The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1974, Page page 3, Image 3

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    i J, . J.
This week's School of'
Music student recitals wiii
feature Denice Weeks,
voice, and Craig Kersey, '
bass, performing at 3:30
p.m. today at Kimball
Recital Hall.
The Physical Education
Major-Minor Club invites
all. students and faculty to
attend a slide presentation
on leading and outfitting
' wilderness canoe trips in-,
to Canada. The presenta
tion will be given by Andy .
Hill from Atikokan, Can
ada, today at 3 p.m. In the
Nebraska Union small
It. Nancy Fre.ebairh,
Army Selection Officer,
will speak on "Women in
the. Military", as part of
the Womenspeak series,
today at 11:45 a.m. in the
Permits will go oh sale
today for the new Area X
parking lot located be
tween 14th and 16th Sts.
on Avery Ave. This lot will
be replacing fairgrounds
parking due to high bus
ing costs. Fairgrounds
permit holders may ex
change their permit for an
Area X permit at Campu3 ,
Police headquarters from
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
while the permits last.
. , i
Acacia and Kappa Kap
pa Gamma are sponsoring
a melodrama for the bene
fit of the All University
Fund. Performances will
be presented at the Gas
light Bar and Theatre
Extraordinaire at 8 p.m.
Thursday and at 7 and 10
p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Tickets are available at
Acacia, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, the Union North
Lobby or at the door.
A Haunted House-Spo-okarama
for Muscular Dy
strophy, sponsored by
Theta Xi Fraternity, will
be open from 7:30 to 1 1 :30
p.m. Thursday through
Saturday at the Theta Xi
house, 1535 R St. Dr. San
Quinary from KMTV
Channel 3 in Omaha will
be appearing In person
Thursday from 9 to 11
p.m. Donation is 75 cents
and all proceeds will go to
the . Southern Nebraska
Chapter of the Muscular
Dystrophy Assoc.
A course In Moral and
Political Issues In Femin
ism will be offered second
semester under tho title
Philosophy 222, Section
150, Political Philosophy.
The course is open to
students with at least
sophomore standing and
to freshman honors stu
dents, or to students with
the instructor's permis
sion. Focal point will be
major' problems discussed
in feminist literature.
The Cleveland Quartet
will lecture on rehearsal
technique at 3:30 p.m.
today in Westbrook Music
Building 119. The ensem
ble will also present a
mini-concert at Abel Hail
tonight at 8 p.m. These
are "the first events in a
three-day residency at
UNL which will conclude
with a concert Friday at 8
p.m. in Kimball Recital
' Wednesday, October 23, 1974
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Open 8-5, Monday '-Saturday
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Life only happens one. You got no
sscond ch2nces. So you go for all
tho gusto there Is. Sometimes
you can even tasto it.
page 3
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daily nebraskan