The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1974, Page page 6, Image 6

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    70&,h ' v 70&th
located Seneoth
I CtsckTawsr One Of The
Dial 489-6863
ONE Of THS FINEST WINE SlfC7ON5 IN (OWN to the Library Lounge."
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the pic up...
the the Honda Gar
Come on over for a test drive
21 tt tk N
- 5
TKE members will run this weekend to raise funds for St. Jy2 Chlldrens
Research Hospital.
TKEs run play for St. Jude's
It won't show in Saturday's game
statistics, but 20 members of UNL's Tau
Kappa Epsilon fraternity will make the
big gain of the day as they run a football
200 miles from UNL to Kansas
University in Lawrence.
The big winner, accoding to Fred
Hakes, trek coordinator,' will be St. '
Jude's Children's Research Hospital in
Memphis. Tenn. The purpose of the run
is to raise money for and disseminate
information about St. Jude's, he said.
The football the TKEs will carry was
signed by President Gerald Ford during
his stop at Lincoln Air Park West
Wednesday afternoon, according to
TKE members. Governor J. James Exon
has also signed the ball.
The TKEs will leave Lincoln Friday
and arrive in Lawrence Saturday. The
Nebraska TKE's will be joined by Alpha
Phi chapter of TKE (the KU chapter) at
Topeka for the last portion of the run.
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospi
tal is nonsectarian interracial and is free
of charge to referred parents who have a
disease under study by the hospital.
It was founded by entertainer Danny
Thomas, who was a TKE while an
undergraduate. TKE later made St.
Jude's its national charity.
Hakes said persons wishing to
contribute to the TKE's efforts and the
continuing research work of St. Jude's
may do so by mailing contributions to:
St. Jude's Children's Research Hos
pital, P.O. Box 80715, Lincoln, Neb
raska 68501.
Contributions may also be made by
phone. Phones will be open from 5 p.m.
Friday and all day Saturday. The phone
numbers are: Lincoln -432-0194;
Omaha 291 -2200.
1 .
v. f l. - 7 v1
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Continued from pg. 1
After the departure of Air Force One,
the President's plane, some protestors
criticized security procedures, claiming
denial of their Constitutional rights.
"We were denied our rights of
assembly and right to petition," one girl
said. "We were herded into one area
like cattle.
"Every time we tried to move, there
were men shoving us around, ' ' she said.
"I got slugged in the gut by a pig."
Another man said the protestors
succeeded in shaking what called
"middle class apathy."
"EvAn though we didn't set through
to Ford, I think we succeeded in
implanting something in people's minds
to move them out of their lethargy into
real acton," he said.
Despite the demonstrators' criticism
of police, Officer Tom Robison said he
sympathized with the protestors.
"I think they were all in the right," he
said. "I'm glad to see they came out to
protest, and I'm glad they did it
"I would have been offended if they
hadn't been here."
Y ' --: i "
f ' . ;. . " A
Photos by Gail Folda
When a President of the United Stales
comes to town, all ages turn cut to
welcome him.
npi'y nebraskan
According to Richard Bradley. Col
lege of Dentistry dean, the Cuiiego of
Dentistry faculty are ail paid based on
12-month appointments, not a 9-month
basis as indicated in the Oct. 14 Dally
Nebraskan. About half of the College of
Home EconomiC3 faculty is paid on a
i-montn basui &' "jrding ta. Haze
Anthony, dean of u.-i college.
thursday, October 17, 1974
page 6
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