The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2
X V v 4 Crossword Puzzle I 2 3 4 IS 6 7 I I .1? 10 f mi . lur- ' j ii i ( j ' i ' i ' 12 ' jlS w,l4 ' ; 'T : WIWWHWWWHI ,q 'rt j i ; iy U . f - i y - ...: 1 21 22 23 - i24 I -A" I HMMMMn WMMM (MMW toMWfetfa&Mriita MHHB HMMX HflMMN MfMMMr t'H'" if 4t.dp.V-.W4- ZS 24 27 20 29 HHMWM MMW WWIMW irflMllrti MMW MMM MBHW HMHM 'HHMIM MMHM NOHBM 30 .31 32 ,,!.. uu,u 33 34 fr j35 'W')''"" " ..m.A pii. i""! - ,,,A',rt 39 ', 5 A - , ,, , I,, MMMB. I WIPjlUBIII, II I llll I I kk&bMftl I I I III I II I III I ''4 4 Yf'-fl tjjf.-j, 41 T. 43 44 45 46 47 AT" 49 50 ,..ivv i i tmHH . . . 5t ,'& . 0Asl ' g Avg. solution time: 23 min. ACROSS 1 Adages 5 Healthy 9 Performed 12 Precious gem 13 Region 14 Money of account 15 Russian city 17 Deface 13 Performs 19 Beverage 21 Yawned 24 Actress Simmons 25 Matures 2$ Be abstracted 39 Perch 31 Moles 32 Weight unit 33 Internal secretions 35 Afford 3S Grains 37 Is conveyed 38 Certain palm trees 40 In a smooth, easy manner 42 Melody . 43 Reckless person 48 Actress Lupino 49 Medicinal plant 50 Cord 51 Youth 52 Animal stomachs 53 Warbled DOWN 1 The sun 2 Mimic 3 Pallid 4 Slips 5 Carry on 6 Makes mistakes 7 Meadow 8 Runs in hosiery 9 Controlled 10 Persia 11 Obscure 16 Cain's land BAAisnsjofcHsfcdfr AT TTyi CU If .PRUE ALE SUA TIE Li R AlRE PiAiRiitsdRlEPt A GIA A L A NOS AptXs t. EP LAC QGE TOFiL EfElS mm c RiaNMs. i at.:,:.,: I3QAMsniMs.ers Afe OW 1 A RlAr ID ARE lqnieI ITagI els!e LIA 5 SLjElMlSjjR E E:'lK Answer to Last Puzzle 20 Roofing s slate 21 Slash 22 Exchange premium 23 Former name of 15 Across 24 Containers 26 Transgress ions 27 Golf mound 28 District 29 Concludes 31 East German city 34 Chinese leader 35 Malicious statements 37 Free 38 Navigate 39 Verdi opera 40 Expand 41 Dregs 44 Wing 45 By way of 46 Hostel 47 Limb Candidates talk about ideas and apathy Continued from pg. 1 Kay, 47, said people should have a choice in their regents selection this year. He said some board members are elected and ' 'stay on and on. " "We need new ideas and fresh approaches. If they haven't been implemented by now, they won't, be," he said. Kay has served on the advisory council of the Nebraska Association of Technical Community Colleges and Is now legal counsel for North Platte Public Schools and the Mld-Plalns Technical Community College Area. Kay voiced concern over what he called a lack of coordination between NU and other state or junior colleges. He said when students transfer between various Nebraska colleges, they lose credits, are forced to overlap their curriculums and delay their education. Education number am "NU should be number one In education as well as football," he said. He hopes for the establishment of a board of coordination to Improve communications between NU and out state colleges. Kay suggested sending advisors from NU outstate to tell high school students what to expect at the university. Kay said he is attempting to go to the people this election and find out what they want. But he voiced disappoint ment at the apathy he said he is encountering. "The vast majority don't even know who their regent is," he said. Raun, the incumbent, said he agreed most people are not aware of the identity of their regents. But he said when people are satisfied, they don't -need' to contatt theirXjgcrif's and subsequently don't know who th5y are. Farming sector Raun, 46, a farmer, said since agriculture is vital to Nebraska, the farming sector needs representation. "If I'm not elected there won't be a farmer on the board," he said. Raun was appointed to fill an unexpired regent term and was elected to a six-year term in 1968. He said he is running on his 9-year record. Both Raun and Kay said Nebraska need some type of arrangement to train veterinary students. Although they agree an NU School of Veterinary Medicine would be too costly, they see the possibility for a regional school between several states. 3j 7 THIS V7?Se7 MUSIC LtO. AREA'S LARGEST SELECTION GUITARS AND BANJOS I 4i 10 if fMA UFI'EH LEVEL-GLASS MENAGERIE 474-1600 IGibson Les Paul Deluxe $345 nlartin D-12-20 042O lErnie Ball Slinky Strings $2.99 i Earth Wood Rcoustic Strings $3.29 four days only doily nobraskon Editor-in-chief: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes Albers. Mnagina Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor: Rebecca Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange. Sports Editor: Steve Taylor. Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow. Night Bews Editor: Jane Hoge. Chief Photographer: Gail Folda. News Assistant: Lisa Brown. Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. Reporters: Harry Baumert, Chuck Beck, Lisa Brown, Lori Clepper, Paula Damke, Margaret Ehlers, Joyce Felton, Connie Sue Gaskill, Judy Goeshel, Randy Gordon, Deb Gray, Ivy Harper, Gina Hills, John Kalkowski, Rusty Reno, Mary Roth, Rex Seline, Lynn Silhasek, Mary Shackelton, Greg Wees. Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellermeir, Chuck Strinz, David Ware, Vince Boucher, Sports Staff; Bob..Cujlinan, Becky Morgan, Dennis Onnen, Columnists: Mark B. Rasmussen, Karen Richardson, Sin'delar. Nancy Stohs, Amy Struthers, Ray Walden. Artis: Ron Wheeler. Photographer: Steve Boerner Copy Desk: Christie Cater, Shirley Janssen, Newberry, Mary Shackelton, Ron Ruggless, Deb Wood. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Ken Kirk. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Advertising Representatives: Sharon Clyne, Spiff Hadda, Sharon Hanford, Ron Hejny, Greg Hutson, Mitch Mohanna, Ken Mohr, Steve Raglin Jayne Sohl, Jerry Watson. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Sts , Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2583. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. - Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. Tim Ann Universal ' I 'Dance'. . .V I lExperience i P .IA V l A ( KJ 3 P : 1 I -t 1 V Kimball Recital Hall Friday, No vein her 1 l p. in. I " !- If ' 1 f V t - & 5 J Avaihibli'j All oiher.H 33.00 Kimbaf! box office, Hiii 1 13 Miihic lU. This residency is sponsored in part by grants from the"' Nebraska Arts Council and the National Endowment for the ? J y r-, y y wed. - sat. at is, a ri.'U'jrvJi 'yvm y. Wednesday, October 30i 1974 C daily nebraskan r