m mtr"liirw4 t 4. . ..... ..,....,.... f-iw-urSJi"sa"' . ., ., .... , ..... ,,, -v .. w t v t Student Services . . Continued from pg. 1.1 To do this, Bader has submitted several proposals to the Faculty Senate and the Teaching Council. He said he also has discussed his proposals with UNL Chancellor James Zumberge. He has proposed increasing the number of minority faculty and staff, recruiting minority graduate students, increasing the size of the freshman class and improving minority education, he said. "We must work aggressively and get more minority graduate students," Bader said. The next step would be to hire minority faculty, he added. . "Something is wrong when you do not have very many minority faculty members in the administra tion," Ramirez said. Since 1970, Special Services has had four American Indian, three black and three Chicano counselors. "This turnover has been troublesome to me," Bader said. One of the problems may be because Special Services tries to treat minority affairs as an entity with three ethnic groups, he said. Ramirez said that the pay may be another reason for the turnover. He also said minorities are in demand and counselors may leave the university because of better opportunities. C 472-2200 Q) WALK-IN WEST DOOR HEALTH T.FNTER CUSTOM VANS Award winning Custom Vans with chrome, mag wheels, plush carpet, love seats, stereo T.V., no 2 alike. See at DEANS FORD 1901 West "O" . 475 8821 . White, 1964 2dr. hardtop Galaxie 500. Beautiful black, interior, air conditioning, radio works, drives well, $150. Call 475-2388 mornings and most evenings. Sennheiser HD 444 head phones and Garrard 42-mp turntable. Both like new. Call 432-2192 aMer 10 p.m. firtTOff Dolbyized cassette deck. One pr. Koss Pro-4 AA headphones. Brand new, full warranty $40. Will sell sepa rately or together. 475-2746 or 472-2589 and ask for Spiff or leave name and number. . Fbrd"E00 Window1 Van, 302, automatic, $2200, 475-278, evenings 1974 Capri,' fop condition. 74 Capri, to Call 477-3471 and ask for Tom (403 Abel). Canon 814 movie camera with power zoom lens, excellent Condit ion , 469-5825. tRca Super-3 movie cam era accessories. Originally $280, wil sell for $100. Complete home processing kit, $50. 475-6176. T375 VvV, good shape. He cently rebuilt engine. Call 435 5753. Ask for Doug. Moso's "Mr. Music" Safe on all combo equipment. 20 off on all strings and accessories. 15 off on all guitars, arn'ps, and key Boards. Check our special specials on new and used equipment. HOSPE'S Downtown 432-4421 Gateway 467-2308 63 Fender Stratocaster, new finish rhP3n148B:6242. -T5'-VV-"camper'. latlory rebuilt engine, new tires, make fcffer 477-6457 after 5 p rn. (Sotngover eaTAnSx cal selte player, (FMAM, excel lent condition) headphones, stereo system (Garrard turn table,' Olympic amplifier, built in 8-track and FMAM radio). Best offer. 474-1653, late nights or early mornings. 1 r Cornhusker Co-ed Co-op has male and female vacancies 'BfTrTlmntwh -partment 2444 Vine, $165 plus gas and eiec. 2 bdrm turn., 2442 Vine, $135 plus ga3 and else. All ff,hiy painted, 477-7495. foull never know how much good you can do until you do it. If you can spare even a few hours a week, yim can help people daily nebr SUBLEASE 3 bdrm. apart ment at Ruskin Place, six month lease, available Nov. 1, 475- 8562. k-iir iAr i ar nart.timo in kitchen or waitresses. Apply in person, Sunnybrooke Restau rant, 745 S. 11th. Cocktail waitress full or parT time. $2hr. plus tips. Apply in person Little Bohemia 464-1492. Fart-time station attendant wanted. Crest Oil Co. 1545 AATltiMg WAITRESSES With our professional waitress training program we will show you how to make excellent tips and enjoy what you are doing. Apply In person to Alice s Restaurants, Inc. 211 N. 70th, 467-2800. wsinsss students; We have part-time openings in our kitchen where you can learn our business from the ground ud which can lead to an exciting management position with our young but growing food service company. For personal inter view, contact Mr. Schroeder, 467-2600. Aiice'3 Restaurants, Inc.. 211 N. 70th. a I u r d a v work interior painting, etc and gutter repair. $2. 50hr. 477-4816. Need female roommate to share 2-bedroom apartment with 3 girls. Near downtown and gampus. Call 474-1178. Female rvommate wanted. Own bedroom and many livina conveniences. $80m6. plus electricity and phone Call 472 2586 and ask for Kitty or leave name and number. Female roommates wanted and or horses boarded, 467 2152, MALE ROOMMATE wanted. $50mo., furnished, off-street narking , 20th & "J" 475-0289: w j-emale roommate w&ufea. NEEDED TO SHARE 3 BDRM. HOUSE AT 727 S. 21st, $60mo plus utilities, 477-8154 evenings L . ... .J "'With student or faculty ID at time of sale, 10 discount on all Goodyear snow tires except advertised specials. Goodyear $tnrP iqiB Q" 432-6521. MOMtcoivilwa ELECTIONS! Wed.. Oct. 23, 8 a m -5 p.m. NEBRASKA & EAST UNIONS """WSTFstu'a'tfnt' or facuirT'TlTal time of sale. 10 discount