' ' fft' 4 - W W W r W v , SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HEY! HT D0GS. r i.S. education system Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate best-known for his book "Unsafe at Any Speed", Thursday morning criticized the "needless dicotomy" in American education. . . Nader told the audience of about 1,500 at the Nebraska State Educational Assoc. convention that schools should teach people not only reading and writing, but also how to become better citizens. t"lt's not enought to send out bright, well-trained students," he said. "That doesn't make a better society." . Consumer education should be integrated into the classroom, ha said, not handled as a separate course. The study of American history should highlight the industrial history of the nation, not just the military and political growth, he said. Nader criticized the "deep strain of masochism in youth cultures. The "somewhat fashionable" emphasis on smoking, drinking, and drug use should be reversed, he said. Teachers should avoid the tyranny of the textbook, Nader said. Specifying a certain book for a class, he said, "limits teachers' and students' imaginations." College students, he said, shouldn't pigeonhole themselves into their field of study, pointing out that students should be interested in areas other than their majors. "Human problems don't come in rivets," he said. At a press conference earlier Thursday morning, Nader criticized Carl Curtis and Roman Hruska, Nebraska's two U.S. senators, who did not support consumer legislation. Nader said the senators had not voted to end a filibuster keeping the Agency for Consumer Advocacy Bill from passing the Senate. This agency, he said, would advise agencies regulating health and safety standards. Most of the senators in surrounding states, he said, now support the bill. ' ''See how unique Nebraska is," he said. """ Nader said that wage and price controls will be imposed within the next few months, describing President Gerald Ford's proposed measures regulating the economy as "not strong enough." The Whip Inflation Now (WIN) campaign will not do the job, he said. The government, Nader said, is too interlocked by private Interest groups which obstruct consumer legislation. "The present government and economy makes it very hard for a person to find due process," he said. HEATftE 1730 "0" Sf. 432-6042 EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! Pisver before a Sex Education film In Graphic detail for Married AduitsI ORIGINAL, AUTHENTIC UNCUT VERSION! experience. , isn't always the best, teacher... careful demonstration f '375 COLOR "-in a -i Produced by lmi!tut for Adult Education DAILY AT Atan 1 1, 1 $45, 4:20. 7:15. 9:45 Astrology S;45,8;30 A 'CPU f7: i W' Get your steaming polish sausage sandwiches, deletions! chicken salad sandwiches, and scrumptous Bar-B-Que Beef sandwiches at Henry's. The sandwiches are served with piping hot baked beans and a beverage; all for $1.25. Take the sandwiches out or stay. Hnd be preparol for Fast, Fast, Fast service at Henry's, next to Nebraska Bookstore 1123 R (Bring your folks on game day.) Y' r "Walker, are we Cowboys or Huskers?" You dummy, Gabe, we 're Huskers!" Then what's all this cow stuff doing on my boots?" ee r !i ;r:. 5 " J" . ...v J V. I, 1 -J1 V S S 7 ill i ' M t r f y ''' '..II ' - A 1 .1 I f .( i , - 4 ' xuvtv 1 t 1 V" ' - j -I . 9. RATED . . . MO CMS friday, October 25, 1974 daily nebraskan ipago 7