The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1974, Page page 10, Image 10

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I The OriiceJ Shoo
333 North 1 2th Phone 477-9347
Wonder Where
College Kids go
on Sunday Nights?
lartefs Hbh Ittrn
Douglas named attorney general
25 miles west
of Lincoln on
'' Nl
t. -
Gentlemen Jim
and his Guitar 8-12 p.m. Saturday, March 2
Reasonable Prices Friendly Bartenders
By Greg Wees
Rep. Paul Douglas, by a wider than
expected margin, last night emerged
the victor in the Nebraska attorney
general rscs defeating former three
term governor Frank Morrison.
Though pre-election polls had predict
ed the attorney general contest to be the
closest race among Republicans and
Democrats vying for state offices,
Douglas upset those expectations.
First returns reported shortly after
polls closed at 8 p.m. gave Douplas a
seven per cent lead over Morrison.
Douglas' lead increased throughout the
By 2 a.m. with 67 per cent of the
state's 49 precincts reporting, Douglas
had 59 per cent of the vote while
Morrison collected 41 percent.
Lancaster County emerged as the
stronghold for Douglas, who was
Lancaster county attorney for the last
four years. Final Lancaster totals
showed Douglas with 30.982 votes to
Morrison's 16, 696.
Douglas, 47-years-old and single,
raised $40,605, the most ever spent by
candidate for the office. But he said
spending this amount was justified
because Morrison, as a former gover
nor, had more name recognition among
out-state Nebraskans. Morrison spent
$12, 6G9 on his campaign.
Morrison had accused Douglas of
accepting large contributions from
supporters. These contributions "might
pit the attorney general against his
benefactor" if Douglas won, Morrison
However, Douglas has said he will be
under no obligation to campaign contri
butors as attorney general.
The most important job Douglas
faces, he said, is establishing within the
office a strong anti-trust envision tnat
also will investigate consumer fraud
charges. The Unicameral last session
increased the power of the attorney
ycncial DGyuiiu inc uhiw o uauiuunai
role of legal adviser to the Unicameral.
According tp Douglas, the attorney
general must "coordinate consumer
protection activities," and be respon
sible for consumer protection in areas
not under the jurisdiction of other state
Douglas has worked for 18 years in
the Lancaster County attorney's office.
He is president of the Lincoln Bar
assoc. and was graduated from the
University of Nebraska Law School in
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Paul Douglas, the winner in the
attorney general contest, at Repub
lican headquarters.
The Minolta
Photo Competition
. for college students.
1. This contest is open cn!y to matriculated students
attending a college or university in tie United States
between September, 1974 a"d April, 1375, except em
ployees of Minolta, their wholesale distributors, the D, L
Blair Corporation, their respective advertising or public
relations agencies and their immediate families.
2. Pictures may te taken with any brand cf camera. They
may be color or black-and-white, prints, or transpai encies.
Do not submit contact sheets, negatives, prints larger
than 8x10", unmounted transparencies or transparencies
larger than 35mm. Print your name and address on the
ta'.k of each print submitted or on the slide mount.
3. Each picture submitted must be accompanied by a
completed official entry form or facsimile thereof. Only
one picture per form, but you may enter as many times as
you wish. For additional entry terms, write Minolta Corp.,
Advertising Dept., 101 Williams Drive, Ramsey, N.J. 07446.
4. Each picture submitted must fall into one of eight cate
gories. These are sports, still lifes, social commentary,
fivTsn interest, abstracts environment, humor or news.
5. n'ji wi'i be jodei by a par I of experts in the field
, , J fihotenraphy under the super victor; of 0. L. Biair lot-
'cuitV" a iidcpent jiidcir.z cr,' 3rn.-afion. The deci-
On rf the independent jwp.ei $ abioluto and final in a!!
matters relating to this pr-a r tier The following are the
nidging criteria:
v.sual effectiveness (appeal, creativity, originality) ...40 "
Appropriateness of subject matter to statso
category 20
Technical ability 40
6. To Qualify for the Grand Prize judging, t pictuie must
have first been selected for publication in "The Minolta
College Gallery". At least 10 pictures will be published.
Such publication entities the entrant to $100 and the pic
ture is entered automatically in the competition for Grand
Prize. Duplicate pri7es will be awarded in case of ties.
