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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1975)
FOR SALE 1968 Plymouth Satellite: power steering, air, automatic, $700. Call 435-8334 evenings. 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner, 383 cu. in., 4-speod. Good condition. Must sell: Steve Voigt. 466-4411. (8rand new small 13", 14", & 1 5" Goodyear discontinued tires in reg. or mud & snow tred, $14 each plus tax while they last. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 1918 "O", Lincoln. 1974 Schwin Continental 10-speed: $90. 1970 Sears console stereo; like new, $200, 435-2842 evenings. 100 watt speakers; retail $160 e a . , sacrifice $80. 475-8596435-2902. Marantz receiver, BSR turntable, two Advent speakers, $300, 432-8763. SKIS: brand new one pair Northland, $60. One pair Kastlf CPM-TI. Nevada G.P. bindinus, $125,488-7772. Four St. Bernard puppies for sale. Two fpmales - two males, 8 wks. old. Have had shots. Call Bever Crossing, 402-532-3567 evenings. FOR RENT Modprn well-equipped condominium, sleeps 8, 3 resorts close, Dillon, Colorado, 303-751-9315. Five Bdrm. House: fully furnished, for 5 male college upperclassmen, walk to city campus, shower, washer & dryer, 477-5049. HOUSE FOR RENT 321 U. 30th, $165, two bdrm., 475-4770, plus utilities. 550 N. 26th: (close to NU & downtown) One bdrm., fresh, quiet neighborhood, carpet, drpaes, air, dishwasher, disposal, ref rig., stove, cable TV, laundry, off-street parking, $145. 435-2475488-6980432-3320. . 2532 Vine: deluxe one bdrm. apartment, walking distance to campus, carpeted, complete kitchen featuring dishwasher & disposal, drapes furnished, air cond., off-street parking, gas & water paid. P h o n e 477-9934477-341 3489-7000. Furnished one bdrm. all utilities paid, $135, 866 S. 33rd. For appointment call 475-9479 evenings or mornings. HELP WANTED Need extra money? Need a couple to live in for a few days at a time. Two children ages 7 & 5, 488-89S5. Uncle Sam's is now interviewing Bartenders, Floormen, Waitresses, and Drummers. Please apply in person at 2440 "O" Street. Part time year-round janitorial work, flexible hours, St. Mark's on-the-campus, 432-3630. DAILY NEBRASKAN needs people to distribute the paper M.W.TH.F. Must have 3 a.m. to 10 a.m. free. Average pay $65month. To apply call "Jerri" at 472-2586. Students needed part-timp assisting local manager in introducing new student serivce. Call Mr. Beasley, 474-1569 before 2 p.m. DAILY NEBRASKAN needs one person with van or pickup truck for work M.W.TH.F, Work involves heavy lifting and delivery of 16,000 Daily Nebraskan's from Sun Printing to Nebraska U-ion. Must have from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. froa. Pays $5day. to apply, call "Jerri" at 472-2586. WANTED .WANTED: Model A and early V-8 auto parts. Best prices paid for cars and parts, can pick up, 489 6345. Will pay $1 per copy for the Afg. 21 and Oct. 11 issues of the DAILY NEBRASKAN. Come to the DAILY NEBRASKAN office, (down stiars east from the South Desk) or call 472-2586. ASUN Appointments ROOMMATE WANTED Straight male roommate to share expenses at Chateau. Call 464-4005 after 5 p.m. Roommate wanted to share four bdrm. house, Capital Beach area, $62.50 plus 477-2292. Private room in nice 10-person co-op. $107 per month, 1319 "R" Street. 475-83S6. One or two female roommates to share two bdrm. apart, near city campus, $60mo. 474-2012. Males to share nice house. Close to campus. Call Mike, 474-1151 evenings 489-9736 days. Roommate Needed:, 2350 Summer, four bedroom house, fully carpeted, large kitchen, fireplace, on bus route, $62.50mo. Vsll 432-7008432-8059. Female roommate needed. Own room, $60mo. plus util., pets. Gaslight Village, 477-1811. SERVICES EXPERT TYPING, .60page. Elaine Bullard, 3034 Walnut Ct., 435-5879. WATCH REPAIR: any make-bands. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE. Yellow door east side of Campus Book, 13th & "R", 432-3414. TYPING, term papers, theses, letters, reports promptly and neatlv. Phone: Donna, 467-1584. LOST & FOUND LOST: Gold Bucherer watch, black band, reward. Please call 488-6967. MISCELLANEOUS OVERSEAS JOBS - Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, sightseeing. Free information. TRANSWORLD RESEARCH CO. Dept. G2, P.O. Box 603, Corte Madera, Calif. 94925. Union Board Student Court Senate Applications at 7 7 1 1 1 A&S Grad & Pro. Teachers jnmsc was &om ouno. i sJ :. , v ( v J - ; . 'i'S ''' 'x'l " ' j 1 - "- UJ . ii-itrrrnnri.r- lBnrniiiilniinMiiiri mmmu n irn"r 1 iliinn-MirnMi liilniimin-imnii - ASUN office 334 Nebraska Union : FOOSERS That's right, Fu sirs the Dynamo Foosball Champs from Texas are back and taking on all challenges. Anyone who can win 2 of 3 games from the champs will win a 'mystery' prize from Dynamo Corp. Contest wiil be held on the Dynamo tables come down and practice before hand. DATE: Jan. 20, 21 & 22 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. At Nebraska Union Recreation area. BOOK EXCHANGE January 15, 16 &17 ASUN North & South Con f. Rooms Nebraska Union 1 0a.m. 7 p.m. ASRA Abel North Desk 2 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m. East Union 8 a.m. 5 p.m. TSie Air Force MOTC College Program fas 3 tHisigs to offer fat other college programs 1. Scholarships. 2. $100 monthly allowance. 3. Flying lessons leading to let training. (joint. X 1 r n Em Contact. At roll in Air Force 1ROT Aerospace Studies M&N Building, Room 209 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER IN AIR FORCE ROTC Wednesday, January 15, 1975 the daily nebraskan page 1 1 t