The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1974, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Physical Educa tion 131 and 146, Bowling Test Nebraska Union 11:45 a.m. Student Y, Wo menSpeak '74-Unlon 12:30 p.m. Placement Luncheon-Union , 12:30 p.m. Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship-Union 12:30 p.m. The Way, Cam pus Outreach-Union 1130 p.m. Newport Jazz Meeting-Union 2 p.m. ASUN Legal Seminar, "Drunk Driving and Similar Arrests"-Union 3:30 p.m. Accounting Club Union 3:30 p.m. Students Medita tion Soc, Introductory Lecture Union 3:30 p.m. Council on Stu dent Life Committee on Student Organizations-Unior) 3:30 p.m. Free University, "Student Legal Rights"-Unlon 4 p.m. Phi Chi Theta-Union 4:30 p.m. Builders, Univer sity Projection-Union 5 p.m. All University Fund Union 5:30 p.m. Engineering Toastmasters-Union 5:30 p.m. Gamma Lambda Union 5:30 p.m. Free University, "Libertarianism"-Union 6 p.m. Gamma Lambda Pledges-Union 6 p.m. Delta Sigma Pi Pledges-Union 6:30 p.m. ASUN Senate Meeting-Union 7:30 p.m. Delta Sigma Pi Union 7:30 p.m. Math Counselors Union 9 p.m. Pi Kappa Alpha-Union Need R Bandy Four local musicians have formed a new band, the Lincoln Island Band: Mike Johnson, bass; -Vern Meints, guitar; Larry Talbot, piano; Pat Trojan, drums. Call 475-0 730 Etsryltiing You've im Heard About CHEERLEADERS ComesTrue 1 Mill I.. !.W.' - v. t -iu 41 -Til- S lavawav for rf Christnss Ksw $9 " -V ,A) ... Halloween haunted by spirits and boo: Gangsters, goblins, ghouls and gorillas camouflaging' UNL stu dents can celebrate Halloween, Thursday, in any. one of many activities open to them in Lincoln. Among the horrifying avenues of entertainment, the haunted house seems to be the most popular this year. At least five of them were open, one of which, the Theta Xi Haunted House, has already closed. The KLMS radio "Scream in the Dark" .house, cosponsored with Campus Life, is located at 3136 O St. and will be open nightly, except for Sundays, until Nov. 2. Admis sion is $1.50. The "House of Terror" at 19th and O Streets is sponsored by KFOR radio and is open Monday through Thursday, 7 to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 7 to 12 p.m., and on Sundays from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Admission is $1.00. East Campus haunts Residents of the East Campus Burr-Fedde residence halls may go to the Burr West Haunted House, to be held in "the Dirt Room" Oct. 3i following the horror movie, "Invaders from Mars" to be shown in the East Union beginning at 8 p.m The Lincoln Community Play house is sponsoring a Haunted House at 27th and O streets, open nightly from 7:30 to 9 p.m. until Oct. 30.' , . -a .' Several Lincoln night spots are sponsoring special Halloween par ties. Cricket, in cooperation with Little Bohemia West, is sponsoring their third annual Halloween spectacular. Terry Lick, lead guitarist for Cricket, said over $100 in prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Prizes for games and other activities will also be award ed. Lick said everyone must be wearing a costume to participate. Costume Party Caseys' Other Place will also award prizes for the best costumes at its second annual "masked brawl" and the Royal Grove is sponsoring a costume party. KLIN, 1400 on the AM radio dial, will replay "The War of the Worlds" by Orson Wells at 9 p.m. Thursday. It was first broadcast on Halloween in 1938. Many of UNL sororities, fraterni ties, and residence halls have scheduled special events for Hal loween. Dean Steiner, president of Abel Hall, said that although the hall as a whole isn't having a party, many of the individual floors are ! celebrating Halloween in conjunc tion with their All University Fund fast Wednesday night. Jim Minarick of Delta Tau Delta said they and their Little Sister organization, the Delts, will take i children trick or treating from "the j Lancaster Office of Mental Retar- lda,ion- UNICEF Residents from three floors of Selleck Quadrangle are dressing in costume for dinner and having a party for underprivileged children. Part of Sellect Quadrangle, Inter- 1 national House, and tenth floor Cather will go from door to door to specific locations in Lincoln to collect for UNICEF. After this, movies will be shown at Selleck for these students, and free refreshments will be served. The movies to be shown are "I Was a Teenage Werewolf", "The Pre mature Burial," and "Black Sab- ; bath," starring Boris Karloff. Nebraska Union Concerts will sponsor a post-Halloween frolic featuring a comedy film and live music Friday in the Union Ball room. "Jailhouse Rock" will be shown at 8 p.m. and will be followed by the music of the Megatones. Tickets will be 75 cents at the door. ..7k. jftk. . -. trtn . - ... tiH n hi in 1 1.-1 - -- - -- I. in 1 it ir 1 rr m mimm himiiihi" iHniHi'm w iiwiHiiiitftWniiTrtiiiinr nnnif'rm- f; r nn i it nn'i1! iifli fn'nt ui ifciirlriWt'rtrhWr if---)""-" i.r, .j-.mii'i 1 n tmi m 1 mIH mXittevie r. -t.' u SewercaS FuMeis I Choose From ! COMMODORE A COMMODORE ? ) MM3SR . . . fri IIMM2SR ... j I Rchar9obi Battery . LjSf if 1 ho?gbl Rottry TP ' ': 1 1 Mini Sue . , Jl Upiwt, Squar Root, ' i f - I Sq Roof ""-'-Zy 1 cpwcol , J J 1 I i Squor I ACAdoptrCharar ,A 1 n.i.i.iiiii.iiHiniiim m tniii iwiiii I'fiirii jjiJiajjti.'H JJllTlililMirail OT JMtCWIL.H ifcrHWtW1WliWHiWi S JTEXAS lnstrumoiit? j TEXAS INSTRUfTIENTS ; II sr-11 . . . s on r a in I Saudi. Sauar Root. I , 3-Di'git tpnnt iJT"' I ;l I Fiqur H ill' I C11) si E I P. nunirinir in mil i mi Mmni-- 3 , , - ' . . . t.-,-,tYiw, fiVRILRBLE (Limited Quantity) fliso see the Commodore SR - 1400 at 1 29s3 these Uochines Unconditionally GusrcntescS! 'OPEN ' VO'J At. WAYS DO EETTfrt AT . . . I frlct Quality, pennariwnt r9itf;ion and lo pronation. Kaufman's Jewelers d i ; si - v j ! ! - r ; ; 8:30-5:30 All Bay Sat. 1332"0"St. V, Wednesday, October 30, 1974 daily nebraskan pagot I "if ........ :if