V V ' r euu friday, december 6, 1974 lincoln.nebraska vol.98 no. 49 CSL accepts advising system revision report The Council on Student Life's (CSL) Registration Task Force report, which recommends revision of the advising system and the establishment of a remote terminal computer system at UNL, was accepted by the council without change Thursday night and forwarded to Chancellor James Zum berge for consideration. The report, accepted after a motion by CSL member Steve Eggland, proposes that the student advising system place greater emphasis on new (freshmen and transfer) students. UNL should concentrate its advising effort on new students until they are given "meaningful assistance in developing goals and concepts for planned program of study," the report states. Faculty, student questioned The report was presented to CSL by Registration Task Force Chairman Roy Arnold and Vince Boucher, a member of the group. The task force, which was established in October 1973, developed questions on registration and distributed them to 2,000 students and 900 faculty members. Four hundred and thirty-seven questionnaire re sponses were tabulated, while 361 faculty replies were recorded. The report suggests increasing the use of upperclass students as advisers. It recom mends that student advisers be paid and receive training about the academic require ments of their college. Advising students should also be recog nized by UNL as a legitimate function of the school, the report adds, and should be considered in teachers' and advisers' work load, promotion, tenure and salary considera tions. Study program It also recommends that new students develop a plan for a study program during a scheduled session with the advisor. Arnold said the advising system at UNL was "hit hardest" by students comments, but that the "variety of unfavorable adjectives used to describe drop and add" was also high. The task force, in recommending that money for a remote terminal computer system be appropriated by UNL's Division of Student Affairs, said the funds obtained through collection of a $5 fee for drops and adds should be allocated doward the cost of a computer. The report said "substantial improvement of the (drop and add) process will result only if the entire registration and drop and add system is converted" to computer. Dropsdd complaints The $5 fee, which is charged tor drops and adds processed after the start of the semester, the long lines of students, the short period of time to add courses, requirements that advisers sign the forms, and the limited course space available were student's major complaints of the drop and add system. The report also recommends the eventual elimination of the $5 fee. I The use of a computer for processing drops and adds began in 1971, but its use has been limited to 'final examination weeks and during. the summer because the terminals belong to the Department of Computer Science and are, in heavy use most other times, the report says. Senior theck The task force also proposed that space be provided on pre-registration forms to allow student to request a senior check, of his academic record. Several CSL members questioned why more instructors names do not appear in the pre-registration class schedule book, and Mary Williams urged that printing of the schedule be delayed until more teacher's names can appear after class assignments are made. A second motion by Eggland, asking the task force to meet once more with CSL early next semester and .present any additional concerns and information on the student check and the possibility of delaying publication of the ciass schedule. Red Cross on campus Give a gift of blood If you're trying to decide what presents to give this Christmas, consider giving a gift that money can't buy a blood donation through the American Red Cross. The Omaha Regional Bloodmobile will be at UNL next Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Abel residence hall north lounge, according to Mrs. A.B. Gorman, Lincoln chairman of Red Cross volunteers. "Blood cannot be synthetically manufactured. It must be given," Gorman said. "The increased need for blood today makes student participation in the Bloodmobile program very important." The Red Cross has always been pleased with student response to donation needs and enjoy working with students because of their enthus iasm, she said. Student donations also produce many rare and badly needed blood types, Gorman added Gorman said the human body contains 1 3 pints of blood, and when one pint is donated, it takes the body only 48 hours to replace the lost pint. The body is building new blood cells all the time, " she Gorman said two of the most common excuses people offer for not donating blood are the pain and time involved. She said there is actually very little pain involved and the entire donation process takes only 45 minutes. "If a person has to wait at all it's usually because he doesn't have an appointment," she said. Appointments aren't mandatory for donation purposes, however. Gorman said walk-ins, or persons without appointments, are also encouraged to donate blood. Walk-ins should donate in the middle of the day because this is the slowest time at donation centers and waiting time is less,, she said. Any person in good health between the ages of 17 and 65 and weighing at least 110 pounds is eligible to donate blood. Persons under 19 need parental consent, borman said. Conflicts in Law College move Abzug cancels speech Bella Abzug, the flamboyant New York congresswornan will not speak in the Nebraska Union Monday as previously scheduled, according to Suzanne Brown of the Union Program Office. Brown said Abzug's New York Office called Thursday to say that a change in the congressional agenda for Monday forced the cancellation. Bills involving the Public Works committee, of which Abzug is member, was rescheduled for considera tion Monday and Abzug wished to be present, her office said. Abzug was to speak at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Monday. Her appearance will not be rescheduled, Brown said. Bv Marv Kav Rdflh Quiet conflicts outside the courtroom surround the upcoming move of the UNL Law College. Although the aged law books will soon be housed under a new roof on East Campus, the moving date is still undecided. The specific date scheduled to move from the old building to the new Law School is of special concern to the freshmen law students. Final exams begin after April 20 and most freshmen rely on the law library for reseach papers and final study aids. Jon Camp, a freshman law student, said the confusion resulting from a move near finals would hurt freshman studies. Kathy Braeman, a senior law student, explained further. "First-year students are in a period of upheaval their first exams will guide the rest of their lives," she said. Those exams, Braeman continued, determine whether or not a student will be placed on the Law Review, the honorary law board. "If you're on Law Review, jobs immediately open up to you. But if you don't make it, everything is closed," she continued. Hard enough now Gary Giese, a junior law student, agreed. "The library is the big thing if it's only half moved it would be impossibly to find material needed in research," he said, "and it's hard enough to find things now." Donald Shaneyfelt, assistant dean at UNL Law College, estimated March as the soonest possible moving month, but he went further to say that many "ifs" were involved. "There tends to be slippage in predicting the completion of any build ing," he explained, "but spring vaca tion is a possibility." Shaneyfelt stressed that if the build ing was not ready at this time, the college would most likely wait until May, to avoid interference with final exams. Harley Schrader, director of the physical plant, said other facors were also involved in the moving date. He explained that a local company has offered to help move the library books, Donald Shaneyfelt, assistant dean of the UNL Law College. ? which is a $30,000 project. Since the'' company has agreed to share the' burden, he said, the college will have to consider when it is convenient for the company. Concern about transportation Another concern of many law stu dents concerning the move will be, transportation, as the new building is located on the east campus. Doug Beckwith, a junior law student, explained that many upperclassmeni have jobs at clerking firms and agencies in downtown Lincoln. "It's just more convenient for stu dents to have jobs near the college," he! explained, "but hopefully we can use' the campus bus." ; Beckwith said he feared the law students would have to fight the dentist students for parking spaces, because the law school parking lot would not be completed. Shaneyfelt, the assistant dean, said parking was a major consideration in originally planning the site of the new Law College. "Although it may take longer reach-, ing East Campus," he said, "in the long run, students can save time in finding, paihiiig, i VtOfi't have to spend half, a day searching for a space."