on all Zenith & GE port. TVs and component stereos. Terms avail able Goodyear Store 1918 "O" 432-6521. ; ! Ml - iimm m W-J hmI 'flCffla.fi ftaBQ 0 YEARS AGO Oct. 21, 1914 "The Woman Suffrage meeting held at the Temple last night was a success. W. E. Hardy, who emphasized strongly the taxation problem, said 62,000 women in the United States were paying taxes and were not allowed to vote. Mr. Tibbet spoke on the relative knowledge of man and woman, saying that there was no reason for sexual distinction now since government was carried on with brain and not strength as in medieval times. J. L. Kennedy, of Omaha, the last speaker, spoke first on the amendment No. 306 which is to be voted on November 3rd. He spoke at length on the present condition of the polls, saying that one argument against woman suffrage was that voting places were not fit for a woman to go to. If this is the case, he thought that it was about time they were changed and that woman suffrage would do it. He said that it would also mean that women would become educated along political lines so they could talk politics intelligently and would help both man and wife as no man would want a dummy for a wife unless one himself. He said that the government was not of the people with the better half left out. The meeting closed with a very well rendered solo by Mrs. Perdie." Call the Voluntary Action Center in sour tow n Or write; " Vt .lunu-er. Washington. D C. 2001 3. Volunteer, fl fvtn rui i, jctwt k v V 4un(af Vun ff $ A Pit, ir w j nimmm ThtAcNcMngOMM CiAJX ANNUAL HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST, Thurs day. Oct. 31 at the ROYAL GROVE 1st piace $230 Sylvania stereo system i a, place -Motorola car" stereo (installed) ' 15 prizes in all! Sponsored by the Music Spot, 3943 So. 48 prizes on display, (recession nite every Mon. -cheap drinks!!) Quality watch and jewelry repairing. Prompt service. Au thorized dealer for bulova, Caravelle and Timex watches. J.C. Penney Co., 13th &0 St. Why don't you stop in and let us appraise your car. We trade or pay cash for clean late model used cars. MiDCITY TOYOTA 1200 Q 475-7661 48th & Y 467-2559 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY packages as low as $49.95 and free newspaper glossy. If this and other extra service ideas , merest you, call Stan Strange 489-0944. ; FAST FINGERS for. hire: typing, mimeographing, art and layout services. Low rates, 435-5879. WATCH REPAIR any make bands. DICKS WATCH SER VICE Yellow door-east side of Campus Book 13th & "R" 432-3414. Term papers! i Canada's lar gest service. For catalogue send $2 to: Essay Services, 57 Soadma Ave., 208, Toronto,. Ontario, Canada. Resume, ID, passport photos. Quality, fast service, low prices. Stan Strange 489-0944. II :. , -i t - - lUfoioffircff ) r ill' "i lMZ ,1. k i j r. mm ' jtmt-mmmtwtm jftMM-ft . !AGIC The mere word con jures up visions of grandeur and illusion. Why not hire a magi cian for your next party? Excellent entertainment at rea sonable prices. Call Dave Mad-serM75-9045 or 477-6061 . Very affectionate young neutered tomcat. Free to good permanent home. Call 435-4188 afternoons and eves. NEEDED: 6 FOOTBALL TICKETS TO COLORADO NEBRASKA GAME 475-5477. RIDE NEEDED to Ithaca, New York any weekend, 50 50 , Joe Minicz 435-7426. College Night every Mon. night 5 p.m. -12:30 a.m. 2-fers on mixed drinks and special on draft beer. Red Lion Lounge 5600 Cornhusker Hwy. ' Live in Kibbutz In Israel. If you work, accomodations are free. Overseas Opportunities Center. 2QO Nebraska Union Pregna. " is needing a friend For confidv .tial understanding help, call Birthright, 477-8021 . The desk top 3M "257" Copier copies book pages, photo graphs, letters, makes transparenceis, addresses gummed labels, reproduces its own copies, spirit copies, tool cuts the cost of low-volume copying, yet produces quality copies expected only from expensive high volume machines! 7 i I & t i Com0 amdl comoamf LINCOLN OFFICE EOUIFiMENT - 120 tiz. ' I4lfi. St. 1 i-Cs : CANADA'S LARGEST SERVICE $2.75 par pegs Semi iiuw fwr iatest catalog, fcn close $2.00 to cover return post age. ESSAY SERVICES ' 57 Spadina Ave., Suite 208 Toronto. Ontario, Canada 416)366 6549 Our research service is sold for research assistance only. now mm mm mm of BEEP THOAT. mm sss Starring HARRY REEMS and INGER KISSSN ' - IN COLOR ADULTS ONLY I iu Mitt. wwLn 1a ' TOiAY 11:00 Ail. Hurry Ends Thurs. Embassy Theatre 1730 '0j Pro-Registration for Second Semester Get. 21-Hov. 1 Pre-registration packets will be available starting Wed., Oct. 16, at Ag Hall on East Campus and at Residence Hails, Union and Admin. Bldg. Window 5 on City Campus. butter bsciaus lobster! tzh now only $3.99 ! Flas bresd, pbsnp baked cotato, crisp sd... zni tlia nicest wsitresses Li town! Sat 11 am 10 pm Sun 11 am 9 prn (BrnftHtsTf 1 Fcr I'll-L Studsr.ts 1 & Staff : Thick and I I j-jicy OSOA Sirloin piss i f V " i 1 I 8 i f ? i s- i tu A iv monday, October 21 , 1974 daily ncbraskan page 11