The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1975, Page page 3, Image 3

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    'at tec oie
SEdcmS daily n
A meeting for anyone
interested in organizing a Body
Awareness Week will be 7 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 16, 345
Nebraska Union. For more
details call the Student Y,
472-2584. -
The Legislative Liaison
Committee, sponsored by
ASUN, will meet 7:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Jan. 16, in the
Nebraska Union. All interested
irr lobbying for student
concerns are urged to attend.
Steve Kelley will present a
student violin recital, 3:30
p.m. today in Sheldon Art
Call 472-2589
to place a Daily
Get Right
Down to
the Mtty Gritty
Main Bank-14(h & M
Drive up-20th & O
Editor-in-chief: Wes Albers. News Editor: Dave Madsen. Managing Editor:
Rebecca Brite, Associate News Editor: Randy Gordon. Layout: Mary Beth
Grange. Sports Editor:" Larry Stunkel. Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow.
Night News Editor: Bill Garthright. Chief Photographer: Ted Kirk. News
Assistant: Betsie Ammons. '.
Reporters: Harry Baumert, Chuck Beck, Lisa Brown, Christie Cater, Paula
Damke, Lori Demo, Deb, Gray, Ivy Harper, Gina Hills, Tom Hinrichs, John
Kalkowski, Don McCabe, Dennis Onnen, Shelly Peterson, Katie. Pruckler,
Susie Reitz, Karen Richardson, Lynn Roberts, Mary Kay Roth, Rex Seline,
Kethy Slepicka, Amy Struthers, Randy Wright, Jim Zalewski.
Entertainment Writers: Vince Boucher Susan Edwards, Sharon Johnson, .
Dave Ware.
Sports Staff: Scott Jones, Becky Morgan, Steve Taylor, Pete Wegman.
Columnists: Joe Dreesen, Rick Johnson, Bruce Nelson, Amy Struthers.
Artist: Ron Wheeler.
Photographers: Steve Boerner, Kevin Higley.
Copy Desk: Christie Cater, Stan Linhorst, Ann Newberry, Ron Ruggles,
Felicia Marshall.
Advertising Staff: Sharon Clyne, Ron Hejny, Marian Faimon, Tom
Henning, Carol Hult, Kevin Hunsicker, Greg Hutson, Greg Lindberg, Ken
Mohr, Steve Raglin, Jayne Sohl, Jerry Watson.
Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Ken Kirk.
Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Sts.,
Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on
Monday, Wednesday .Thrusday and Friday through the autumn and spring
semesters, except on holidays and during vacation.
Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without
permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered
by another copyright.
oucaaon smp
The price of a college education is skyrocketing.
Fortunately the Air Force has done something to catch
up with it. For the first time, the Air Force ROTC
Scholarships include the 2-year program, for both men
and women. ...
If you can qualify, the Air Force will pay for the
remainder of your college education. Not only do
AFROTC 2-year college scholarships cover full tuition,
but reimbursement, for textbooks, lab and incidental
fees, as well as a tax-free monthly allowance of $100.
To cash in on all this just apply, qualify, and enroll in
the Air Force ROTC at M&N Bldg. Rm. 209
Maj. Hank Juister
It's a great way to finish your college education in the
money, and build a future where the sky's no limit. . .as
an officer in th? Air Force.
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Tl I A k I
America's burger barrage will always come and go but there's one
big burger that will live on! Our famous Burger King Whopper
backs up its bigness with quality. There's a large pure beef pattie,
complemented by generous portions of tomatoes, pickles, onions,
lettuce, ketchup and mayonnaise. Burger King always builds
them better!
tea 1221 North 27th
Wednesday, january 15, 1975
the daily nebraskan
page 3