The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1974, Page page 7, Image 7

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    lonai week to feature foreign cultures
UfC students '.will' have an
e!fn cultures durlng'rnt'erna
.ticnal Week--74,; Wednesday
through Nov. 2.
.Figured taring the week will
fee? sn international display and
,n. International nlqht.
At the display, 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Wednesday through Friday
in the main lounge" of the
Nebraska Union, clothes and
handmade articles representing
many foreign cultures will be
shown, according to Rodrigo
Lopez, coordinator of the week
long program. Several represen
tatives from the International
Club will bo present to answer
The display, including exhi
bits from each country which has
a student attending the Univer
sity, will have major exhibits
from China, Colombia, India,
1 African countries, A rib count-,
ries and Pakistan; - - '--..i ,
International flight,. 8 p.m.
Saturday in the Union ballroom,
will feature foreign students' ;
talents through folklore and
dances. . ,.
There Is no admission charge i
,for either event.
For people y v s. iv
v... who love music S . ' x ' , 1
C t-y more than Sf .. MvSw. " i'
s i i I i -t y yW
Total if purchased separately $572.80
Pioneer limtalile
Pioneer Receiver
Rectilinear Loudspeakers
When you combine Pioneer,
Stanton and Rectilinear, you
can be assured of high quality
(1IIU iCHrtUlC wpviuuuii. miw
Pioneer PL-I2D Turntable for
example. In addition to provid
ing over-all performance excel
lence, it features a 4-pole
synchronous motor (virtually
eliminating any audible wow
and flutter), belt drive and ex
ceptionally easy operational
controls. The PL-1 ZD's sensitive
S-shaped tonearm, precision
cueing control and anti-skating
make this a truly value-packed
professionally-finished stereo
turntable. Add Stanton's fine
500E stereo cartridge and you
have a record handling system
second to none! Plus, a deluxe
wooden base and dust cover
are included at no extra cost.
The AMFM stereo receiver,
Pioneer's SX-434, combines
practical power and advanced
nniriAurinii with jn jibolilfcl V
'o"'o ..... ... - -.
super tuner section to prove
that high power is not always
the answer to good high-quality
Rectilinear supplies their X la
"extended range" two-way
speaker systems which guar
antee extremely low distortion
and high clliciency over a wide
sound spectrum. Vor even big
ger sounds, how about substi
tuting two Atlantis Model 3's.
These 10", three-way .'loud
speakers are ready for all the
power the SX-434 can provide, ;
and a little bit more! Only $50
extra. .: U '
All these high-fidelity fea
tutes at this low price deserve w
a listen. We think you'll agree',"
. . . it's what good sense jn a '
stereo music system sounds
like. '..',..,.
' i.
Check out this fine music;
system on page 7 of ''TEAM'S " ;..
new full-color 1975 Catalog, '
Available TREE at your heal -TEAM
i l ZZ'Z" ...J
f n
1 1P R
tm arc over 100 TIvM CENTERS. I kit :uc the ackisrcs of the ones i
vJ J t.' ( t .
If1 6, , .'3 z H -r..,.
u uu LJu nyi y:J wed.
.rpriqq Thurs. 9a.m. to 9 p.m.
" m biJ t.ui'Viy Vi Sit. 9 Ti.JTI to 5D.m.
- 8 . ' .
L... 3
wiJn--dc.y, October 30, 1974
daily nebraskan
page 7
. it