The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2

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Lincoln Coalition Against Rape
holds rape escape workshop
By Mary Kay Roth. .
"No woman should be a passive rape
victim, and I'm going to teach you how
to fight it," Gina Washburn, a UNL
student said Wednesday afternoon at
this week's WomenSpeak 74.
This week the Lincoln Coalition
Against Rape sponsored a workshop
aimed at awakening women to facts,
figures and preventative measures of
rape. Representatives from the coalition
included Washburn; Linda Steinman, a
Lincoln police officer and Mary
Heppner, of the Women's Resource
Heppner attempted to quash popular
myths surrounding the crime of rape.
"Chances are you won't be raped by a
sex-starved deviant that you have never
seen before," Heppner predicted. She
said 48 per cent of rapists in the United
States are friends or neighbors of their
She attributed this fact to the way in
which men are conditioned to act
aggressively and "take whatever they
want." .. .
In the same way, she said, women are
socialized to dress and behave in ways
that are appealing to men.. Another-'
myth evolves from this situation,
Heppner explained, because, rape vie-,.:
tims are often accused of provoking the'
Violent crfme
"No woman deserves to be raped
because of the way she dresses, walks or
acts. " She deserves by law not to be
raped," Heppner emphasized.
She said it is time the public realizes
that police departments consider rape a
violent crime.
Washburn, an amateur in self
defense techniques, agreed. She said
that the victim should also treat the
rapist in the same violent manner.
"Lelhim know that if he's planning to
rape you, he's going to have a rough
time,'. ""Washburn said.
She proceeded to demonstrate various
methods of defense and attack to use on
a rapist. She borrowed a member of the
audience to illustrate especially vulner
able areas to aim at throat, thorax,
temples, eyes, behind the ear lobes,
lymph glands and the groin area.
A woman in danger of being raped
should use any available means of
defense, Washburn suggested, for
instance: a lighted cigarette, a hair pin,
a nail file, an umbrella or even a plastic
lemon filled with ammonia or lemon
Preventative measures
Washburn said a woman could also
use her body to defend herself butting
with the head, kicking and scraping
shins, bending joints backward and
jabbing with elbows.
She also ottered preventative mea
sures every woman should apply out of
common sense. Lighting should be
present throughout a woman's neigh
borhood, doors should be, locked,
curtains drawn at the proper times and a
woman should always be prepared.
"Above all, look self-confident,"
Washburn advised, "and stand ready to .
run if you need to."
If all defenses fail and a woman is
raped, police officer Steinman urged
women to report the crime. It is
unfortunate that only one in ten rapes
are reported in the United States,
Steinman said, due to unfounded guilt
feelings and fears on the part of the
Only female officers
It is now a policy of the Lincoln Police
Dept. that only female police officers
will deal with rape victims. Steinman
said she hoped this would encourage
women to report rapes, because female
officers could be more empathetic with
rape victims.
"They won't have to report to a
cynical police officer," she explained,
"who might doubt their storv."
Steinman said a rape victim shouldn't
change her state of being in any way,
such as changing clothes or showering.
She should immediately call the police
and they will take her to the hospital for
a complete physical examination.
Although she might ,.be questioned
several times, Steinmanstressed, the
female officer will' conduct all
Although the county and state courts
have been fairly sympathetic to rape
victims' needs, Steinman said, new
legislation is still needed. '
She said new legislation is now being
drafted for the 1975 Unicameral, which
will improve present procedures.
page 2
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doily nobroskan
Meg Greene,
Larry Stunkel.
Editor-in-chief: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes Albers.
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Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34 14th and
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The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications
Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays
through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays
and during vacation. 4 ' .
Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. "Materia! ' may he
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thursday, november14, 1974