The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2

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Ft i in
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Students from
Seward, York and Polk
There are 480 of you at UN-L and I need your
votes in the legislative campaign for the 24th
District. Last Spring I visited practically every
home in the District's 21 Communities and serit a
mailing to every rural family. Although certainly
aged at 35, chronologically and attitudinally I'm
still clearly the "youth" candidate.
I've risked running a candid, issue-oriented
campaign and I think you'll like most of my
views. My knowlege of the University is based
upon the following:
1 . Graduate of UN-L (also advanced degrees in
both urban planning and public administration)
2. I hold a UN-L faculty position in Community
and Regional Planning (currently on leave of
To help me, go home to vote or request an
absentee ballot by November 1st. Registration
must be completed by October 25th.
' Don't just complain about the Legislature
Your 480 votes can make a big difference.
If you want to know more about me or need help
getting to the polls call my campus coordinator,
Bill Sloup at 435-8417.
Doug Ber cuter
for... (Bee-Writer)
paid for by Bereuter for Legislature committee
Queen finalists selected
Ten "iris, all juniors, have been selected as finalists
for Homecoming Queen at UNL.
The Queen, to be elected Oct. 23, will reign over the
Homecoming festivities when the Nebraska Corn
huskers piay the Oklahoma State Oct. 26. . . .
The ten finalists are: Janne D. Cooper, Grand Island
physical education; Mindy Cooper, Omaha, predental
hygiene; Chris Evans, Beatrice, political science; Barb
Hengen, Wahoo, English; Molly Higgins, Grand
Island, English; Libby Ann Lawler, P' n, elemen
tary education; Julie Ann Moravec, David City, home
economics; Susan Rehm, Crete, zoology and pre-med;
Suzanne Schepers, Shelton, food science and tech
nology; and Nancy Stohs, Grand Island, journalism and
history. -
- .
Editor-in-Chief: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes Albers.
Managing Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor:
Rebecca Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange. Sports Editor:
Steve Taylor. Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow. Night News
Editor: Jane Hoge. Chief Photographer: Gail Folda. News
Assistant: Lisa Brown. Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens.
Reporters: Harry Baumert, Chuck Beck, Deb Bettenhausen,
Lori Clepper,' Connie Sue Gaskill, Randy Gordon, Deb Gray, Ivy
Harper, Mark Hoffman, John Kaikowski, Rusty Reno, Rex
Seline,' Lynn Silasek. Mary Shackelton, Matthew Trueli, Greg
Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellermeir, Chuck Strinz,
David Ware.
Sports Staff: Bo6 Cullinan, Becky Morgan. Dennis Onnen,
Larry Stunkel.
Columnists: Mark B. Rasmussen, Karen Richardson, Tim
Sindelar, Nancy Stohs, Amy Struthers.
Artist: Ron Wheeler.
Photographer: Steve Boerner
Copy Desk: Deb Bettenhousen, Christie Cater, Shirley
Janssen, Ann Newberry, Mary Shackelton, Ron Ruggless.
Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager:
Ken Kirk. Production Manager: Kitty PoNcky.
Advertising Representatives: Sharon Cline, Spiff Haddad,
Sharon Hanford, Ron Heiny, Greg Hutson, Mitch Mohanna, Ken
Mohr. Steve Ragiin, Jane Sohl, Jerry Watson.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and
R Sts.. Lincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications
Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays
and during .vacation. " " ,..,,
' Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebbskan. Material may be
reprinted without permission i ' attributed to the Daily
Nebraskan. excepting material covered ny anoiner copyrigni
8 30 a.m. Student Affairs
Staff-Nebraska Union
10:30 a.m. Faculty Wood
wind Quintet-Union .
12 30 p m. Piacement-Urvon
12:30 p.n. Inter Varsity
Christian Fellowship-Union
2 p.m. Health Education
3:30 p.m. Parking Appeals
3:30 p.m. -Flights and Study
Tours-Union , ,
3:30 p.m. ASUN Legislative
4 p.m. -"The UFOs'-Muel-ler
5 p.m. Fee Allocations Board
Union , ; '
5:30 p.m. Council of Ameri
can Indian Students-Union
5:30 p.m. Phi Mu Alpha Sin-fonia-Union
6 p.m. Phi Mu Alpha Sin
fonia Pledges-Union
6 p.m. Recreation Dept.'
Table Tennis Tournament
Union 6 p.m. Builders, Executive
Union 6:30 p.m. Institution of Elec
trical and Electronical Engi
neers Dinner-Union
6:30 p.m. Builders-Union
6:30 p.m. Phi Upsilon Omi-cron-C.Y.
Thompson Library
7 p.m. Council on Student
7 and 9:15 p.m. "An Au
tumn Afternoon"-Sheidon
7:30 p.m. Young Democrats
7:30 p.m. Concerned Citi
zens for Better Higher Education-Union
7:30 p.m. Math Counselors
Union 8 p.m. Epsilon Chi-Union
8 p.m. NU Meds-Union
8 p.m. ASUN Student Lead
ership Conference-Union
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