The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1974, Image 1

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COU fllfSbni, friday, October 18, 1974
W lin.coln, nebraska vol. 98 no, 32
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njwiSEr props WED lBAu islpS
ost Legislative hopefuls back regent amendment
..... C iv irr ficrn nHfH in favor of permitti
By Lynn Silhasek
Twenty-three of the 30 Legislature candi
dates who answered an ASUN survey
supported a nonvoting student on the NU
Board of Reqents.
The membership is provided for under
proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1
(also called the Student Regent Amendment)
which will appear on the Nov. 5 election
ballot. According to the amendment, the
student government presidents of UNL, the
University of Nebraska at Omaha, and the
Unversity of Nebraska Medical Center would
be nonvoting board members.
The survey was sent this fail to 45
candidates campaigning for Legislature in
the November elections. Thirty of the 45
candidates responded, representing 22 of 24
legislative districts, according to Jim Say,
ASUN Student Rights Committee chairman.
Survey questions concerned various stu
dent issues such as student fees, residence
hall visitation hours, aicohol on campus, the
State University of Nebraska (SUN) program
and the University Health Center authority.
Student fees
On the issue of student fees, 19 of the 30
candidates said they thought student fees
should be compulsory. Eight, candidates
favored voluntary student fees. Three
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candidates indicated that student fee funding
of certain organizations ana programs, suwi
as the Daily Nebraskan and ASUN should be
compulsory, but other areas should be
funded by other methods.
Students pay $61.50 per semester in
student fees. The Fee Allocations Board
(FAB), is a student advisory group that
makes recommendations on how student fee
money should be spent.
On whether students should have direct
control-over the allocation of this money, 15
of the 30 candidates responded yes and eight
responded no. Seven candidates did not
respond either way, commenting that student
control of these funds should be in harmony
with existing UNL administration policies.
According to present UNL policy, the NU
Board of Regents gives final approval to
student fee allocations.
Opposition to alcohol
The response from a majority of the
candidates regarding aicohoi on campus
echoed the Legislature's and Regents
opposition to the issie last year. Nineteen of
the candidates opposed alcohol on campus.
"Plenty of it elsewhere," was the
comment from Sen. John Savage, the
incumbent campaigning in the 10th legisla
tive district.
Seven responded in favor of permitting
alcohol on campus. ,
"If that person makes up his or her mina to
get drunk, he or she is going to do it whether
it is on or off campus," according to Richard
Giblin, legislative candidate from the 6th
district. "I think it is an unenforceable law
without fencing in the campus like a prison
yard with checkpoints at every entrance or
gate." t
24-hour visitation
Twenty-four hoOr visitation in UNL resi
dence halls wsflreiected, 3-1 by the 30
candidates. Tw(.ty-one responded against
the visitation, seven responded In favor of it
and three left the decision up to the Regents.
'I don't believe a tax-supported institution
should be turned into a public bordello,
commented Giblin.
"Who wants to be bothered 24 hours a
day'?" commented Walter George, 16th
district candidate, another opponent of
24-hour visitation. ,. ,,
"If I were a male student, I would like it,
commented William Nichpl, 48th district
candidate. "As a father of a girl that age
(college age), I'm against it."
Present residence halls visitation policy
allows residents to determine hours for their
own floors, up to 14 hours a day.
Dyas attacks Ford's "PR" plan: , , ...
'WIN program will be forgotten'
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Frank Morrison's car was Involved In an accident
with four other cars at 7:09 p.m. Thursday night,
prior to his appearance at the Democratic
Candidates Forum. Lincoln Police Patroleman
Lyle Roberts said the accident, which caused $850
damage to the five cars, occurred when the
acceleration linkage broke while Morrison was
backing into a parking space between 14th and
16th and R St. No ticket was given.
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By Randy Gordon , L1
Hess Dyas said Thursday night
President Gerald Ford's 31-point "whip
inflation now" program is "basically a
public relations program that will come
and go and be forgotten."
Dyas, who is opposing Charle3 Thone
for Nebraska's first Congressional seat
in the Nov. 5th general election, was one
of nine democratic candidates who
spoke at a forum sponsored by the unl
Young Democrats at the Nebraska
Dyas proposed a nine-point program
to fight inflation that includes:
Tax reform to close loopholes that
he said benefits the wealthy by allowing
those making over $50,000 yearly to
"get away without paying their fair
share." ,
Busting of large trusts and mono
plies to "end pricefixing and artificial
shortages by allowing too few people to
have too much power to control the price
structure." ,!,
Balancing the federal budget.
Cutting government and military
spending and forcing aid.
Wage and price controls which he
said can be effectively if "there are no
loopholes and is not mismanaged as it
was in the Nixon Administration." Dyas
said controls might be difficult to pass in
Congress because of what he called
earlier mismanagement.
Stabilizing the farm market by
establishing an adequate grain reserve
in the U.S., that is "treated as a reserve
and not as a surplus to drive the price of
grain down." Dyas said the U.S. must
continue to export grain and that the
prices farmers now receive a "better
and fairer price for grain."
But Dyas said he "really applauos a
lot of those Midwestern Puritan things
the President has been talking about.
We simply cannot continue to be such a
gluttonous country."
Frank Morrison, Democratic candi
date tor attorney general said m mo
race against Lancaster County Attorney
Paui Douglas is "something new in
American history.
"Never before has there been such
large funding of an attorney general
race," he said. .
Morrison said Douglas has received
$70,000 to $80,000 in campaign contri
butions and said he opposes advertis
ing' tor or private contributions to
candidates running for the office.
Morrison said he favors making the
position nonpartsan.
The former governor said schools,
civic clubs and news media "have an
obligation to give attorney general
candidates a chance to make their
positions known," free of charge.
Morrison said, if elected, ho would:
Put pressure on county attorneys to
"shore up" state criminal law.
Advocate stricter judicial ethics.
Put an expert in charge of
investigating and prosecuting mono
polies and consumer fraud.
Abolish all private law practices by
the attorney general, his deputies, or his
full time assistants.