The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1974, Image 1

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Wednesday, november 13, 1974
lincoln, nebraska vol. 98 no. 45
Sex discrimination
investigation begins
By John Kalkowski
A preliminary investigation of a
formal complaint charging the Universi
ty of Nebraska with sex discrimination
has been started by the Region Seven
Civil Rights Commission, according to
J, L Thomas, Regional Director of
Higher Education in the Kansas City
branch of the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW).
The Civil Rights Commission will
probably conduct an on-site investiga
tion in January or February, Thomas
Information concerning the charges
became public when the Lincoln Star
obtained a rough draft of the complaint
and published an article on Nov. 1 .
According to the Lincoln Star, a
70-page document filed by a group
identifying itself as the ad hoc Commit
tee on Women's Concerns alleges that a
pattern of discrimination against women
faculty and staff members exists at the
University. The committee says appar
ent patterns of discrimination in em
ployment, pay, promotion and tenure
against women exist and reports several
possible cases of discrimination within
iheNU system.
During the past three months, a
20-person core group researched and
drew up the complaint. An additional
130 persons signed the letter.
Adam Breckenridge, vice chancellor
of academic affairs, said some signa
tures on tho letter cannot be deciphered.
He said he acknowledges only, those
signatures which are readable.
Continued on pg. 11 .
World food problem discussed
A gloomy picture was forecast for the
world food problem at a panel discussion
Tuesday night in the Nebraska Union. The
informal program was sponsored by the UNL
Student Task Force on Hunger and the
Lincoln Walk for Development.
The panel of four agricultural, nutrition
and population specialists agreed that the
world was headed for a world famine if
something was not immediately done.
However, specific solutions varied.
Steve Lutman and John McClendon, both
of the Nebraska chapter of Zero Population
Growth, looked to a check on population
growth as a vital part of the solution.
"More food does not reduce hunger, it just
makes more people," McClendon said. He
explained that population control was
necessary because increased food production
and birth control were only two ends to the
same question. .
Lutman said the world should first reach an
optimum population, maintain that popula
tion and then let international technology
catch up with world food needs.
Panel member Hazel Fox, UNL Food and
Nutrition Department chairman, said she
looked to a more individual solution.
"The United States has oversold and over
bought protein," Fox said. "We can easily
get along with much less meat in our daily
diets." She noted there are many foods that
supply as much protein as meat.
James Kendrick, a panelist and UNL
professor of agricultural economics, said the
U.S. should first realize that it. is impossible
for it to feed the world.
"President Ford and Kissinger (U.S. Sec.
of State Henry) have been making wild
statements that the U.S. is going to feed the
worloV' Kendrick said, "but they, .have not
been doing their homework." He explained
that it was extremely costly to produce food.
Kendrick said he thought the basic
question was whether the developed nation;
were going to sacrifice their style of living in
order to feed the underdeveloped countries.
"I'm betting they're not." Kendrick said.
He said he believed in a family philosophy:
"Unless you're one of us, we don't care."
Kendrick said the world would eentuall
reach the stage that the developed natio s
would be set against the backward nations.
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Panelist Ja,mes Kendrick
solutions wbrld food crisis.
Master's Week
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Alumni to visit campus
In tjtmrtm.
James C. Olson
....... . A.
Nancy C. Andreasen
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' Win '
Paula B. Wells
John H. Lonnquist
George F. Andreasen
Dean Kiliion
Eleven distinguished UNL
alumni will visit campus Thurs
day and Friday as part of the
1974 Masters Week.
Each graduate will meet with
students and faculty members in
classrooms and living units to
discuss their postgraduate ca
reer experiences.
Master's Week is an annual
event sponsored by the Inno
cents and Mortar Board senior
honoraries in cooperation with
the UNL Chancellor's Office.
The 1974 Masters include:
Dr. George Andreasen, pro
fessor and chairman of the de
partment of orthodontics at the
University of Iowa College of
Dentistry in. Iowa City. He has
received recognition as the
co-inventor of a clinical use for
nitonol, a revolutionary wire
with unusual elastic properties
which was developed for the
space program.
Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen,
assistant professor of psychiatry
at the University of Iowa College
of Medicine in Iowa City. Before
receiving her M.D. degree, Dr.
Andreasen tauqht English at
Nebraska Wcsleycn, the Univer
sity of Nebraska and the Univer
sity of Iowa. Her research
interests now include psycho
matic medicine, schizophrenia,
creativity, thought disorder and
Stephanie Dort, assistant pro
fessor and clinic coordinator at
the Northwestern University
Schcol of Dentistry, in Evanston,
III. Since her graduation from
UNL in 1966, Dort's career has
taken her through private prac
tice, graduate school, and super
visory and teaching positions in
several states.
Robert C. Holland, member of
the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. Hol
land served as associate director
of the Board in 1964 and was
appointed secretary of the Board
in 1968. He held that position
until he became the Board's
executive director in 1971. He
will host a rap session a'
Centennial College Thursday
from 7:30 to 10 p.m.
Dean Kiliion, professor of
music and director of bands at
Texas Tech in Lubbock, Tex. In
addition, Kiliion is director of
the Lubbock Municipal Band
and is in great demand for band
clinics throughout the United
States. Prior to assuming his
present position, Kiliion was
director of bands at Fresno State
College in California.
John Lonnquist, professor of
agronomy at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison. Lonnquist
has attained national an'1 inter
national fame as a-maize genet
icist and breeder and has served
as a consultant to several
Central and South American
countries. He has won numerous
Continued on pg. 14