The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1974, Page page 17, Image 17

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    Residence halls receive new carpeting this vear
By Lisa Brown
SS" 9 ' RiChard A.'
Sandoz Burr and Fedde halls received
carpet in the corridors of the living floors.
Other areas to be carpeted in Fedde Hall
IUhhw JnH tL ulti-PurPose room, entrance
lobby and the downstairs TV room. Burr Hall
will receive additional carpets in a few areas
where the carpet needs to be replaced,
Armstrong said. K '
Armstrong estimated the cost of carpetina
ei Srnnd-r8,in,.the three halls at about
$31,050, including the cost of carpet
shipping and installation. About $17 050 will
be spent in Sandoz and about $14,000 will be
spent on Burr-Fedde, he said.
Dining rooms get carpet
Carpet will also be installed in each dining
room on city campus, except Selleck, which
already has it, Armstrong said. Half of each
of the dining rooms will be carpeted during
first semester, and he said he expects carpet
to be . installed in the other halves of the
dining rooms over Christmas vacation, if
everything continues on schedule.
Armstrong said that according to the
schedule he received from the UNL Puchas
ing Dept., the Harper-Schramm-Smith south
dining room will be carpeted this week, the
Abel-Sandoz south dining room will be
carpeted Nov. 18-20 and the north dining
room of Cather-Pound-Neihardt will be
carpeted Nov. 25-27
The total cost of carpeting the three dining
rooms is estimated at $33,900, Armstrong
said. Abel-Sandoz and Cather-Pound-Neihardt
will each cost about $10,000 to
carpet, and Harper-Schramm-Smith will cost
about $13,900 to carpet, he said.
Several other carpets were installed in
residence halls which were not included in
the Board of Regents 1974 allocation. Carpet
was recently installed at Cather Hall in the
elevator area of the lobby.
Carpet price reduced
The main floor lounges of Harper and
Smith Halls received new carpeting to
replace the original carpeting. Armstrong
said the purchasing department learned of an
overrun, and was able to purchase the carpet
at a greatly reduced price.
An overrun occurs when the manufacturer
runs a given quantity of carpet in anticipation
of selling it, but with storage space at a
premium he may find it cheaper to sell the
carpet at a reduced rate, rather than store it.
Armstrong estimated the cost of the carpet
in the Harper Hall lounge at $6 per square
yard and that in the Smith Hall lounge at
about $6.36 per square yard. Installation and
shipping are not included in the estimates.
Bob Brandt, Harper-Schramm-Smith com
plex program director, said that Harper and
Smith Halls were chosen to receive the
carpet, even though Schramm needed it too,
because the pieces of carpet would fit in their
lounge space, due to the floor layouts.
wmk cos
8 centswordday
$1 minday for students
S? minday for businesses
34 Nebraska Union
(down stairs east from South
472-2589 or 472-2586
11 a.m. day before publication
One, two, three bedroom
apartments, starting at $159.
Complete clubhouse facility, ten
minutes from campus, student
consideration, South Highway
77. Ruskin Place, 475-5242.
Large unfurn. 1 and 2 bdrm.
apartments; newly redecorated,
$145-$190, 550 N. 26th, Town &
Country Realty, 489-9311.
3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home
available Dec. 16. Call 472-2586
and ask for more information or
leave name and number and will
DANCERS Full or part-time
day or night, up to $4hr.
435-9909 or 1035 "M".
1965 Chevy Impala convert
ible; new top, paint, brakes, and
more,, tjceneni mecnicpmjt-
tion, iHTnp
S400; 1025
Best &ffe-bv?r--19th,
New $ony and old Craig
cassette recorders. Excellent
working cond. Beth with carry
ing case, microphone, and
accessories. Must sell fast.
Sony $40; Craig $10. 477
2852. Dacor. scuba equipment; like
new. will sell to highest bidder.
Call 464-6843.
Snow skis; Kastle Plast
SL's, 210 cm with Narker
rotamat bindings. Best offer,
466-3689 after 5:30 p.m.
MUST SELL: 1969 Malibu 2
dr.. vinyl top, 12,000 actual
miles on new 327 two barrel,
new B.F.G. radial T.A.'s, 60
series with E.T. mags, auto
trans., air cond. power steering,
20 m.p.g., $1400 or best offer.
Call 475-2746 or 472-2588 ask
tor Spiff or leave name and
1965 Ford Econoline van; best
offer. Call 475-2529 after 7:30.
1974 Kawasaki KZ400, excel
lent condition, 1500 miles,
$1,050, call 423-6570.
1966 GTO; 4 spd., power
steerina. custom wheels, buck
ets. $600. Call 475-2476 after 6
Men's 10-speed bike Excel
lent condition, 3 mos. old. Must
sell, 432-5924.
Sony TC-580 reel-to-reel, auto
reverse, beautiful condition.
Call 477-6488.
Light housekeeping for
college student, 2:30 p.m. to
1 6j30k p.m. ...Should . be available
"hjr crv-ernightcasjonJly. Qwrj
transportation helpful or could
live in if preferred. Located in
Knolls area. Call 467-3573 days
for interview.
Want to be free-lance writer?
The Daily Nebraskan will pay $7
for each student-written news
story accepted for publication.
Bring articles to Rm. 34,
Nebraska Union, or call 472- '
2586 for more Information.
