The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1974, Page page 15, Image 15
Brantz files complaint Tassels President Carolyn Grice said i uesuay afternoon her organization has no intention of apologizing to Gary Brantz for disqualifying him as winner of the homecoming queen election last week. Grice's statement came after Brantz tiled a complaint in UNL Student Court. He said he would drop the complaint if the Tassels apologize during the next home football game. She said Corn Cobs President Jim Eiberger helped her make the decision after receiving several complaints about Brantz's campaign. : "We are not going to apologize because we feel the disqualification was justified, and because we weren't the only organization involved in the decision," Grice said. Dennis Onnen, Brantz's campaign manager, said Brantz charged he was illegally disqualified by the Tassels. The crown went to Chris Evans, who received the second-most votes. . Grice said Brantz was disqualified because he campaigned too close to the polls on election day and put up campaign posters. , ifWIIIIIIlllllllllllll I'lMMIllllllllMIIIIIIIIIWHHIUIIIIIil 6w.MWlH AMFM radio, 8-track, re ceiver, tumtabie, dust cover, anc? 'takers. 477-790Q. 1963 Chevy Impala, 2-dr., power steering and brakes. Buying new car, must sell. $125 or best offer. Calif 432-3734 477-9115, ask for Brenda. Looking for cReap transporta tion? Take a look at our Indian motorcycles. Indian Cycle of Men's 10-speed Dike. Excel lent condition, 3 mos. old. Must Mil 437-Wtt4. 1956 VW, runs good, $250 firm. Phone 464-2981. Hospe's "Mr. Music" Sal on ail combo equipment. 20 off on all strings and accessories. 15 off on all guitars, amps, and key boards. Check our special specials on new and used equipment. HOSPE'S Downtown 432-4421 "Far-Wast" down oarka. rlo stop nylon shell and lining, 10 oz. prims goose down-filled heavy-duty 2-way 10 Delrin zipper with down-filled snap overdraft lap, down-filled collar and hand warmer pockets, one inside pocket, elastic & snap adjustable cuffs, draw cord at bottom, snap-on down-insulated hood included. In sizes large & extra large only. Reg. sale $35.99, special sale $29.95. Without hood-$26.9. Surplus Center, 1000 "O". 1969 Malibu 2dr. vinyl top, 12,000 actual miles on new 327 2 barrel. New B.F.G. radial T.A.'s, 60 series with E.T. Mags, auto, trans., air cond., power steering, 20 m.p.g. $1500 or best offer. Leave name and . . i- - AC OA . I I HUltlUtTI 01 t,4WWf W 4Zl7J&JtalJ5filiL HK 1000 Dolbylzedcassette . deck, $225. One pr. Koss Pro-4 AA headphones. Brand new, full warranty $40. Will sell separately or together. 475-2748 or 472-2589 and ask for Spiff or leave name and number. fi hours a day T" i fo$mr$k W St I i i ' v,A i"s I I I VVCTWf ' imter 1 QrhMt finest I I tho . " donuis.' ! f G121 "O" STREET tldh bCSt,ffC0 r t i TheyU nvtkinga batch J f nght now f gmt iKMiiii ii MiMiMiiiiiiwiMiipii'iiwnniiiiii apuiugy $79.95 and uplike new portable and console color TVs. Guaranteed. Reasonable. 475 9645 after 6 p.m. and weekends. Registered St. Bernard pup pies. $60 each. Phone 382-6535 394-61 teafisLflflJn. Girl's 10-speed Schwinn Con tinental, extremely excellent condition, must sacrifice. Call 471-2225 days432-5125 eves. CUSTOM VANS Award winning Custom Vans witft chrome, mag wheel!?, .jlush carpet, love seats, stereo r.V., no 2 alike. See at DEANS FORD 1901 West "O" 475-8321 1 L H3ve to sublease: 2 bdrm. apartment, Dec. 1-May 15. Call 43-161 5. ' Get in the middle' of thing s I New and unique one bdrm. apartments half way between city and east campuses. All appliances (with dishwasher) and a pool for next summer. $150-5175. Call 489-9311 or contact the mgr. at Apt. 7, 1121 N, 28th, 432-1187. 3 bdrm. furnished aparimGnf," older but clean and freshly painted. Lots of parking, $165, 2444 Vine. Call 477-7435489- 4163 DAILY NECRASKAN needs full-time reporters (3-4 stories per week). Journalism experi ence helpful. Apply Rm. 34 Nebraska Union (down stairs east from South Desk) or call 47?-; we need Dart- time waitresses. Call for ap pointment. Kuhi's Restaurant, -.1038 "0", 432-1311. time, $2hr. plus tips. Apply in mali printing coiWprTf needs experienced person to operate presses 30-40 hrs.wk. Pay depends on experience $3hr. min. Accent Printing, 432-7263. i i in i .11 linn i iimiimiiii-i ii mill hi i iwilirllim'l " imiiiinin II in win hmumiiii tnmt nimniiiiiinnTwil I ill i mil "11 mi 'nil ill ill II I iiiiiiiiiiiiiTfil iimi 'I'm iii.imhiiMMhmiu i iiinimn mil I im I' r i n nfn 1 1 iniimii I T " i n i ri N i 1 1 iiiif ihTii, r, WANTED: busboys for soror ity. Call 477-7059. Waitress and food prepara- tlon help wanted. Part-time hours, 11 a.m. -2 p.m.