. W'.j.V,M'.' in: - 4 Krs.afiurt -t-. -.ifta-aa Democrat Hess Dyas, loser in the Get Right Davn to the Nitty Gfitty Main Bank- I4tn L M Drive-up-20lh & O tuesday, novemb-1, jt4 ,,.(.. A 3- At 4 A. Aw JjJ, 4. .fi jf t t m y n ... . KJU f In ' 'w, 4 S I f I III - i I -:- I rrfinw?fflT''ii,nr'Mliiiiiili1w Wy 1 j behandelen j uw geia ri " mit tedere 11 Xi, zero : Ii l If I M ."""" u .. 1 I r ! M M ! ',M... ' - ''v - HS: .-f" Photo by Steve Boerner 1st District Congressional race. Juliette Quad Compact I''- i 1 i ..... Complete with peakers . Superscopo Compact Stereo No. 2030 eg. Sale " axcll Recording Tape . Cassette & 8 Track V Sala JR!.... --AX at I! v"?.-::"4.T'7 while tlioy last . rrrr: 45th and VINE daily nebraskan - 4. f i-4 .. Thone to third term Continued from pg. 1 Early campaign polls had indicated Dyas was trailing Thone. Following his campaign walk in October, Dyas had closed the gap to 12 percentage points. At his campaign headquar ters, Dyas said he was not surprised with the closeness of the 1st District results. As incumbent, Thone had the money and staff with which to wage a campaign, he said. Dyas campaign workers, how ever, raised $102,900 that allow ed for the "competitive cam paigning" Dyas said had been lacking in the district. Thone, at Republican head quarters in the villager Motel, and Dyas both stated during the campaign that the economy would be their main concern, if elected. According to Dyas, the short range goals he would work toward if elected included better meat prices for farmers and stopping the retailers whom he said take more than their share of the profits. Dyas said he also would work toward tax reform and a crackdown on monopolies. fu 800 J.I.L. 0 Track Car Stereo f-t p , 1 Ven riOUUS priced tf mm w W W'i' 150 'O- 4 j jc I ..iWri.)ai.m)Wi,,. ,W,.-V 1 - GPEM 10 to 10-7 DAYS A WEE He pledged additional support for smaller family farms. Dyas said he also would support campaign reform legislation, particularly the issue of public financing for candidates. At Republican Campaign headquarters, Thone said infla tion, agriculture and health care would be his main concerns. Thone also supported cutting the military budget and foreign aid. . According to Thone, Congress currently is in its most difficult year because of the economic situation, the "distressed live stock situation", the effects of the summer drought and some what because of the effects of Watergate. The Democratic sweep of open Congressional seats Will make those Republican congressmen "work harder and more effect ively," he said. The incumbent financed his campaign with donations of $100 or less. During the campaign, Thone had criticized the amount of money spend by Dyas on his campaign. Contributions re-, ceived by Dyas had included donations from out-of-state union political leagues. Gony IIP- 1G1 i-;.m impact Stereo 19008 ( , ofj. At J mm lie 650 Calculates' baio pn while t! G(J ey t last, a SOUM 11 page 3 E3