The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1974, Page page 11, Image 11
UNL vets support benefits bi! I IS it s: lu Li i3uyd u iJm Oct. 24, 1914 "Despite the warnings issued by Dean Engberg to the Sophomores the other day regarding hazing, the freshmen made some slight reparation for the attempt of the Sophomores to grab Freshmen and paint "17" upon their faces with iodine, by kidnaping Bob Harney, president of the sophomore class. "The getaway was made in an automobile. Harney was siezed while being shaved in a downtown barber shop. He was taken to a safe place in the country, given plenty to eat, invited to retire at 10 and entertained Saturday morning while his classmates were desperat ely trying to uphold the honor of their class against the freshmen in the Olympics. He was brought back to Lincoln in time to see the football game Saturday afternoon. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 8 cents word day $1 minday for students $2 minday for businesses NO REFUNDS 34 Nebraska Union (down stairs east from South Desk) 472-2539 or 472-2586 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 11 a.m. day before publication Girl's 10-speed Schwinn Con tinental, extremely excellent condition, must sacrifice. Call 471-2225 days432-5125 eves. "Far-West" down parka, rip stop nylon shell and lining, 10 or. prime goose down-fill heavy duty 2-way 10 Delrin zipper with down-filled snap-over draff lap, down-filled collar and hand warmer pockets, one inside pocket, elastic & snap adjust able cuffs, draw cord at bottom, snap-on down-insulated hood included. In sizes large & extra large only. Reg. sale $35.99, special sale $29.95. Without lood $26.85. Surplus Center, 1000 "O". Sennheiser HD 444 head shones and Garrard 42-mp :urntable. Both like new. Call 132-2192 after 10 p.m. Yashlca Super-8 movie cam jra accessories Originally $230, will sell for $100. Complete tome processing kit, $50. 475 5178. $79.95 and up like new portable and console color TV's. Guaranteed. Reasonable. 475 3645 after 6 p.m. and weekends. Sansui 3000A amptuner, $200; Altec A-112 PAspeakers, J600. Dale 475-0359. ACNS SCARS, FITS rs"!CM MnM( skin fimim m&mmt Writer HERBS F03 YOUTH BOX f4i I DANIA, fU. 33004 f, ' CUSTOM VANS f Award winning Custom Vans with chrome, mag wheels, plush carpet, love seals, stereo T.V., no 2 alike. See at DEANS FORD 1901 West "O" 475-8021 Half-size fashions for hard-to-fit junior (sizes 11 to 19) r 3 H nofAiam Rhnnnma center Norm Rinn "rr Short phrno 402-467-2700 m - YEARS" AGO 63 Fender Stratocaster, new finish cheap, 488-6242. 12 x 50 mobile home, 2 bdrm. very clean, furnished and on lot. Call 464-7115. 1969 Mailbu 2 dr. vinyl top, 12,000 actual miles on new 327 2 barrel. New B.F.G. radial T.A.'s, 60 series with E.T. Maqs, auto, trans., air cond... power steering, 20 m.p.g. $1500 or best offer. Leave name and number at 472-2589 or call 475r2746. Ask for Spiff . HK 1000 Dolbyized cassette deck, $225. One pr. Koss Pro-4 AA headphones. Brand new, full warranty $40. .Will sell separately or toaether. 475-2746 'or 472-2583 and'ask for Spiff or leave name and number. 1972 White Trans Am; factory air and tape. 445 H.O. 4-speed. Call 466-5868 after 6 p.m. White, 1964 2 dr. hardtop Galaxie 500. Beautiful black Interior, air conditioning, radio works, drives well. $150. Call 475-2383 mornings and most evenings. 1966 Pontiac LeMans, auto, buckets, AMFM radio, air snow tires incl., engine needs work. Call 467-3927464-4006 anytime. 1972 Volkswagen Baha Super Bug, 30.000 miles, best offer or $1700,489-7665. Cornhusker Co-ed Co-op has male and female vacancies. 475-6796, ask for officer. WORDS NOT YOUR GIG? WORDS WILL RESEARCH AND ROUGH DRAFT YOUR PAPER, LETTERS, THESIS FOR YOU. PROFESSIONAL, PUBLISHED, DEGREED. P.O. BOX 2742 LINCOLN, NEB- P KK A Quality watch and jewelry repairing Prompt service. Auth orized dealer for Bulova, Cara veile and Timex watches. J. C. Penney Co., 13th &0 St. Resume, ID, passport photos. Quality, fast service, low prices. Stan Slrange 489-0944. Will do typing in my home. Call after 5 p.m. and weekends, 435-8676. St !! iflii J v !f immm, jj i The UNL Student Veterans Organiza tion is calling for all concerned voters in Nebraska to contact their elected representatives to encourage passage of the "Vietnam Veteran Readjustment Act of 1974," according to a Student Veteran's Organization press release issued Tuesday. ... The bill, which would provide In creased educational benefits for veter ans, has been passed unanimously by both the House and Senate but is under the threat of a veto by President Gerald Ford. . According to the release, "The passage of this bill is vitally important to the 45,000 plus Vietnam veterans in Term papers!! Canada's lar gest service. For catalogue send $2 to: Essay Services, 57 Spadina Ave., 208, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Wedding photographyno minimum. Professional quality at low prices. Stan Strange 489-0944. WATCH REPAIR any make bands. DICKS