gogh, Gainsborough, Picasso, Gauguin, Titian, etc., ana w reproduce them in tun color as norfoMlv as humanlv nossible and make them available to the public at a price within the reach of nearly everyone. Abandoned In 1937 For some unknown reason, after a quantity of these beautiful reproductions were made, the entire project was abandoned and this collection of oerfect reproductions was stored in a Brooklyn warehouse, where they remain ed undisturbed since 1937. The lost collection was 'rediscovered" and leading lithographers and art critics agree iil inC Kujtii uiAwri and quality of detail ana coior reproduction is incredibly ac curate. Over $500,000.00 had been spent to make finely ngravea glass priming piaiea. Thoco anthpntio original 1937 prints are literally collectors' items and have been appraised by the American Appraisers Assoc. at $7.00 each print. Once they have been sold, there will Ko nn mwp available. A tmlv excellent art "investment" that makes a fabulous gut. Available to Public Mnm oftor 7H viort th: full color U"xl4" (ave. size) prints aic i mail j - public at $19.95 for a collection oi lo prims, ena casn, cnecu oi money order to: U.S. Surplus, nn jvii t n PnT fins Tarzana, Calif. 91356. Fully niTAriANTITF'Tl fortif iratp of nnthfnt intv oivpn with each .v. ......... r- --- set. raasiercnarge aim tianKAmericara cm tgive cdru jjttumber). page 1 1 daily nefaraskan friday, january 17, 1975