1 ! T .. -. 1..T1..f,.,1U. - .1. pjyjy T , f : i m North 12th . Phone 477-9347 i S ! t r l - Homecoming $2.00 ea proceeds to A.U.F. On Sale in the Union , Dorms, Fraternities and Sororities Also Sold Game Day Call Chi Omega 435-92 13 i J 4 '4' YOU WONT BELIEVE.. the Superb Handling, the Roominess, the pic up... the the Honda Car Come on over for a test drive RMJD01PI1 OLDSEIOBILE 21st &N 432-4451 -!! A mt J t a 1 r mm r u Horror & Fantasy Films KVVAIDEN Directed by Masaki Kibayashi Japan 1965 ISO minutes Friday, October 25 & Saturday, Deleter 23 screenings at 3, 7 & 9:45 p.m. Sheldon Art Gallery 1 2tii St. Photo taken by Jon Meyer as he sat insida his box south of Mueller Tower Monday. The box was an art project. Art student project Ever had that boxed -in feeling? ByRexSeline He approached the box. After all, it isn't everyday you see a small wooden box perched in the center of the mall just south of the Mueller Tower. He gave it the once over, peered into the hole on its side and cautiously studied it for a few minutes before walking off a few steps. , Then he came back and kicked it. That unidentified student's reaction plus the reactions of anyone else who passed the box last Friday were a X, i t S u ; 1 k a unl student peers into Meyer's box as he walks to class. Me kicked the box before he left. welcome sight to the dox s creator, sophomore art student Jon Meyer. r'l proved something to myself that people do notice the things around them," Meyer said. The box and his study of it were projects for his advanced three-dimensional art class. According to Meyer, class members must do an exterior and an interior project for the class. ' You can do anything as long as the reason is good and there's an explana tion of why and what for," he said. The box was Meyer's exterior prdject; " 4 Meyer spent four days setting it up last week and then watched people react to it for four hours, two hours while he sat inside the box and two hours outside at different points around the box. All that time he was taking pictures. "One guy did get mad when I took his picture but that s not bad when you consider how many people went by," Meyer said. "About 50 to 75 people stopped to look at it." while he was inside the box, Meyer said he discovered he could be seen by those peering through the hole. "One of those who looked in noticed me and said 'Hey, how ya doin'?' Another got real upset over the 'fact that I was 'in it." Meyer, a Lincoln native, said most people stopped when only a few people were in the area. Less students stopped when the mall was crowded with classgoers. "Most people would just stop, look in and go on their way,' he said. , , ,. "When they decided they coutdn t figure it out, they'd just leve and let it goat that." Feminism cldss on spring schedule . ine current issues oi women s uoeranon ana the feminist movement are the themes of a new course to be offered during the spring semester by the Philosophy Dept. "Moral and Political Issues in Feminism," listed as Philosophy 222, Section 100. will be taught by Sarah Hoagland. The cour; r open to students with at least sophomore uwvhnq and to freshman honor students, but Hoagiand said she "will allow anyone seriously interested in Women's Lib to sign up for it." The course will be similar to a course Hoagland ancf will center on two setswol pToETems: the understanding and analysis of the basic issues of the feminist movement and how to produce greater respect and dignity for women Specific issues which hoagland i,.iKj ;uq to be covered in the course are methods and means of instigating social change, the d." :.een revolution and reform, the roie of economic independence in liberation, the function of the concepts of feminity and masculinity in the existing social order, the function of the Kumly and the economic role of the housewife. Hoagland said, "The Women's Liberation Movement is not a tad, something that will disappear, it is a permanent feature of our developing society and must be treated v, r.uch. am encouraging its study to help determine its rational and permanent aspects from those which are emotional and impermanent." "We must also realize," she said, "that the role and purpose of Women's Lib is not to place women above men but to establish the riohts of all persons to the same opportunities for seif-develop-, ment and fulfillment, men as well as women As things now stand, men are as much abused as women by some of the present sexist structures of American society." daily nebraskan th' ryjaV. 0:r-,i r 94 1074 p. t,. it S S . paga 6