WATCH SER VICE Yellow door-east side of Campus Book 13th & "R" 432-3414. MMf J Person to help check in freight and stock shelves, permanent-part-time, 15-20 hrs. wk., male or '.female, no heavy work. Max Miller Camera, 1434 "O". NEED IMMEDIATELY: 6 MEN TO WORK TO REPLACE 6 MEN WHO WOULDN'T. 488-4424. Cocktail waitress full or part time, $2hr. plus tips. Apply in person Little Bohemia 464-1492. Help wanted: part-time in kitchen or waitresses. Apply in person, Sunnybrooke Bestaur ant, 745 S. 11th. PART-TIME OPPORTUNE ITY: Three nights till 8 p.m. and Sat. mornings, more hours available, Sears Service Center 4815 S. 14th. Must have trans portation. Apply at Sears Gate way, Personnel Office, 2nd floor 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Benefits: store dit5count, paid holidays, paid vacation, life insurance, profit sharing. Part-time cashier for evenings and weekends. Apply in person, Robert Hall Clothes, 6105 "O". PART-TIME-WAITRESSES: With our professional waitress training program we wiil show you how to make excellent tips and enjoy what you are doing. Apply in person to Alice 8 Restaurants, Inc. 211 N. 70th, 467-2800. HELP! We didn't save enough copies of the Aug. 21 and Oct. 2 Dally Nebraska. Anyone having copies of these two issues, please bring to the Daily Nebra;kan, Rrn. 34, Neb raska Union (down stairs east from the South Desk). r y n.i.u ... i I Ml b hi y J or:::::3 Mi r il H ? s if 1 if I U M Ml;r.. J Mil ' 1 ; - M w . 2 W W 4- - . "Man fetsM w J ! BUSINESS STUDENTS: We have part-time openings in our kitchen where you can learn our business from the ground up which can lead to an exciting .management position with our young but growing food service company. For personal inter view, contact Mr. Schroeder, 467-2800, Alice's Restaurants, Inc., 211 N. 70th. NEEDED: someone for part time general .service, flexible sched., 20-30 hrs. per week, equal opportunity employer. Apply in person, Firestone Store. 1139 'N". . Female roommates wanted andor horses boarded, 467 2152. MALE ROOMMATE wanted, $50mo., furnished, off-street parking, 20th & "J", 475-0289. FREE ROOM AND BOARD for one or two students to live with man in wheel chair some assistance required. 475-5228. MALE ROOMMATE(S) NEEDED TO SHARE 3 BDRM. HOUSE AT 27 S. 21st, $60mo. plus utilities, 477-8154 even- Female roommate wanted Nov. 1. Low rent in return for helping disabled female. Group living situation, prefer grad. student. Call 475-0753 after 5 p.m. & ask for Nancy. Female roommate wanted. Own bedroom and many living conveniences. $80mo. plus utilities. Call 472-2586 and ask for Kitty or leave name and number. With student or faculty ID at time of sale, 10 discount on ail Goodyear snow tires except advertised specials. Goodyear Store 1918 "O" 432-6521. With student or faculty ID at time of sale, 10 discount on all Zenith & Gfc port. iv" nJ component stereos. Terms available. Goodyear Store 1918 "O" 432-6521 . Coffeehouseevery Sun. at 9 p.m. Dancing and refresh ments. Admission $1 sponsored by UniversityLincoln Gay Action Group 333 N. 14th St. Nebraska for the continuation of their education." Timqthy L. Craig, president of the National Association of Concerned Veterans, (NACV) said in a letter to NACV members, "We must persuade President Ford to sign this bill - or the fight (for passage of the bill) starts all over again." Craig also claimed in a postscript to the letter that "there is a rumor that a mass demonstation is being planned in (Washington) D.C. if the President vetoes the bill." He urged members to "keep that 'rumor' in mind." BOZAK COMES TO LINCOLN You are invited to hear and meet Rudy Bozak of Bozak, Inc., creators and producers of fine loudspeaker systems for home and commercial use: Friday Oct. 25th 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. - AUDIO SYSTEMS & DESIGNS 5421 So. 84th St. 489-9888 The new Bozak Monitor-C loudspeaker will be on display during Mr, Bozak s visit. LOST: man s diamond ring near Love Library; great sent imental value. Reward. 489 . 3664. . - FOUND: Camera north of Gather, call 432-7964. Identify and pay for this ad. Whv don't vou stob in and let us appraise your car. We trade or pay cash for clean late model used cars. MIDCITY TOYOTA 1200Q 475-7661 48th & Y 467-2559. UNIV. OF NEBRASKA COLLEGE NIGHT every Mon. night 5 p.m. 12:30 a.m. 2-fers on mixed drinks and special on draft beer. RED LION LOUNGE 5600 Cornhusker Hwy. NEEDED: 4 general admis sion tickets for OKLAHOMA STATE-NU game. Contact 1009 Gather. Old costume jewelry for a good cause, 475-4805. "Need a lift? GeT vcur kicks with the Kappa Kabaret Kickers at the MELODRAMA!" Contrary to what you have iheard. hosteling does not mean coping with unfriendly natives. For an nuui a! df;n:t:cr: z"d lots of otner useful info, see us! Overseas Opportunities Center. Pregnancy i3 needing a friend. For confidential under standing help, call Birthright, ,477-8021. '4 ,1 I I . ' f " 1 ' I M i w .page 11 hursday, October 24, 1974 daily nebraskan