We need hot news tips!! Fire
in your dormitory? Job discrim
ination? The Daily Nebraskan
will pay $1 for each news tip
leading to a published story.
Bring ideas to Rm. 34, Nebraska
Union (down stairs from the
South Desk) or call 472-2586.:
Our expanding facility ha3 an
immediate opening for a sharp
Project Engineer with M.E. or
I.E. degree. No experience
required. Excellent salary and
fringe benefits. Send your re
sume and salary requirements
Thomas Hess
Industrial Relations Mgr.
4300 Industrial Ave.
Lincoln, Ne. 68504
Or call 464-8211 ext. 223 for
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Part-time computer opera'tor
4 to 7 p.m. on Tues.-Fri. and 8
hrs. Saturday. Equal Opportun
ity Employer. Call Art Raynie,
Fleming Co.. 432-6551.
Term papers!! Canada's lar
gest service. For catalogue sent
$2 to: Essay Services, 57
Spadina Ave., 208, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Quality watch and jewelry
repairing. Prompt service.
Authorized dealer for Bulova,
Carawelle and Timex watches.
J.C. Penney Co., 13th & "O".
VICE. Yellow door-east side of
Campus Book. 13th & "R",
Uni Auto Sales
Subaru Sales & Service
24QQ N. 4Sth
Typist experienced, accu
rate, efficient. Reasonable rates
for theses and documents. Call
Sharon. 483-1237.
Free University Human Po
tential Experiencing Class,
"Emphasis on the Senses",
Thur. at 7:30 p.m. Common
place Chapel.
Use your language where it
can help the most. Talk to Peace
CorpsVISTA representatives in
the Placement Office Nov.
Current openings in the U.S.
and overseas with VISTA and
Peace Corps. Management, ac
counting, advertising, market
ing, and finance persons needed
to work with cooperatives and
small businesses. Contact
Placement Office Nov. 11-14.
ward winning Custom Vans
vith chrome, mag wheels,
plush carpet, love seats, sterec
r.V.. no 2 alike. See at
101 west "O" 475-8821
Comhusker Co-ed Co-op.
Vacancies now! 2 nd Semester
$400. 475-6796, ask for officer.
Two bedroom, living room,
dining room, fireplace, base
ment, $185. Call 477-1756.
"S"; 4 bdrm., 2 bath, $200. 632
N. 26th: 4 bdrm.. $200. 2727
Torchlight: 2 bdrm. trailer,
$160. Call 477-1756.
In Concert
Denver November 18
Once in a lifetime experience! Round
trip y tour of mountains-?60.
Limited number of tickets
Call 435-5440 now for reservation
Coffeehouse every Sun. at 9
p.m. Dancing and refresh
ments. Admission $1 sponsored
by University Lincoln Gay
Action Group, 333 N. 14th St.
Colonnades Dinner Theatre in
the Cornhusker Hotei presents
Cole Porter's "Anything Goes",
$6.95 & $7.95 or any night $6.50
with student or faculty I.D. Call
You are needed here and
overseas for training, consult
ing, and teaching. Contact
Peace CorpsVISTA representa
tives Nov. 11-14 in the
Placement Office.
$10 reward recovery of eye
glasses; dark grey frames,
photo-qray lenses. Lost near RR
tracks on 14th St. Call 464-2309.
The Person that called 435
3825 about Yashica Camera,
call back, we'll make it worth
your time.!
$40 reward for recovery of
pre-recorded English cassettes.
Call 475-1468472-3191 ext.
LOST: Brown billfold in Love
or Union or between. Keep
money, need billfold. Call 475-0008.
Old comic books before 1968.
Will take "DC", "Marvel" or
other super-hero comics or Walt
Disney comics. Must have
covers and be intact. Will pay
approx. Vi to of Overstreet,
depending upon cond. Call
474-1443472-3063 and ask for
Dale Finkelson.
Need any number of tickets to
Oklahoma game, 488-3481 .
Wanted: one bottle of Agfa
Rodinal. Contact photographers
at Daily Nebraskan, 472-2586.
WANTED: 5 tickets to Kan
sas State game. Call 488-0066.
WANTED: busboys for sor
ority house. Call 432-3685477-9767
for information.
Arvin 4-channel sterec
system; tape player, receiver
and turntable. $350 value only
$200. 432-9103475-0123.
TEAC 2340 with simul-synch,
reasonable. 488-6242.
The National Center
for Voluntary Action.
Pregnancy is needing a
friend. For confidential under
standing help, call Birthright,
It's never too early nor too
late: become a Crossroader! For .
an experience in the summer of
1975, see Operation Crossroads
Africa. Overseas Opportunities
Center, 205 Nebraska Union.
Honky Taxpayer, where are
you? We need to talk to you!!
Please call 472-2586. Your id
entity wiil remain confidential.
Like who are you? Learn to
control habits through Silva
Mind Control. Free lecture
Sun., Nov. 17, 7 p.m. or Mon.,
Nov. 18, Cornhusker Hotel.
You don't
know the
a program !
Still Only 10c
New Fun
Race Cars
come and get acquainted with our game
to ail university students just ask attendant
Bring your own Refreshments
1217 Q in the Glass Menagerie
thursday, november 14, 1974
daily nebraskan
page 15