& 5 p.m. -7 p.m. Full-time hours, 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Contact Allen Slerbert, 435-2929, King's Food Host USA. Inc. 1316 N WANTED: male checker sev eral evenings a week and Saturdays, or ail hours can handle, good pay. Apply Shus . . tec's Jack & Jill, 140 Capita Ba-'h B!vd,"3 6 p.m. Part-lime cashier for evenings and weekendsr Apply In person, WANTEDMbusooys for noon and dinner hours. Inquire at 432-3685477-9767. Typist experienced, accur ate, efficient. Reasonable rates for theses and documents. Call ..Sharon, 433-1237. Will do typing in my home. Call after 5 p.m. and weekends, 435-8678. Resume, ID, passport photos. Quality, fast service, low prices. Term oaoersll Canada 3 lar- est service. For catalogue send $2 to: Essay Services, 57 Spadina Aye., 208, Toronto, WATCH REPAIR any make bands. DICKS WATCH SER VICE Yellow door-east side of , Campus Book 13th & "R" .422-2414 Wedding photography no minimum. Professional quality at low prices. Stan Strange 489,-0944. Quality watch and jewelry repairing. Prompt service. Au thorized dealer for Bulova, Caraveile and Timex watches. J.C. Penney Co., 13th &0 St. Male roommate wanted for one partially furn. apart, close to campus. $79mo., 475-2325 475-2147 anytime. eill Archer Roan, M.G, S.C.G. Teacher of CI Guitsr is accepting serious students of classical guitar. Lesson openings are limited. Resumes desired but not required. inquiries snouia do aaaressea to: 4803 Madison Avenue No. 4 Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 4 W A d N0W7H4T)LL THE VOTES ARE COUNTED, WtfQM SHALL WE PICK for Queen? f Female roommate wanted for furn. one bdrm. apt. close to campus, $67.50mo., 432-9407 after 5 nm. SPANISH OR FRENCH MAJORS MAJORS Use your language whers it can help the most. Talk to Peace Corps VISTA representatives in the Placement Office Nov. 11-14. ; ' BBA'S Current openings In the U.S. and overseas with VISTA and Peace Corps. Management, ac counting, advertising, market ing, and finance persons needed to work with cooperatives and small businesses. Contact Placement Office Nov. 11-14. ENGINEERS You are needed here and overseas for training, consult ing, and teaching. Contact Pace CorpsYISTA representatives Nov. 11-14 In the Placement Office. The MAGICAL OPPORTUN ITY of a lifetime! See a real, live MAGIC SHOW. Presented by Lincoln and Omaha area magic ians, Friday, Nov. 1, 8 p.m. Omaha, Ne. Call Dave Madsen 475-9045 or Redge Johnson, 488-6543 for ticket information. LOST: male afghan puppy, 2532 Vine. Good size reward, Sunday night. Please call 472- 27SsT; man's diamond ring' near Love Library; great sen timental value. Reward. 489- 3664. LOST: girl's red billfold at Univ. Bookstore, newaiu u'i 1 Lut-U- maiA nail ijiciCK IdlJ. puppy, 12 wks. 432-7831 before 5 p.m. i I UNIV. OF NEBRASKA COLLEGE NIGHT every Mon. night 5 p.m. 12:30 a.m. 2-fers on mixed drinks and special on draft beer. ' red Hon lounge ' RED LION LOUNGE RED LION LOUNGE 56oo Corrvhusker Hwy. Need 2 or 4 tickets to Colorado game. Top price paid. "A3NTED: THDKETTfpTO COLORADO GAME, 475-2125 467-3249. HELP! We didn't save"enou?jR copies of the Wed. Oct. 2 & Aug. 21 DAILY NEBRASK AN. Anyone having copies of tnese two issues, please bring to the DAILY NEBRASKAN, Rm. 34, Nebraska Union (downstairs east from the South fesk),.. Anyone interested in teaching harmonica. Contact: Mike, 474' 6565. OOC: your link to a whole world.. For information on travel, study, homestays, volun tary service and jobs abroad, visit your Overseas Opportuni ties Center, 205 Nebraska Union. ; Pregnancy " is needing a friend. For confidential under standing help, call Birthright, 477-8021 . Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160 page, mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage uieiwery time is 1 to 2 diys) RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE 2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 . Our research materia) is sold (or rtsturch tstittanc only. daily nebraskan page 15 Wednesday, October 30,