1 1 t-ix knnw hnw much jLvti 11 iivvi 5 . good you can do until you do it You can help people. Center in your rown. Ch in fact, there's a crying write:" Volunteer. need for you. Your talents. Washington , DC. KV 1 i . Your training Your con- It'll do you good to cerns. They make you see how much good you valuable to your business, can do. f?God knows, . Pd like to help, I but..." But what? They can make you price less to your community. If you can spare even a few hours a week, call the Voluntary Action CO folunteer The National Outer for Voluntary Action. A Pun, 5m a ' " Mnm IS ym y . .n a r I Ik I I 1 '' Com'on down, be a Good Skate! PUBLIC SESSIONS - FRIDAY 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. 3:30-5:30, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Do you really think Clod will'lrt yon j;et away with that? II you ian't do tilings alone, join with others at your local (iuircli or .syna gogue. Kxample: in Atlanta, one religious group helps move families and elderly people who can't afford a mo ing service The (loci we worship expects us to help one another. . , wmm This ad is worth 50$ toward the purchase price nt any nrte of the followinqscrumptrous- Steak-0-Rama sandwiches todayttruStinday! Racy Roast Beef Reg. Priced $'.65 Curious Corned Beef Reg Priced $1.75 Polite Pastrami Reg Priced $1.75 Benevolent Baked Ham . . . Reg priced $1.50 All sandwiches served with; Potato Chips Choice of Cheese Slices Fresh Pickle Spears Rye Bread or Sesame Bun or. Vienna Roll Offer good thru Nov. 30th fV 0 . .. . i .u: M fcl 1 When VOU re reany nungry ujr sumeinmy yuuu Open Daily From 11:00 a.m. mm ally 244 North 12th Street Lincoln I! 1 , .; it a A A J J :' lywi" 'Ki'w-- I " Mw , A HI M KV PAIfL MAZI-KSKY .. L-. wmJZm ,Z - 8 'jizrrzzzm: - '... "- Tonight at" r f The Master of Space &Time IPVMOM 25Si "I j Public affairs on TV There they are, the bastions of Nebraska politics Terry Carpenter, Richard Proud, Ernie Chambers brouqht to you every week through the Public Affairs Unit of the Nebraska Educational Television Network (NETV). , f 4. NETV has covered the Nebraska Unicameral for the last six years, the last two of these on a daily basis according to Joel Fowler, senior producer of public affairs programming. But the Legislature is only one facet of public affairs programming, Fowler said. Public affairs stories he said, are "basically people stories in public areas like politics and community affairs." "Boost in development" "We've had a boost in development that's continued ever since we went on the air," he said. "We've presented more and better programming. We re responding to the public's needs." The Nebraska legislature, Fowler said, is unusual in its accessibility " to the media, its attitude of accountability. This cooperation between television and the legislature is "more open than any in the United States' he said. TJurinq the winter months, the pubtteJaffair':unit .weekly produces.' 'Dateline,. Nebraska", a ' Meat the 'Press" take-off that invites people from state agencies to discuss their role in Nebraska government, Fowler said. Another feature in the public affairs programming, he said, is the Nebraskans for Public Television (NPTV). This corporation, Fowler said, serves the viewers by raising additional money which results in expanded programming for the public affairs unit. Most helpful "They've been most helpful," Fowler said. "We've been able to produce a half dozen additional programs through their support." I ast year NPTV sponsored a televised statewide auction, which raised $30,000 for public programming. This was the first televised auction attempted on a statewide basis in the United States. Fowler mentioned several highlights from his six years at NETV: a feature on the Cozad School for the Trainable Retarded, a "governor's reunion" that brought together five former governors of Nebraska and filming a congressional breakfast in Washington, D.C. 9 i STARTS WEDNESDAY mr:W!lfl!lll!H 1 mi: TAK.mii ur I'iiham uni: two Tiinrc WA!.Ti;i! MATTIIAII-l!)iii:H'I JHAW-MAHTIN BALSAM Ili'lTIlM I'l I7flNIin wMHii mm hh..h i mhihuk w ti h '.tuni. daily nebraskan friday, novcmber22, 1974