Merle Norman create? Lsluff J ,lwnw mmn ...Mmmmm snore i r i ft -5. - , if 1 H,y if i r " M II mil I II MililWll in li'i I'm 'mi"'"' f ""--''''i-m-J' A New Look from Pure Nostalgia' . . . d37.:lin.j era of Ga!sby and Silver Screen Queens. Phone now fur your appointment for a complimentary rrckeup m 'Pure Nostalgia .' niERLE noRmnn COSMETIC STUDIO 7 340 V St. 114 Gateway 432-6235 464-0515 . . r. --f, -Vi I FOR b: YOl YEAR PORTRAIT AT (.-'' 237 B 172 4 5)0 M r 3 rn - 1 pm. 2 f) i C p m. b't:tng No 18 - Dw. 13 is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year at Behien Motors IT Of I Features Economy and the Luxuty of Reclining Seats, Roomy Interiors, Radial Titos, Rack and Pinion Steering, 4 Disc Brakes & Automatic or Standard Transmission From only SS5B200 Delivered Beh!en Motors 1145 Wo. 48th book mw Lincoln where wc care about you and your car x Vf-i-" " ' o r i V . .'Sit' ir if, f I nl 1 J St. r77 . k - Lone cyclist pedaling home on a fall afternoon. r r.r n nnnnnn GUUU 60 YEARS AGO Nov 20, 1914 "The last practice of the 1914 footbail season was held yesterday afternoon at one-thirty o'clock on the Nebraska field. There was no scrirnmaqe, the time being devoted entirely to signal running. Immediacy atter the practice the squad was hauled to the Rock Island Depot, where they took the train for Omaha. They were feasted by the business men of Omaha last night, after which they began their journey to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where they will remain today, using the Coe College athletic field for practice this afternoon. They will make their way to Iowa City tomorrow morning." "The opinion of the Committee, and every other indication, is that the sophomore Hop which is to be given in the Rosewilde Hall tonight will be a big success both financially and socially. The Committee has limited the sale of tickets to one hundred and ten couples to avoid iuo great a crowd, and has engaged the services of Hagensick's five-piece orchestra, so that those who are there will not only find room to dance, but will have the right kind of music also." I10 Gest Speaker-A I Bennett, Director of Nebraska Union II. Executive Report , A. Nominations for ASUN Adviser B. Legislative Liaison to meet Thursday at 3.30 p.m. III. Open Forum IV Old Business- .. A Approval of Sfudent Organization Constitutions B Report and Recommendations of ASUN-CbL -' Committee on religious activities on campus V New Business , . . . , A.?Setting up a system for planning the physical n Resolving the issue of alcohol at off-campus " functions sponsored by campus groups and organizations. i . , . C. Setting up a renters union and information center ' for off-campus students. . .-.- J ZD ; - V 'I University Women's Action Group, the Union Program Council, the UNL Art Dept. and Centennial College will sponsor "A Dialogue with Lucy I ippard" today at 1:30 p m. at Sheldon Art Gal'ery and at 7 p.m. at Centennial College. Lip pard is a contributing edi'or of "Art in America." The Accounting Club will sponsor a panel dis cussion today at 3:45 p.m. at the Nebraska Union. Panelists will answer stu dent questions about law school and advanced bus iness degrees. All stu dents are invited. Pre-Vet Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Veterinary Science Building. ' Alpha Zeta will sponsor a Smoker today at 6 p.m. at the Union. "Spider's Strategem", a 1970 Italian thriller, will be shown today and Thursday at 7 and 9:15 p.m. at Sheldon. , Applications for the Sugar Bowl Lottery will be taken today from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. at the South Stadium ticket of fice. Each student must present his own ID to, apply.. Students wishing to "sit together must all be present and apply as a group. The $9 ticket price must be paid when apply ing. Winning lottery num bers will be published in the Daily Nebraskan. University of Nebraska Student Y will present "Woman as Poet", as part of the WomenSpeak '74 series, today from 11:45 a.m. to1 p.m. at the Union. This is the final talk of this series. The Student Volunteer Services is requesting volunteers for the follow ing projects: assisting with child care for chil dren ages 3 to 8 evenings Dec. 3-10 and assisting a visually impaired student on a speech pathology project this semester. For further information con tact the Student Volunteer Office, Room 200, Nebraska Union. 472-2485. The Cluster Committee of Student Volunteer Serv ices (SVS) will sponsor a symposium for student volunteers, "Controlling Disruptive Behavior , Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. Register at the SVS office, 200 Nebraska Union. To Place a DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED AD Call 472-2589 Wednesday, november 20, 1974 page 10 daily nebraskan