M. I. '5 f n ; umversiiy or waienoo ax: i Waterloo. Ontario. Can- dav; will; speak ; today at 7. O ft i r '; m . 1-1 t m 1 1 ii . kin ij . it I . fig fiiiiiiiiiii , mw, i.o nw J ivpiv vim uo v ' 'Dfltftrmh nn th An stv trophic Interrnolecular Po- ; tentials of Van der Waals - Molecules -' -And Why ...v We Care". : xVNIght of the Living Dead", a 1868 Horror Fantasy Film produced in the United States, will be shown tonight and Satur day at 3, 7 and 9 p.m. at Sheldon Art Gallery. I The African Students? Orgahiiation will have an Mfrican Students. Party Saturday at 9 p.m. at 501 S. 13th St., Apt. A4. All ' African students at UNL are requested to attend. 0 Two Art Series films, "Theodore Gericault" and ''John Constable", will be shown Saturday at 1:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 I p.m. at Sheldon Art Gallery. , Alpha Xi Delta, a na- tiohal social sorority for women, is offering . a $2,500 graduate fellow-.'- ship for advanced study in the field of social service. -,To be eligible for the fellowship; an,, applicant, r; : must be a graduate of an '.' .'accredited college orainf -. "vershy; have a grade '.. average of B or above; v have applied or been ,: accepted for admission to a graduate school of social r- work; and be interested in pursuing a career wommg . with children or; youth to combat delinquency in the persons may obtain an ' annllrntinn form for this. fellowship from Deb ..Bettenhausen or Pam Herb Adam3, ; Steph Kallos and Kathy Morrow will perform at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Union Ball room. Tickets for the concert may bo obtained from the sponsoring or- Eanizations, Sigma Alpha psilon and Kappa Kappa Gamma or at the door. All Broceeds will go to the AN iniversity Fund. i Applications for the Sugar Bowl Lottery will be taken Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. at the Soulh Stadium ticket office. Each student must present his own ID to apply. Students wishing to sit together must , all be present and apply as a group. The $9 ticket price must be paid when the application Is made. Win ning lottery numbers will ho published in the Dally Nebraska)." frlddy, november 15, 1874 lj(f .... doily iiofe raslcan Editor-in-chief: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes Albers. Managing Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor: Rebecca Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange, Ann Newberry. Sports Editor: Steve Taylor. Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow. Night News Editors: Jane Hoge, Dave Madsen. Chief l Photographer: Gail Foiua. News Assistant: Margy leister, Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. Reporters:: Harry Baumert, Chuck Beck, Lisa Brown, Lori Clepper, .Paula Damke, Joyce Felton, Judy Goeshel, Randy Gordon, Deb Gray, Ivy Harper, Gina Hills, John Kalkowski, Rusty Reno, Mary Roth, Rex Seline, Lynn Silhasek, Mary IShackelton Greg Wees, Randy Wright. ,1 . Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellermeier, Meg Greene, 'David Ware. Vine Boucher. ' Sports Staff: Becky Morgan, Dennis Onnen, Larry Stunkel, Pete WegmanV " Columnists: Mark B. Rasmussen, Karen Richardson, Tim Sindelar, Nancy Stohs, Amy Struthers, Ray Walden. Artist: Ron Wheeler. Photographers: Steve Boerner, Ted Kirk. Copy Desk: Christie Cater, Shirley Janssen, Ann Newberry, Mary Shackelton, Ron Ruggless, Deb Wood, Wendy Beuttow. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Ken Kirk. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Advertising Representatives: Sharon Clyne, Spiff Haddad, Lori Harris, Ron Hejny, Greg Hutson, Mitch Mohamma, Ken Mohr, Steve Raglin, Jayne Sohi, Jerry Watson, Lori Harris. Receptionist: Cheryl Lorentzen. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The Dally Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Sts., Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588. The Dally Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. " Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be "reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. lunteen The National Center for voluntary Action rir nnnr n JLT FCHIM' POST & WOODHN NICKEL . Kearney f . 2414 Central I ' t- vmWMm I 3f po in V'lLMl lil VMLKiNG NATURALLY . .. WHAT Viiif ml YOU? AND IT CAN BE ACHIEVED ONLY WITH THE UUiniVtl II NEWEST CONCEPT IN SHOES FROM EL PADRINO AND fUdil wrfnr ri f X II f ,1 iff 111 i; i i ill tsrri inifff ti',L.ir EilwaJ II VJVjr4ViiU Lincoln ... 144 No. 14fh Street daily nebraskan sflmmYS PREDICT mtmasmmmmmM iiiihhwii iiiii n ipiiiibmiwit Liquor O Bud 1 2-PAK Cold 289 Bud Kegs 2500 Tequila EL TORO White fifth 5.19 tenth 2.79 Also other specials bOMLIHIIM Wt UALL Iht INtt7AIIVt MttL -WUt " IAITW TWC UPPI I nAPD THAN) TMF TOPI SWOPS THAT I FT YOU WALK WITH A GENTLE ii COUNTERACTS THE HARD streets ihai makc uk uuk wuklu. ainu mt r mMcnDT nc vniiD pfft is hist niMF ASPFTrr THFSF CuriCC ADC KVIAHC TO HADMOMI7P UlITH THP DPST OF ii YOU. YOU LL i)bt AIM IMrlU VtMtiN I liN YLaJK fKJoiUKz, ' WALKING. wl FL PADRINO - THE MOST INNOVATIVE. HEALTHFUL THING II TO HAPPEN TO YOUR FEEL YOUR ATTITUDE. TO YOU. Omaha ... 328 So. 72nd Cedarnole Shopping Center nue-l COULD BE BETTER FOR ROLLING MOTION THAT FLOORS AND CEMENT page 3