The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2

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." The process for selecting UNL
residence hall student assistants
: (SA's) for next fall will begin the
, second week following semester'
break, Marie Hansen, coordinator !
of , residence halls programs said
Tuesday. ; ,- ;
:; About 50 positions, almost, one
- half of the student assistant staff,
will need to be filled, Hansen said.
Last year 300 applications were
received for about 50 positions, she
said: -, . -
To be eligible for the position, ,-.
candidates must have a 2.5 grade
point average, and be a junior or
senior with an average class load,,
not more than;16 hours, during the
1975-76 year.
' Screen applicants
Hansen said that in previous ;
years almost alt. the applicants
were interviewed, while this year
the applicants' folders will be'
screened first,- and candidates for
; interviews will be selected.
Complex, directors read' the
applications;. decide' which. -students
they're interested in and,
interview them.
Hansen said that all final ap-
pointments should be completed by
f March 21, the beginning of spring
Students receiving positions will
be required to attend spring
1 training seminars, and an intensive
training sesslon in the fall begin
, ning one week before residence
halls are opened. Individual resi
dence halls also hold training
workshops during the year to train
SA's ;to handle situations which
arise at special times.
Different qualities
Nancy Vineyard, . SA for ninth
floor Smith, said some of the things
the interviewers look for are
qualities and interests of the
applicant. She said each of the
halls Jook for different qualities,
because--over., the years each
residence halt has attracted a
certain kind of student.
. Helping students to get the most
out of their academic year, is one of
Vineyard's' goal as an SA. She said
'the difference between a good and
q a i that a aood SA will look
at each stiuation, see the differen
ces between it and others and react
maturely to it, while a poor SA may
not be flexible enough within the
system. ,
"Personal discretion is the key
work," Vineyard said. Each SA
responds differently in situations,
and their personal qualities' are
contributing factors to their
Full-time responsibility
John Schmidt, SA from fourth
floor Harper, said it's a job that
requires responsibility all the time.
He said SA's must be able to
surrender their time to help floor
residents at any time.
Both Schmidt and Vineyard said
they enjoy the job and consider it a
real experience, and are planning
to return next year.
Hansen said persons interested
in applying should look for notices
to appear the first week of classes
second semester listing the dates
ana umeo m uic mice ptiaiMoy
Free drop and add for preregrstered students'
, only will be Dec. 16 to 20, in Ferguson 2.1. Hours
are 8 a.m. to 5 p. m.: and 6 to 8 p.m.
Monday-Thursday. DropAdd will close at 6 p.m.
Dec. 20. The first two days, Dec. 16 and 17 are
reserved for students with incomplete programs
(received fewer courses then requested.)
Henry F. Holtzclaw, Jr., of the UNL Chemistry
Dept., will speak today at 3:30 in Hamilton 110 on
, the topic "Reduction of Cytochrome-c with a
Metal Complex."
University Lab Bands I, II, and III will present a
jazz concert today at 8 p.m. in Kimball Recital
Hall. The free and open toUhe public.
'..''' i ;
First semester grades will be mailed-Jo students.
Jan. 3, 1975. The grade reports will be sent to the
permanent home address listed by a student on his
registration form. Grades hot submitted to; the
records oce tfl&Deoi&26Jrjead iShe wilt
recorded a si&for t S a effi s t r, 1 1 pit Jg.p, fjfifi, ffc -?:Bla1f?edBiTie.
studertSSrmigh. d freer ;
correspondencdVy'iw the instructorr.' ' 'f- , -Vv
The University Singers will preseqt; theif :
traditional Christmas Concert at 4 p.m. Sunday in
Kimball Recital Hall. The concert is free and open'
to the public. - r- -
' . v, . r x --
"Auguste Rodin" and "Edgar Degas''. wo,:
filmsjn the Art FilmsrSeries, wili' beshown
, Saturday at 1 :30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m.
You can join NAVAL ROTC next semester and compete; '
for lull scholarships (which include tuition, books,--fees and :
$100 per month allowance). " ; . .. . . -
On graduation you can choose to he an officer in', EITHER
the Navy or Marine Corps, with opportunities in : ; : V
-.-,-" ' '.",(.,
MANAGEMENT - , r - .
ADMINISTRATION ' ; . ; ; ; J .
Contact LT NEBEL; M & N 104 (472-2476).
doily nebroskan
Editor-in-chief: Jane Owens, News Editor: Wes Albers.
Managing Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor:
Rebecca Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange, Ann Newberry.
Sports Editor: Steve Taylor. Entertainment Editor: Greg
Lukow. Night News Editors: Jane Hoge,
Photographer: Gail Folda. News
Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens.
Reporters: Harry Baumert, Chuck Beck. Lisa Brown, Lori
Clepper. Paula Damke, Susan Edwards. Joyce Felton, Judy
Goeshel, Randy Gordon, Deb Gray. Ivy Harper, Kevin Higley.
Hina Hiiis. John Kalkowski, Margy Meister. Katie Pruckler,
Mosiy r-ieno, Karen Hichardson, Mary Roth, Rex Seline, Lynn
Dave Madsen. Chief
Assistant: Susie Reitz.
Silhasek, Mary Shackelton. Greg Wees, Randy Wright.
Entertainment Writers: Dennis Eliormeier. Mug G
David Ware. Vince Boucher
Sports Staff: Becky Morgan. Dennis Onnen, Larry Stunkel,
rPfile Wegman.
"Columnists: Mark B. Rasmussen, Karen Richardson, Tim
Sindelar. Nancy Stohs, Amy Struthers. Ray Walden.
s'iVr-tiE0 Ron Wheeler. . ,
Photographers: Steve Boerner, Ted Kirk.
Copy Desk: Christie Cater, Shirley Janssen, Ann Newberry,
Mary.Shackolton. Ron Ruggless, Deb Wood, Wenoy Beuttow.
jjBusUTess Manager: Jerri -taussieK Advertising -Manager;
trvWIrk. Produefflon Manager: Kitty Policky.
JSaflfttotjlives: Sharpyne. Spiff Haddad,-
Lori Harris,-Hort He-jnyt5reg Hutson. Mitch Mohanna, Ken"
Mohr, Steve Raglin, Jayne Sohl, jerry Watson, Lori Harris.
Receptionist: Cheryl Lorentzen.
; Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska,
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and
R Sis., Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588.
The ( Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications
Conrn'M on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays,
through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays
, and during vacation.
Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be
reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily
v Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright.
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I j'v c ij v -
'It'sjhe Wave and Alot More" J
k fzr ur nrcsiuc warm.
ou a fcw into a punch
4 bottles into a Mnrli
f Vj-i nave a u mdi n ccr of a hoi ida v.
EHfiidmger. The new way to drink.
page 2
daily nebraskan
friday, december 13, 1974