The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2
70th & A - Ji -; , m. a 1 Locoted Beneath ME ri l t I r One Of LARGEST SELECTIONS - LOWEST ONE Of THE FINEST WINE I H J5 ' "fc J c . next to the Library Lounge. ' ' CHILI Sunday, November 10 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Harvest Room Nebraska Union Proceeds to P.A.C.E. and Cancer Research Sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Delta Delta 00 COMING SOON O O O Senior Information Day Saturday , November 9 9 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - ' nr. for tour guides will be held at 8:00 A.M. , i ;- Union Harvest Room. If you're interested i i -mn a guide call 435-7014 for details. Sponsored by I- i ; f i i j w - " y - ' '- j ' ' - ' 4 , ' grid 70th & A xor, COM 1 uioi Hoa-uouo 1 The PRICES LIQUOR - WINE BEER SEIECTONS IN TOWN FEi UNL Builders 51. 1 - i v . i , . i wranaHs3ri CQifiOGf doily neorasKon Editor-in-Chief: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes' Albers. Managing Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor: Rebecca Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange. Sports Editor: Steve Taylor. Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow. Night News Editor: Jane Hoge. Chief Photographer: Gail Folda. News Assistant: Lisa Brown. Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. Second class postage paid at Lincoln. Nebraska. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Sts.. Lincoln. Nebr. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be repented without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan. excepting material covered by another copyright. j; J , - it ' it,' ; - . 4 1 ' j-'v'.-'f A ... " "' . if V jtK-. 4,. t r i: Y A- X-?1 f ' ' - . I Friday 12 p.m. - . Student Affairs Luncheon - Nebraska Union 12:30 p.m. Muslim Student Assoc. - Union w 12:30 p.m. - Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship - Union 12:30 p.m. The Way, Campus Outreach - Union 1:30 p.m. American Phar maceutical Assoc. - Union 1:30 p.m. Educational Psychology - Union 3. 7 and 9pm. "Repul sion" - Sheldon Art Gallery 3:30 p.m. Jazz and Java -Union 7:15 p.m. Navigators - Union 7:30 p.m. Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship - Union . , i if , . : .J UNL hosts conference University housing di rectors, officers and stu dents from eight states enter their second day of exchanging ideas on resi dence housing operations today. "Benchmarks" is the theme of the 1974 Con ference of the Upper Midwest Region and Assoc. of College and University Housing Offi cers (UMR-ACUHO), who will be presenting the suc cessful benchmarks of their institution to 275 other housing officers. "The goal is to further technical expertise of housing officials so that students will be better served," said coordinator Joe Zannini, who is UNL assistant housing director in charge of operations. The conference features a 'swap shop', where officials may collect print ed matter about the opera tions of other colleges. There is also a media room containing examples of films and videotapes that are used throughout the UMR-ACUHO region. Sessions throughout the two-day event deal with the'academic role of resi dence housing, assertion training to bring out lead ership qualities, legal issues and labor relations. Residence Hall Assoc. (RHA) president Tim Evensen said about 40-50 students from across the region will be in attend ance to "exchange ideas". "RHA has been doing fairly well this semester," Evensen said, "but I hope the conference will put a spark in RHA. Possibly I have been too much of a dictator, but up to now I have been putting forth most of the ideas and have not received any feedback." Representatives have come from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Vr WHITMAN 50c CO SIM BOARDS ALWAYS JUST 39c Featuring a complete line of Numismatic and-'Philatenc items, books and supplies, ot all j- in' i nil- T.Vsumps rvs 1 1 o page 2 daily nebraskan friday, november8, 1974