7. The Grand Prize includes round trip air transportation
for two from the winner's home city to any destination in
Europe with any number of stopovers returning, providing
they are west of the original destination, $5,000 for all
lodgings, food, ground transportation and other expenses,
plus two Mismiu in? iiitffl urrffj; srith
f1.7 lenses and cases. If the Grand Prize winner andor
his or her traveling companion re under 21 years of age,
parental or guardian approval a'e required prior to the
awarding of the prize.
8. Alt entries winning either a $100 pri7 or t!ie Crand
Prize become the exclusive propey or Minolta Corpora
tion and none can be icturnpd try in the Minolta Photo
Competition conititutes permission o use the winning
photographs arid name of entrant In any manner by
Minolta, its advertising or public relations agencies. All
tax liabihty for prizes is solely that of the winner.
9. Except for winning entries, all pictures will be returned
it accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope of
suitable size with appropriate parking material. Minolta,
however, cannot guarantee the return of pictures.
tO. Prize award is contingent on the availability at no
additional cost to Minolta of original negative or trans
parency and standaid mnoyl release for all identifiable
people, if any, in the photograph. All c-ntnci must be pre
viously unpublished.
11. Ail must be postmarked by January 20, 1975
and received hi January 31, 1975. No substitutions for
prues oftcred. All prizes will be awarded, this offer is
void where prmbited by law. No purchase required.
12. Entry in the Minolta Photo Competition far college
students does not constitute registration m the Minolta
Creative Photography Conteit which is being conducted
simultaneously. These are completely independent con
tests. If you desire formation on tne Creative Photog
raphy Contest, p'case writs to 0. L flair Corp., P.O. Box
IJiJl, iaif , Nt:hraska
;lui;i , . jffj f-i-Mj'-'MsMHtt'r r '.-'Milt t rtt t"nt.ri$$
Enter the Minolta Photo Competition for college students.
If photography is a part of your life, it could win the summer
of a lifetime for you and a friend.
Just enter your most important photographs in the Minolta
Photo Competition for college students. Choose from any of
the eight picture categories listed in the entry form.
At least 10 pictures will be selected for publication in The
Minolta College Gallery, which is a special section that will
appear periodically in College magazine. You win $100 if your
picture is published, and it's entered automatically in the
Grand Prize judging.
The Grand Prize winner and a friend get to spend July and
August, 1975 in Europe at Minolta's expense. As spelled out
in the rules and regulations, that includes round-trip air trans
portation from your home city to just about anywhere you want
to go in Europe, planned with the help of our travel agent. Plus
$5,000 to pay for all lodgings, food, ground transportation
and other expenses.
And to top it all off, each of you receive a Minolta SR-T 102
35mm reflex camera.
if you think the summer of a lifetime is worth shooting for,
send us your finest pictures.
Attach to your picture and mail to the Minolta Photo Competition,
P.O. Box 1817, Blair, Nebraska 68009.
.Class of:.
Picture category (check one only):
sports still lifes social commentary human interest
abstracts environment humor news
Please print all information and put name and address on print or
slide mount. Only one submission per entry form.
- - ' : i J
- Wednesday
7:45 a.m. Chancellor's Of-ice-Nebraska
8 a m. Arts and Sciences
Advisory Board-Union
9 a.m. Housing, Residence
11:45 a.m. Student Y, Wo
menSpeak '74-Union
12 p.m. Interf raternity
Council Chapter Advisers, Luncheon-Union
12 a.m. Secondary Educa
tion Dept. Luncheon-Union
12:30 p.m. Inter Varsity
Christian Fellowship-Union
12:30 p.m. The Way, Cam
pus Outreach-Union
1:30 p.m. Department of
Civil Engineering-Union
2:45 p.m. Department of
Civii Engineering-Union
2:30 p.m. Volunteer Bureau
Union 3:30 p.m. Free University,
"Student Legal Right3"'-Union
5 p.m. AM University Fund
Union 5:15 p.m. Mortar Board
Union 5:30 p.m. Engineering
5:30 p.m. Gamma Lambda
Union 5:30 p.m. Free University,
"Libertarionism "-Union
6 p.m. Gamma Lambda
6:30 p.m. ASUN Senate
7 p.m. interfraternity Coun-
7:30 p.m. Free University,
"Camping and Hiking"-Union
7:30 p.m. Math Counselors
Union 8 p.m. Student ' Education
Assoc. -Union
8 p.m. -Delta Sigma Pi Pledges-Union
9 p.m. Pi Kappa Alpha
Union 9 p.m. Interfraternity Coun
cil, Panhelie.iic, Greek Week-Union
IT- - H
i c
t t
page 10
daily nebraskan
tuesday, november6, 1974