The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1974, Page page 3, Image 3

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    FP expands concern to new issues
By Greg Wees
If Nebraskans for Peace (NFP) conjures up only
thoughts of ending U.S. involvement in Vietnam, think
The group, which during the late '60s and early 70s
concentrated on bringing home U.S. troops and
severing aid ties with South Vietnam, has broadened its
horizon considerably, according to Steve Fowler, NFP
coordinator. Now Vietnam is just one of six issues of
importance identified by NFP at a meeting last May, he
said. Task forces are assigned to each of those areas,
Fowler said.
Fowler joined NFP in June and is paid $220 a month.
He also is a state senator from Lincoln and a past ASUN
president. In June NFP moved to its present
headquarters at the First Christian Church, 430 S.
16th. St.
1969 Start
NFP started in 1969 when Rural Nebraskans for
Peace and state Vietnam moratorium groups merged.
Then interest in the NFP reached a highpoint, Fowler
However, a drop-off of interest in NFP occurred
following the signing of the Geneva peace agreement
that ended American troop involvement in the war,
according to Fowler. The paid staff had to be reduced to
one, he said, and there was a decline in support and
As it became clear that U.S. military and economic
aid was continuing, Fowler said, interest was renewed
and NFP membership increased to 225, the current
number of members who each pay at least $10 annually
to NFP. Contributions from Clergy and Laity
Concerned, a national peace lobby, and other groups
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account for the rest cf the $10,000 budget for 1974,
Fowler said.
Two functions of NFP, he said, are educating the
public about important national issues and lobbying in
Congress. Because the group is a lobby, it is not tax
exempt, Fowler said.
Effectiveness .
As an example of NFP's effectiveness, Fowler
pointed to the defeat of an April 4 Pentagon attempt to
get an additional $226 million in military aid for South
Vietnam from Congress.
"We had people writing their congressman and
working against the increase. For the first time all three
(Nebraska) congressmen voted to reduce funds,"
Fowler said.
"The U.S. is supporting a corrupt military
dictatorship," Fowler declared. NFP urges suspending
all U.S. military and economic aid that supports South
Vietnam's president, Nguyen Van Thieu. The Thieu
government would fall without this aid, Fowler said.
Economic aid should be suspended, he said, because
the Thieu regime has been selling food received from
the U.S. under the Food for Peace Program, then using
the money for the military.
One of the six target areas selected last May that is
no longer an NFP concern is the impeachment of former
President Richard Nixon.
Fowler says NFP is not satisfied with President
Gerald Ford's limited amnesty plan.
"The alternative service and allegiance pledge of the
plan we do not agree with," he said. Ford's plan also
does not include violators who objected to the war while
serving in the Armed Forces, he said.
The Nebraska peace group advocates complete,
unconditional amnesty for draft deserters and dodgers,
Fowler said.
He said the NFP also is trying to prevent funding of
the B-1 bomber, which, according to two studies, will
cost from $44 billion to $75 billion to develop and
service a squadron of 241 planes for 10 years.
David Powell, a NFP member, estimated in the May
issue of Nebraska Report, the NFP newspaper, that
Nebraska over the next ten years will collect over $310
million to finance its share of the B-1 bomber.
"The B-1 is a military extravagance that really isn't
necessary," Fowler said. He added that "NFP hasn't
had luck with Nebraska congressmen" on this issue.
Another area of NFP involvement is the Lincoln
Wounded Knee trials. During the first months, group
members publicized the trials and "several hundred
dollars," was collected to pay legal fees.
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I page 3